XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

No permission to buy ($40.00)
@Jaxel - Every time that I try to enter a thread or create a thread, I receive the following error: Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /home4/***/public_html/src/addons/EWR/Porta/Pub/Controller/Thread.php on line 19
Jaxel updated XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO with a new update entry: - CHANGELOG

For years, I've been trying to get people to STOP using the auto-promote setting. I've been telling people how much of a strain on server resources it was, and how it would affect performance of the addon. People didn't listen. Well with XenPorta 2 for XF2, I will NOT be bringing this feature back. HOWEVER, I have included a new "secret" page in the administration section which will help people out.

If you've been using the auto-promote feature in the past, with XF2, you may now find your...

Read the rest of this update entry...
That's pretty interesting. I like to think I've followed Xenporta pretty closely and I've NEVER seen mention of not to use the auto promote for performance reasons (i.e. pulling articles from a forum).

Thanks for adding the alternative though.
Should upgrading have reverted all my settings? It changed the number of columns back from 1 to 2 and turned the date display back on.
Uh still have this error, I don't understand why I didn't touch the settings for the moment.
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Can't use method return value in write context src/addons/EWR/Porta/Pub/Controller/Thread.php:18
but thanks for updating ^^
@Jaxel - Every time that I try to enter a thread or create a thread, I receive the following error: Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /home4/***/public_html/src/addons/EWR/Porta/Pub/Controller/Thread.php on line 19
It appears this error occurs with servers using PHP 5.5 and below. Will send out an update later tonight after I figure this SSL thing out.
If it's "As long as it's the same website." then I'm hoping for some instructions on the matter. Because I used the document I have for XF1 to remove the branding, and it doesn't work.
If it's "As long as it's the same website." then I'm hoping for some instructions on the matter. Because I used the document I have for XF1 to remove the branding, and it doesn't work.
If it carries over to the same website (I am assuming same URL, maybe a good policy that it be per one license instance, but, the same URL criteria works for me) then that is great.

I believe this is a great product and I support Jaxel getting paid for his work. Same time, it seems to me that while I think it makes sense to charge for the XF 2 functional product- even for previous purchasers of the earlier version- that is also fair to carryover the branding free purchase that the same loyal customers paid for in the earlier version. My reasoning is that the first (add-on) entailed additional work that should be fairly compensated to make it work, the copyright/branding does not cost more and it is just a removal of the "ad" for Jaxel's product. (To me, I don't care about giving credit where it is due or even supporting Jaxel by having the brand on my page. For me, it is just that I prefer things to be as "clean" as possible and uncluttered with text that my forum members are unlikely to care about or view).
Wasn't XenPorta for XF1 free? I don't know if it changed at some stage but I'm fairly certain it was free. Begrudging paying £30 for the amount of effort this must've taken to rewrite seems a bit crappy to be honest.
This update doesn't offer enough useful things to cost another $40. It's just an update for XF2 and some tweaks...
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