XF Development - xf falling apart?

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What pisses me off is currently there is no single alternative for Big boards. I thought IPB would be but that thought immediately stopped as soon as i started a test conversion to IPB.
What happened in your tests to determine that Mert, if you don't mind me asking?
Just a quick example : http://xenforo.com/community/threads/updated-august-update-discussion-thread.36663/ with a quick look you can find other ones also.

That does not seem like an attempt to keep people from discussing things...seems like a fair response given that the answers sought can only come from Ashley. But, I don't want to go off on a meta analysis tangent. Just that reading that does not make me think anything other than a reasonable forum administration action. But, as always, opinions are in the eye of the (be)holder.
I dont really care that core devolopement has stalled, But i do care to a great deal that this is effecting third party devolopers.. And i cant get the meat on my community that i need. Seriously i cant get any devolopers to take my money on a cpl much needed addons. KMA are destroying their buisness and nobody knows why. The devs by omission have declared war on their own customers..Its easy to understand why some people will risk a migration to inferior products just to have some options.. Not that anyone cares esp the devolopers but im seriously looking at my spare vB4 licenses and am seriously considering reverting back to vB.. Not because the product is more efficent or better but because i need a few certain things that no third part dev is interested in taking on.. With vB these same plugins are actually free as opposed to hundreds of buck ythe same product would cost me here.. Its one thing that KMA are ****ting all over their own product but i cant and wont let them **** on my buisness. Something has to give and soon.
I agree with the OP in that all development discussions should be allowed. Locking threads like this makes no sense as it will only suppress feelings and push people to a more extreme side. Just make sure that people who can't behave (i.e. personally attack others) get clear warnings etc. and it'll be fine.
I agree with the OP in that all development discussions should be allowed. Locking threads like this makes no sense as it will only suppress feelings and push people to a more extreme side. Just make sure that people who can't behave (i.e. personally attack others) get clear warnings etc. and it'll be fine.

The locking of threads was not because these types of discussions are not permitted, but rather, certain individuals keep derailing the thread and discussion for everyone else.
The locking of threads was not because these types of discussions are not permitted, but rather, certain individuals keep derailing the thread and discussion for everyone else.
I would really love to see anyone apply this way of thinking to a real conversation. "I'm sorry, you derailed the discussion by following the natural flow of conversation. I'm going to duct tape the mouth everyone who was involved with the conversation so nothing can be said now. " If people start abusing others, give them warnings. If they continue, give them bans. Locking the discussion solves nothing. If you can't handle moderating because it's "too much for you", get more help or don't take on the responsibility.
You only have to venture into many topics where members getting bashed, every other thread is purely bickering (choose to ignore this that is your privilege) Jake and slavik allowed these verbally abusive posts to stand and I think this is to deviate from the real issue, the devs absence causing unrest in the community. Clearly the staff are letting things fly that would otherwise be acted upon so the "Falling apart" in the title is referenced to that.

To the best of my knowledge Jake has been particularly busy as of late, and I am currently trying to run 2 companies as my business partner was taken into hospital with heart problems 2 weeks ago so my time has been thin to say the least, additionaly as it is coming to the end of the Koi keeping season I have to co-ordinate the purcahses for next years Koi stock for multiple companies (which are figures well into the hundreds of thousands of pounds) so unfortunately something has to give and it is the time I can spend on XenForo.

Use the report button. Someone will get to it eventually.
I, for one, would like to know if the developer's (one in particular) are too stressed, nearly destitute, and ruined because of this lawsuit to the point they can't make an appearance on their own company website to try and salvage what's left of the community they started, why on earth do they (he) have time for this?: http://www.adminaddict.net/topic/65...til-the-trial-is-over/page__st__40#entry72320

Please, do me a favor and don't attack this as nonsense. I have known about this for some time as I'm friends with him on FB and I have had a recent conversation with one of the principles here that lead me to believe that some of the speculation seen in the above thread does indeed have legs. So...there you have it. What say you Mr.Darby? Is the company line we've been being fed here lately have any basis in truth?
I agree that discussions should not be locked. The software has warnings and ban features. Let people know through warnings that abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Ban them for a month if need be. Maybe more. But often many people make their points perfectly reasonably and with good choice of words. Shutting them out feels like cheating.
I would really love to see anyone apply this way of thinking to a real conversation. "I'm sorry, you derailed the discussion by following the natural flow of conversation. I'm going to duct tape the mouth everyone who was involved with the conversation so nothing can be said now. " If people start abusing others, give them warnings. If they continue, give them bans. Locking the discussion solves nothing. If you can't handle moderating because it's "too much for you", get more help or don't take on the responsibility.

I respectfully disagree. I believe there's a fine line between a discussion that follows the natural flow of conversations that remain civil, cordial, respectful, and professional and a discussion that has been derailed by childish, immature, disrespectful, and unprofessional conduct.
I, for one, would like to know if the developer's (one in particular) are too stressed, nearly destitute, and ruined because of this lawsuit to the point they can't make an appearance on their own company website to try and salvage what's left of the community they started, why on earth do they (he) have time for this?: http://www.adminaddict.net/topic/65...til-the-trial-is-over/page__st__40#entry72320

Please, do me a favor and don't attack this as nonsense. I have known about this for some time as I'm friends with him on FB and I have had a recent conversation with one of the principles here that lead me to believe that some of the speculation seen in the above thread does indeed have legs. So...there you have it. What say you Mr.Darby? Is the company line we've been being fed here lately have any basis in truth?
Would love to be able to actually view that attachment without joining...anyone care to upload it somewhere?
I respectfully disagree. I believe there's a fine line between a discussion that follows the natural flow of conversations that remain civil, cordial, respectful, and professional and a discussion that has been derailed by childish, immature, disrespectful, and unprofessional conduct.
That's where actual moderation comes in, as pointed out in my post. Eventually, those who behave that way will get the picture, even if it takes a permanent ban for it to happen. It's also quite obvious that moderation is biased. Only people who have something negative to say about the situation seem to be feeling the brunt of moderation.
That's where actual moderation comes in, as pointed out in my post. Eventually, those who behave that way will get the picture, even if it takes a permanent ban for it to happen. It's also quite obvious that moderation is biased. Only people who have something negative to say about the situation seem to be feeling the brunt of moderation.

Many "pro xenforo" users have received warnings in recent weeks for attacking other members. However the most prolific users are usually "anti xenforo" and go out of their way to cause trouble, so end up eating the brunt by their own doings.
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