XF 2.3 ?

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What new features? What world needs?
Read through this thread.

To be honest, I'm done posting on this thread. It's just waste of time and we go in circle and playing ping pong here.

Will see what's in XF2.3 and see if it's worth being a customer after waiting 2.5 years.
pong GIF
Reminds me of a conversation I had years ago not long after the advent of mobile phones before they had apps, cameras etc.

A nice lady from Vodaphone rang me and the conversation went something like this

Vodaphone lady: you qualify for a new phone free
Me: Why? it's only a year old
Vodaphone lady: but the new one is free
Me: why?
Vodaphone lady: it has new features
Me: what new features?
Vodaphone lady: I don't know
Me: so does it work better than my (not very old one)?
Vodaphone lady: well it has new features
Me: but does it make better phone calls?
Vodaphone lady: haha, no it just has new features
Me: what do I do with the (not very) old one?
Vodaphone lady: you can throw it away.
Me: isn't that a bad thing regarding the environment?
Vodaphone lady: I wouldn't know, but you get a new phone you won't need the old one
Me: but why would I put a perfectly nice working phone in landfill?
Vodaphone lady: because the one we will send you free has some new features
Me: what if I don't like the features?
Vodaphone lady: I don't know, people usually want the new features
Me: why?
Vodaphone lady: because they are new...

I kept the old one
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I kept the old one
But the world around you moved on.

How poetic, almost as if your anecdote was tailor made for our situation here with forums.

We keep keeping the "old ones" and everyone else like 99% of population is moving on. And then we tap our shoulders and are proud of being behind the others.

I am a "we need progress" kind of guy. I am not as wise as King Solomon but I think every bit of progress is helpful. I think greatness thrives from never being satisfied and always trying to push it for more. I can recommend the excellent movie "Whiplash" if anyone hasn't seen it but as a Jazz musician you should be familiar with it.

"Are we rushing or dragging?"

I think the answer is clear.

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But the world around you moved on.
Indeed, because I found out when I eventually got the new one when my old one actually broke, I discovered what I had been missing all along which was a game that involved putting pink bricks on top of green bricks.

But still didn't get any more phone calls though :(
But still didn't get any more phone calls though :(

Well, how is it to be still in 1993?

It all is a question of perspective. If in 2023 your only use of mobile phones are still to just get calls, yeah, progress won't matter to you.

I am thankful that I am not getting lost anymore since Google navigation always brings me to the place I want to be. Thanks to my mobile phone. Or I can now listen to music on my phone whereever I am, I don't need to burn endless cds so I can listen to them in my car. Or bring a walkman and buy cassettes. What? I can also watch videos whenever I feel like it? Really? And not just videos, I can watch my parents live while I am talking to them on the phone? See how my mum is doing? What? I can also send files and pictures to people whenever needed, instantly? Or receive them to look up them quickly?

Damn progress feels lame. Yes, I should go back in time and just be able to receive phone calls.
Well, how is it to be still in 1993?
I don't know. I think you may be assuming too much, or maybe you didn't understand what I was saying.
If in 2023 your only use of mobile phones are still to just get calls, yeah, progress won't matter to you.
Progress matters to me but not pointless progress (see my post above). I use an iPhone that is about 3 years out of date, I see no point in upgrading every year - perhaps I would if I needed the new features. I upgraded the phone as soon as I needed (or rather, wanted) the better camera.
I use an iPhone that is about 3 years out of date, I see no point in upgrading every year - perhaps I would if I needed the new features. I upgraded the phone as soon as I needed (or rather, wanted) the better camera.
Maybe if you earned $50,000 a month you would have a different view... I have an iPhone 11 and I don't see the point of changing it but if I really had a big salary I would. :)
I have an iPhone 11 and I don't see the point of changing it but if I really had a big salary I would. :)
I have an iPhone 11 Pro too and don't see the point of changing it. Even if I had Jeff Bezos-tier money. Because Face ID never recognizes me and unless Apple re-invents some Touch ID (or maybe a foldable), I'll rock that thing until it falls apart.

That said, I feel like this thread could be declared EOL as well. :P
I don't know. I think you may be assuming too much, or maybe you didn't understand what I was saying.
I don't know. Your comment read like a snarky remark, where you were implying that even with progress that you don't get more phone calls. Maybe I misunderstood, possible. And I tried to say that progress can be done while keeping that one main thing intact. So the core feature of a phone is still there, one can call people, but around that the phone evolved so much that it also can do many more things.

Progress matters to me but not pointless progress (see my post above). I use an iPhone that is about 3 years out of date, I see no point in upgrading every year - perhaps I would if I needed the new features. I upgraded the phone as soon as I needed (or rather, wanted) the better camera.
It is not like we are flooded with pointless features left and right. Like what pointless progress? Or are you saying that XF has had pointless progress in the past and you don't want that?

Also, even if, just don't use them, what's the problem? Also just like your iPhone example you are free to upgrade whenever you want, you are not forced to update. You can still be on the 1.X versions if you wanted. So, I don't understand the hesitation here. As long as we get the option to enable/disable the new features, all is good. I don't use profile posts or tags or MG either. But others might do so I am not standing in their way.

This attitude of cockblocking people is not helpful either. It is okay for you not to want feature xyz. But why are some people here talking on behalf of all of us and force it their way?

PS to everyone:

If you don't like where the thread is going, just ignore it. All of you should be forum veterans and the last thing any community needs are gatekeepers. This is a discussion thread about 2.3 and we are discussing it. If you don't like it, ignore it, easy as that. Don't derail the thread, it has a good purpose.
Like what pointless progress? Or are you saying that XF has had pointless progress in the past and you don't want that?
No, I meant to imply nothing about xenForo. All I meant was I would have thrown away a perfectly good phone in favour of one that was the same but had a (to me pointless) game on it involving pink and green bricks that I would never have used.

OK, so maybe I could have donated the old phone for re-use somewhere. If the new features were useful - such asa camera or a compass, calculator, spirit level then yes I would have upgraded and would have taken advantage of progress - which is exactly what I do now when I uprade any hardware or software. So again, no, I am not still in 1993.
No, I meant to imply nothing about xenForo. All I meant was I would have thrown away a perfectly good phone in favour of one that was the same but had a (to me pointless) game on it involving pink and green bricks that I would never have used.

OK, so maybe I could have donated the old phone for re-use somewhere. If the new features were useful - such asa camera or a compass, calculator, spirit level then yes I would have upgraded and would have taken advantage of progress - which is exactly what I do now when I uprade any hardware or software. So again, no, I am not still in 1993.
I'm coming in late but I think @sbj point is similar to a small convo you and I had in another thread. Xenforo has to evolve or it will be left behind. Forums have to take some feature of social media if it is to be relevant in today's market. That doesn't mean leaving discovery up to an algorithm and removal of nodes but things like feeds are standard in today's age and Xenforo should have a good solution out the box.

I'm not saying it should be the primary focus but growing the software and helping the community's that run it stay competitive is important. Just because 2.2 works well for oldschoolcarmechanics.com doesn't mean it's going to be the same for videogametalk.com. The users on the video game talk are most likely going to be more tech savvy and when they see your site become stagnant they will flee to one that isn't.

We saw this with vBulletin, phpBB, and etc.
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