xF Host Update

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Yeap, but they only handle sales and level 1 support via phone. Network admins are tickets only as they are down in the data center where the servers are housed, not in a cubicle. Trust me, I been trying all night, every call leads to the same answer of you'll need to wait for a ticket update. They house over 300,000 servers across 4 centers, three in France and one where our servers are located in Canada. Sadly tonight, I'm learning we are just a number. Last time I dealt with beyond level one, was a hardware replacement. They were fast and friendly, very un-like tonight.
Just to help everyone feel a bit better, here is a screenshot of backups.. http://awesomescreenshot.com/05e1bfq98f In the event the last one did not complete because of the servers cycling down, as you can see there are backups only one hour before too. I'm very happy in situations like this, we invested in hourly backups rather the daily.
Not you mike... Who you're providing your host service through.

Oh ok, sorry! it's been a very long day. I guess since we use dedi's, I see them more as our data center then our host so to speak :) But yeah, if I was being rude, I wanted to know so I could say sorry, as some things just come across wrong after this much stress.
Perhaps you should switch data centers now and deal with OVH after. They don't seem particularly keen on resolving things. If necessary, file a chargeback with your credit card company. Worst case scenario, you spend 1 month cost to keep your clients happy.
Perhaps you should switch data centers now and deal with OVH after. They don't seem particularly keen on resolving things. If necessary, file a chargeback with your credit card company.

We will be moving for sure, biggest issue right now with just dropping everything and moving is, earlier this week I paid our June invoice for all our servers.

I went out back, but nothing fell shaking the tree :D
Dilemma for sure. Truthfully if I was one of your customers, I'd be pretty ticked off about revenue loss and worry that it'll drag out for a few days. Judging from the roundabout answers OVH has given you, it seems to be a very low priority for them.
Dilemma for sure, but truthfully if I was one of your customers, I'd be pretty ticked off due to revenue loss and worry that it'll drag out for a few days. Judging from how OVH has responded to you, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a very low priority for them.

Yeah, I'm lucky we have such awesome clients! I guess that's what sets the difference between just another host and being a xF user myself and active in our community brought us great clients.
Dilemma for sure. Truthfully if I was one of your customers, I'd be pretty ticked off about revenue loss and worry that it'll drag out for a few days. Judging from the roundabout answers OVH has given you, it seems to be a very low priority for them.

Yeah, I'm lucky we have such awesome clients! I guess that's what sets the difference between just another host and being a xF user myself and active in our community brought us great clients.

Honestly, the only reason we haven't jumped ship is because of Mike's knowledge, support and manner. He gets the job done, easily and has always helped us when needed. Not to mention, XenForo throws a fit on almost all other hosting we've tried.
Yeah, I'm lucky we have such awesome clients! I guess that's what sets the difference between just another host and being a xF user myself and active in our community brought us great clients.

I think you highly overestimate the patience of your clients. As a former XF Host customer, I feel I can say that with some authority. I'd get the hell out of OHV now and get this problem resolved. Screw your one month payment. Fight it with OHV on your own time and dime. Do you want to be known as the guy who let all these sites be down for 3 or 4 days or the guy who got **** done and got sites back online when things went haywire? If you're looking to build a business hosting XF forums, I'd think the latter would be in your best interest, no matter the cost. Any host that leaves all sites down for days at end is unfit to do business, in my opinion, regardless of who's fault it is. Sometimes you just have to do what you gotta do and fix things.
Would email communication have been a better option for this Mike? (to all your customers)
Ok so some, somewhat good news. Finally talked to a good tech on the phone. He is going to do all he can to get abuse in France to look into our issue. From what he told me, their phones are ringing off the hook, they did a sweep this afternoon and disabled every server that showed signs of high mail volume and data traffic and going though each one on a case by case basis. Sadly abuse in Canada is 8am - 10pm and gone home, so he is trying to get France to resolve this.

He looked though the ticket and accessed our servers and it's logs agreeing we were indeed just caught in the cross fire of the sweep due to the amount of mail goes though our servers and we push a consistant 150gbps bandwidth. He said in the event France does not take care of this tonight, the abuse admin in the morning is far more knowledgeable then "daniel" and will find in my favor in the morning.

He even followed up with a e-mail after my call.. First time that ever happened at OVH

As mentionned over the phone I have forwarded your issue to the abuse team in OVH France
Worst case scenario, Axel will look into the issue in the morning.
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