XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NEW: ANALYTICS, XF1...


Great value considering the inflated prices Xenforo add-ons are sold for, many with a lack of after sales support.

Also is not an issue for a company, it is a cost of doing business and can possibly be written off financially.

I think the word we are looking for here is "Accountability".
Hey, everyone. Totally appreciate the support. For now, though, until the situation is fully resolved, it's probably best to move on from the piracy subject.

Thanks again (y)
Great addon, however is it possible to add more detail to the banner? Maybe have it more interactive like XF 1's steam integration addon? Also make it say what game your in along with the background of the game?
... Maybe have it more interactive like XF 1's steam integration addon? ...

Thanks for the suggestions!

It's been years since I've touched the add-on for XenForo 1, though; what do you mean by "more interactive"? Let me know exactly what you'd like and we'll look into it (y)
Question guys, after the data import from XF1, do I need to delete any data from my database that was carried by the old addon from Howl?
Question guys, after the data import from XF1, do I need to delete any data from my database that was carried by the old addon from Howl?
If you'd like, you should be able to go ahead and uninstall the old add-on and save a bit of DB space without losing anything of importance now that you've done the migration. We only ever migrate the Steam auth information. So, there is likely some leftover stuff that you can get rid of, if you feel the need to.

I would make a database backup just in case, though.
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If you'd like, you should be able to go ahead and uninstall the old add-on and save a bit of DB space without losing anything of importance now that you've done the migration. We only ever migrate the Steam auth information. So, there is likely some leftover stuff that you can get rid of, if you feel the need to.

I would make a database backup just in case, though.
I know some developers have been including a list of databases tables to delete after their import. Could you guys provide that?
I know some developers have been including a list of databases tables to delete after their import. Could you guys provide that?
It's a bit past 3:30 AM here. I can take a look over the weekend and let you know, though ;)

I'll try to get back to you on it as soon as I can.
Assadi updated [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NOW WITH XF1 IMPORTING with a new update entry:

Better Error Handling and Minor Refactor

This update does not bring new features as there will be a much larger update coming very soon. This does, however, improve the codebase and make error logging significantly better—making support faster, easier, and more accurate.

So, I would still recommend this update for all customers.

  • Minor code refactoring and improvements
  • Better and more graceful handling of errors

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Hello, everyone!

Figured I should be transparent and let everyone know the situation since the next two days or so may have support times and such be affected.

Currently, I'm experiencing what appears to be some issues with my heart. Things are not super great.

I'm heading off to get some blood work and an EKG done later today to try and figure out what the root cause of my symptoms.

Just figured I would keep you all up-to-date.

Regardless of what happens, @^Alex is here for support and development. So, as far as the products go, you should have absolutely trouble, aside from support being delayed by a few hours depending on your time zone.

Wish me luck ;)
Best regards.
It seems there is an error connecting to steam from the addon. Several users who tried logging in through steam had this issue.
Steam changed from http to https request. Open the file 'src\addons\BlackTea\SteamAuth\ConnectedAccount\Service\Steam.php' and change Line 113 from:
$ptn = "/^http:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/openid\/id\/(7[0-9]{15,25}+)$/";
$ptn = "/^https:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/openid\/id\/(7[0-9]{15,25}+)$/";
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