XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO [Paid]

No permission to buy ($40.00)
If people are reporting an issue, they should be looked over and tested rather than getting a ‘huh’ or ‘it doesn’t show threads’ because that’s two people reporting it now and it will save a lot of hassle for others too.
If people are reporting an issue, they should be looked over and tested rather than getting a ‘huh’ or ‘it doesn’t show threads’ because that’s two people reporting it now and it will save a lot of hassle for others too.
I've looked into it, and I have a fix coming down...

However, if you try to report a bug, and your message is completely unintelligible... I'm going to say "huh?". I speak English, its the only language I know.

For instance, what does this sentence mean?
Only one event in calendar holds the last posted thread though but still not good.
However, if you try to report a bug, and your message is completely unintelligible... I'm going to say "huh?". I speak English, its the only language I know.
Well, i am not a native english speaking person so i might not always express myself understandable.
I will suggest that you instead of "huh" just say "I am not quite sure what you mean, please try to explain a bit more..." or something like that.

That "huh" you gave me (even twice) made me feel you were making fool of me and i kinda regret that i had bought both the xenporta and xenatendo from you.
Well, i am not a native english speaking person so i might not always express myself understandable.
I will suggest that you instead of "huh" just say "I am not quite sure what you mean, please try to explain a bit more..." or something like that.

That "huh" you gave me (even twice) made me feel you were making fool of me and i kinda regret that i had bought both the xenporta and xenatendo from you.

It's just his ignorant personality, get used to it because you've already purchased.
Jaxel updated XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO with a new update entry: - CHANGELOG

  • Added an option to limit the maximum number of hours an event can last.
  • Added an option to completely disable the geo-location and mapping system.
  • Added support for thread permissions on events. Now, if an event is linked to a thread, and the user does not have permission to view that thread... they will no longer see the event.
  • Fixed a bug where events with no threads would get their titles updated to match new threads.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't edit the timezone...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Prepurchase questions...
1) My website doesn't use the subnavigation menu. Is it possible to switch between the views without it? (Month, week, etc)
2) Can I easily put a sidebar widget which pulls up the next 5 upcoming events? (Or whatever number I set) has a Bug
New Threads and Posts are now not displayed in the Forum List.
I deinstalled and reinstalled All is ok.
Upgrade or new Installation Atendo without any settings. Bug is back.
I disabled all other AddOns but your other AddOns. Problem not solved.
After "Rebuild Caches" -> "Rebuild Forums" the Thread and Posts are displayed in the Forum List.
But I have to do this after every new Thread / Post as Long as your AddOn Atendo is enabled.
Here some Pics if I expressed myself incomprehensibly:

Displayed in Forum List:

Content in "Thread Refresh" Test:

Threads in Forum "Allgemeiens Testforum"

Confirmed, I said I would buy when certain edits were added and they were, so I did. However when I create events it DOES create them in my Heritage Events forum but it shows 0 threads and 0 messages.
I created two events, yet only ONE shows on the calendar. All permission have been set.



My Feb 28th event will NOT show on the calendar.
Okay I just updated and it now shows in the forums but if I create two events only one shows on the calendar. I created one for the 1st of March, that one shows, I then created one, same time, for testing, on Feb 28th. That one will not show on the calendar.
I can't get two events to show, one in Feb one in March. The March one shows, the Feb one does not. Tried a few times now. Set all date and time limits to 0 too, in the control panel.
Some future requests:

1. Make it permission based on how long you can create events for and how many days out. I would like my admins to be able to forecast events months in advance but my registered members 30days max.
2. Have an option to pick event time limits based on days not hours.
3. Make it so you do not get the option to create an event for a day that already passed. I could see players trolling by creating an event for the 21st of a month when it is the 22nd.
4. Ability to easily change the nav bar name from Calendar to whatever we want. IE : Events , ect.
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