XF 2.3 ?

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Have you never heard of Skynet from the Terminator movies?

Of course it was a joke - why would you think that implants would be required to use forum software?
I never watched Terminator films. My apologies about that. :D

// I usually watch Anime (carefully chosen by myself).
Of course it was a joke - why would you think that implants would be required to use forum software?
It's the next logical step. I won't even have to type anymore. My incoherent babblings could go straight to the text editor.

But that might not be a good thing...
I mean, I said it was a joke, but who knows what will happen in the future.

Implants may will become the norm.
We're skipping 2.3 and going straight to 3.0.

That will require all add-ons to be rewritten in a new language called Skynet++ and members will require an implant to use the site.
It's the next logical step. I won't even have to type anymore. My incoherent babblings could go straight to the text editor.

But that might not be a good thing...
@Xon we need this now, nevermind 3.0.. make it happen! 😉
Like the 5G tracking implants in the COVID vaccinations given to Republicans?
Not just republicans.

Google Maps has integrated chip tracking now - very useful for seeing where colleagues, friends, etc. are.

Not just republicans.

Google Maps has integrated chip tracking now - very useful for seeing where colleagues, friends, etc. are.

View attachment 256940
That guy sure gets around. And whether he's walking, biking, or driving, I'm pretgty sure he's breaking speed limits. Thank goodness for Google or we'd never know who was breaking the law.
Hope register using phone number added as one of the primary registration methods.
New generation have no email address and they signup to FB, Twitter, Insta, whatsapp etc.. using phone number and password
Hope register using phone number added as one of the primary registration methods.
New generation have no email address and they signup to FB, Twitter, Insta, whatsapp etc.. using phone number and password
You can enable FB, Twitter etc. reg.
Not if registering via social media.
Nope! i tried to signup using a Facebook account created with a phone number. Then Xenforo asking for the email.
So you can not signup without email even using social media.
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Found this link from one of the above posts: https://umbrella-online.co.uk/

Tried creating an account using Twitter and Reddit. Both times I was asked to fill in my email address. This could be an admin setting though.
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Found this link from one of the above posts: https://umbrella-online.co.uk/

Tried creating an account using Twitter and Reddit. Both times I was asked to fill in my email address. This could be an admin setting though.
Not in settings, xenforo is built around the email as the only unique identification. We should add phone number as an alternative.
New social media generation have no email address. They signup to everything using phone number.
tbh mobile numbers are not a good account id for a platform like xenforo. there is no easy way to authenticate because you would have to deal with external sms gateways. i would personally never use my number on a forum type platform. emails are easy and disposable.
tbh mobile numbers are not a good account id for a platform like xenforo. there is no easy way to authenticate because you would have to deal with external sms gateways. i would personally never use my number on a forum type platform. emails are easy and disposable.
1. Big potion of the new generation signup to social media using phone number. they don't have an email. So even with social media connect option they can not sign in to your forum. And they will not be bothered to create an email just to signup to your forum.

2. If you are serious about your forum, SMS gateway is no big deal. It will keep 99% of the spammers away and people start to value their account coz they can not create unlimited accounts using only disposable email.

All the big guys fb, insta, twitter, reddit, whatsapp etc.. all has phone as a unique identifier now.
Having only email and even forcing social media connect users to enter email is a big turn off.
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1. Big potion of the new generation signup to social media using phone number. they don't have an email. So even with social media connect option they can not sign in to your forum. And they will not be bothered to create an email just to signup to your forum.

2. If you are serious about your forum, SMS gateway is no big deal. It will keep 99% of the spammers away and people start to value their account coz they can not create unlimited accounts just using disposable email.

All the big guys fb, insta, twitter, reddit, whatsapp etc.. all has phone as a unique identifier now.
Having only email and even forcing social media connect users to enter a email is so old school.
I'm with @beerForo. Post this idea as a thread in Suggestions so we can vote on it.
1. Big potion of the new generation signup to social media using phone number. they don't have an email.
If we go to the end of the reflection, the new generation does not even think of registering on forums ... So all in all ...
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