XenZine Articles [Deleted]

Imagine a scenario where you have thousands of tags... how then can you easily structure the article list / display a navigation list to find articles.

Just splatting out a thousand tags down the side would make it hard to find certain things, for instances "sci-fi film reviews"
The category list makes it easy to structure the data Film Reviews >> Sci Film Reviews

Obviously, you could just search for Articles, but the Article List + Category Navigation gives the user a useful front end to navigate through (much like a forum-list / thread-list)

Instead of "instead of"... what about additionally

There is no reason tags (or keywords) can not be used to filter the article lists ... but there still needs to be a structure to easily navigate through the articles

yeah, you are right.

It would be great to have "keyword tags" for each image in the "article list".
So it will show other "articles" containing the same keyword.

It should be just a very simple "keyword tag list", no fancy and confusing "tag cloud"-design.

Would be great if you could include this.

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who should add the tags, or should the be permissions based "canAddKeyWordsAnyArticle"
I can easily extent the current keyword to act as tags (added by the Article Author)
  • Tags on the article page like "weheartit.com" (an ACP option for clouds, I know some people prefer them)
  • make clicking the tags navigate to a filtered article list (filtered by tag)
  • mouse over entry tabs like "weheartit.com" on the article list (if touch screen?will need to see what they do)
To do List updated
who should add the tags, or should the be permissions based "canAddKeyWordsAnyArticle"

I think the user (Article Author) should add the "keyword tags" by himself.
Probably give him a limit of e.g. maximum 5 tags or 10 tags per image (per article) ?

But the Admin should have the ability to "edit" the tags submitted by the user.
Admin should also be able to add tags to an article (in case the user forgot to do it).
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Is it possible to add articles using content from RSS feeds, so the image in the feed is used as article image?

I think somebody may have mentioned this before

On clicking the article, I assume you would be navigated away to the external RSS feed source? How would you rate them / like them / discuss them..

I can see how this would be useful, but cant get my head around how you would want this implemented. Can you do a mock up image?
sorry, one more question:

is it possible to "search" for those "keyword tags" ?
When searching for a term like "fitness", then it brings up a drop-down-list in the search-box of those tags....

Also, "top tags" would be great.
Not sure how those would be defined of when certain tags are being "top" ?
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On clicking the article, I assume you would be navigated away to the external RSS feed source? How would you rate them / like them / discuss them..
No, on clicking the article, I want to see content of the feed. Most RSS fees has title, date, content and image.
xf rocks widget framework has widget that allows you to see images (see below). It would be nice if those image in fees could be "article images" so the images could be shown at the article list pages.

@HenrikHansen Feeds don't contain full articles do they, just the summary? Or do you know of feeds that contain the full content (with images),

There is often no advantage to the site to supply the full content (why bother visiting them), but if you provide some feeds with these type of articles/content, I can see what I can do

My to-do list is getting large, and it will be near the bottom
@HenrikHansen Feeds don't contain full articles do they, just the summary? Or do you know of feeds that contain the full content (with images),
Typically, just summaries yes (but I have seen quite large summaries, also:cool:)
Example of feed with images: http://podcasts.engadget.com/rss.xml
I know this might be bit overkill for the articles script but the intention was to show the feeds like this:
Enhancements, Thread Tools (admin / mod tools on threads)
  • Added an option to convert Threads to Articles within the thread tools. I've done this in such a way that:
  1. The option only displays if the Thread is in an Article Forum (default or defined by categories)
  2. The option only displays if the user has this permissions to convert Threads to Articles
  3. The option does not display if the thread is already associated to an aricle
  4. I have done this using 0 queries overhead to the thread view!!!
The options for Threads to Articles contain the following settings:
  • Use a custom article image (upload an image at the time of conversion)
  • Category Selection (pre-populated as the 1st category for this forum)
  • Article Title (pre-populated with the thread title)
  • Article Summary (pre-populated with a snippet of the thread content)
  • Replace First Post (defualt: true. Once the article has been created from the first post, replace the first post by a "read more" link
  • Create Article as Published ( Ticked by default. Ticking this option converts the thread into a published article. However, if this option is un-ticked, the article will be created as an unpublished article and will remain in the users unpublished list until they submit the article for publishing)
  • Use post_time: (ticked by default. Use the first posts post_time value for the articles publish time (instead of current time))

This is impressive. When converting a thread to an article, what happens to all the replies? Are they converted to article comments?

I think I understand how this works now.
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I think the Link named "Full Article" can be removed, since you will anyway be forwarded to the article when clicking an image.
Instead add a Link which says "Leave a Comment" (better: name this Link simply "Forum") and forward this Link directly to the "Discussions-Tab".

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Have checked the to do - and it is greatly impressive how much you have done.

I am waiting for these before I buy - especially multiple pages.

10) Articles with multiple pages
12) Default picture per category (defined in the ACP)
13) Allow Admin to publish directly (user group permission to publish direct)
12 I'm working on now, 13 shouldn't be too hard to do (so I could try to fit it in)...

10 Not next build, but I will look into it in a later build. I'm not sure how/when pages should be added and how this will affect the look/design of the submit an article area (I want to keep this area as simple as possible)
If a user is editing a multi page article via the submit an article area, how would this look (how would they get from one page to the other), it has to be simple and clean
Multiple pages: the way Ive used it on another addon I had a link to Add Page which then added as the next page after the one I'm looking at now.
10 Not next build, but I will look into it in a later build. I'm not sure how/when pages should be added and how this will affect the look/design of the submit an article area (I want to keep this area as simple as possible)
If a user is editing a multi page article via the submit an article area, how would this look (how would they get from one page to the other), it has to be simple and clean

When editing, it would be all on one page. Then the user could insert a BB code or something that would trigger a page break when rendered.
When editing, it would be all on one page. Then the user could insert a BB code or something that would trigger a page break when rendered.
That would be a very long single page if it was 12 - 15 article pages - like a chapter.
Multiple pages: the way Ive used it on another addon I had a link to Add Page which then added as the next page after the one I'm looking at now.

when you have the "Article List" as "endless scrolling"..... why do you want to have the "Article Page" with "Paging" ?
When reading an article, I prefer to view the whole article at one page. It is quite annoying to have to click "next" all the time to continue reading.

What's the point ?
tenants said:
To Do List

4) Make article list, category list, article page work well with XenForo 1.2 Responsive Done v1.1.0

Hi tenants,

I am wondering if the Masonry-Layout can be made responsive ?

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