XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Quick basic formatting question. I've tried to figure it out in the settings, but no luck.

How do I tell it to not show an article widget on category pages?

Our setup has a few article widgets on the front page with a link to see more of that category. But the category page shows all the widgets; we just want it to show the main articles list on those pages.

Thanks in advance!
Also i cant add feature.
Make sure your users has these privileges. Then, on the top/right of any thread, click the moderation drop down menu and you will see the article and feature links.
With new threads, if you have the privileges, they will appear under the edit box.
Make sure your users has these privileges. Then, on the top/right of any thread, click the moderation drop down menu and you will see the article and feature links.
With new threads, if you have the privileges, they will appear under the edit box.
Thank you, everything ok now.
Hi again,

How can I change the title from 'Home' to 'Ana Sayfa'? I want to change the displayed name. The relevant element ID is EWRporta. Also, when the website first opens, it currently directs to the Forum section. How can I make this page the first to appear?
What I did was get Bob's Article Management System to make a home page with articles. This appears on the top navigation as articles. In Setup - Navigation you then turn off the "Home" tab and Move the Articles tab to where the Home tab was. Then go to setup - options - basic options and change "Index Page route" from forums/ to ams/ (ams meaning article management system). So then the web address opens directly to your home page (ie the articles page), but the first tab is still called "Articles" instead of "Home. To change it from "Articles" to "Home" or to "Ana Sayfa" you would then need to rename the navigation tab. I assume the process would be similar if using something else as a home page except you'd need to change the Index Page route to something else.

To then rename that tab to Ana Sayfa, you'd need to edit the phrase for whatever your home page is using. Eg if using Article Management System you'd need to rename the nav. phrase for that.

There may be other ways depending on what type of home page you intend to use so I'll let others explain how to rename the tab.
@Jaxel I upgraded to xenforo 2.2.16 patch 2. Do I need to install xenporta version?
You should install XP

Hello, could you help me? I paid $90 today, and I hope you can assist me.
Hi again,

How can I change the title from 'Home' to 'Ana Sayfa'? I want to change the displayed name. The relevant element ID is EWRporta. Also, when the website first opens, it currently directs to the Forum section. How can I make this page the first to appear?
Check the FAQ.
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