XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

I'll be honest, I haven't renewed my license because I'm still waiting for version 2.3 and I think there are a lot of people with the same situation.
Renew it today
Jin Youre Not The Boss Of Me GIF by NETFLIX
Renew it today
Or people can renew when they do their maintenance cycles?

I likely will not be renewing until the end of the year, as it will take at least that long to update my main site. The network of sites I took over will probably be updated mid to late 2025, at the very least.
yup. anytime! and since renewal price has already seen a minor hike, it's likely that the price would remain the same for a while.
Would be better to do it before it’s released. Saves the stress
When it is better very much depends on individual circumstances. It makes no difference to us when it is. People should maximise the value they get out of the cost. Whether that means doing it now and playing with the new stuff early or waiting until longer into the future once things are more stable - any approach that works for the license holder is fine by us.
When it is better very much depends on individual circumstances. It makes no difference to us when it is. People should maximise the value they get out of the cost. Whether that means doing it now and playing with the new stuff early or waiting until longer into the future once things are more stable - any approach that works for the license holder is fine by us.
Yeah I see your point but I think it’s better to do it before because then they have more time to play with the new stuff
Yes that approach is valid if it works for you. Someone else may decide to do it a different way if that is their preference.
I'm wondering how soon XF 3.0 is anticipated from the point of view of whether we can/should expect addon developers to release XF 2.3 updates/support, or whether for purposes of not duplicating effort soon after they'll wait until XF 3.0 is in beta to update addon support from 2.2 straight to 3.0
You are making a mistake. The forum should be launched as soon as this idea arises, rather than waiting for a specific version release. You are losing time. The more users there are, the sooner content will appear, and it will be indexed by search engines faster.

In hindsight - this piece of advice was awesome, and I'm glad for having taken it.

My impression when I wrote the original post was that the 2.3 is months away - months as in two or three, not dozens. :)

The forum works nicely. It does its job for what I intended it. The minor update to v2.2.15 went super-smoothly.

Sure, I am looking forward to out-of-the-box image optimization and anchor links, but fortunately my forum is still not super-busy for the former to be a problem, and the latter... I can live without it, and I don't know of any better forum software alternatives (at least for my use case).

Coming from a decade of WordPress experience - frequent updates without proper testing are a bad idea. Another bane of many plugins (and even the WP core) is giving in to unreasonable but popular feature demand. I think it takes some brains and some guts by the developers to say no to such things, and I like that about XenForo.

Regarding renewals:
I did pay for the licence renewal to support the good work, but I don't see anythig wrong with waiting for a stable update before renewing.

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I'm wondering how soon XF 3.0 is anticipated from the point of view of whether we can/should expect addon developers to release XF 2.3 updates/support, or whether for purposes of not duplicating effort soon after they'll wait until XF 3.0 is in beta to update addon support from 2.2 straight to 3.0
I imagine most active developers will update for 2.3 and then for 3.0 when it starts the beta process.

Many resources have already been updated with 2.3 compatible versions.

Recall that 3.0 is primarily a style change but there will also be some goodies.
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