XenWord Pro [Deleted]

Doing double duty :) is being tested. Work also continues on - a rewrite using the WP boilerplate, different classes, better admin panel, and room for growth. OOP is such a different beast.

I still have not looked at user association code in XF 1.3 but think that's a great way to go.
Victory is sweet. It took several hours but the function to "guess" the correct absolute path to XenForo is working on the test install. The tabs are working correctly in the XenWord version, too.

Now, the array is only guessing the following paths and I will need to add more:

$xf_paths = array( 
          '/community' ,
           './forum' );

Let me know if your install is in a different location.

Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 10.26.39 PM.webp
I am considering buying this, but I need to know that it meets my requirements, as there are other bridges out there as well.

So, the most important thing:
1) Are all register/login requests in WP redirected to Xenforo? So when they register and login on Xenforo, a account is automatically added in WP, and the user is logged in both places. Also, if the user logs out in either WP/Xenforo, he is logged out in the other location as well. This seems basic, but there are bridges that can't do this.. This is very important to me, as it will be annoying for users having to register first on Xenforo, and then in WP.

Also, quite important for site performance:
2) Will mod_expires caching work with this mod? (set in htaccess) I do not have a caching plugin in WP, only this.

Hardly important, but I'll ask anyway:
3) Plans for more widgets down the road?
I am considering buying this, but I need to know that it meets my requirements, as there are other bridges out there as well.

Absolutely. It's wise to ask and I will try to answer your questions but most likely you'll want to look at the new bridge by xfrocks. He synchronizes users. The current version of XenWord does not.

1) Are all register/login requests in WP redirected to Xenforo?


So when they register and login on Xenforo, a account is automatically added in WP,

No, user synchronization is a planned feature so please look at xfrocks bridge. Actually, I'm planning to do a user association just like Google login works on this site ...

All user information is kept in XF. There is no reason for a user account in WP unless they are an editor or administrator... or ... you end up disabling the bridge.

Those who use WP membership programs cannot use this bridge (for now).

Also, quite important for site performance:
2) Will mod_expires caching work with this mod? (set in htaccess) I do not have a caching plugin in WP, only this.

I use NGINX with the bridge and not Apache. I'm not home to look at the server block but can post later today. Others have not reported a problem but ....

Hardly important, but I'll ask anyway:
3) Plans for more widgets down the road?

I develop this plugin all the time and plan on improving the current widgets and adding several more.

PS. I'm not a programmer. This bridge exists because my site requires a bridge. I respect xfrocks work, think he's on the right track with the direction of his bridge, and fully support and endorse his bridge. However, we've taken two different approaches in which I'm trying to simplify the install and improve the admin panel. Eventually, more features will be added but his is probably what you are wanting for your site. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Thanks for your reply. I am looking at xfrocks addon, but no, it does not include user sync. I may look at it later though if he decides to add it. Currently you are forced to having to create account separately, and after that sync them. I want either full two way sync or forced to only use xenforo.

I agree about no use for users to have accounts in WP, I'm the only one using it. What I want from the shared login WP<->Xenforo is:
- Users are able to post comments on articles in WP, which also are posted as replies on the respective Xenforo thread, and the other way around.
- Cross posting articles from WP to Xenforo.
- ONE login/logout. All should be handled by Xenforo. If you login to Xenforo, you should be able to go to main page and comment on the articles in WP.
- All registration is handled by Xenforo. WP is only there to allow users to comment on articles/posts in WP.

As far as I can see your addon covers all those? So then it's only the mod_expires left. It does help a lot on WP in terms of performance, so hope it works.

PS: What if I were to uninstall this addon? Xenforo/WP will still work untouched in terms of user data/threads etc even if they are now not synced? This is important, you never know when you might need to, and it sucks if that breaks something on the forum/site.
Thanks for your reply. I am looking at xfrocks addon, but no, it does not include user sync. I may look at it later though if he decides to add it. Currently you are forced to having to create account separately, and after that sync them. I want either full two way sync or forced to only use xenforo.

I apologize. I was under the wrong impression.

I agree about no use for users to have accounts in WP, I'm the only one using it. What I want from the shared login WP<->Xenforo is:
- Users are able to post comments on articles in WP, which also are posted as replies on the respective Xenforo thread, and the other way around.
- Cross posting articles from WP to Xenforo.
- ONE login/logout. All should be handled by Xenforo. If you login to Xenforo, you should be able to go to main page and comment on the articles in WP.
- All registration is handled by Xenforo. WP is only there to allow users to comment on articles/posts in WP.
Users post comments on WP side or XF side using their XF login ID.
Excerpts of a WP posts are placed into XenForo or optionally a link in the forum.
It's one login - the XF login.
All registration is handled by XF.

As far as I can see your addon covers all those? So then it's only the mod_expires left. It does help a lot on WP in terms of performance, so hope it works.

Yes. I will look on the performance tonight.

PS: What if I were to uninstall this addon? Xenforo/WP will still work untouched in terms of user data/threads etc even if they are now not synced? This is important, you never know when you might need to, and it sucks if that breaks something on the forum/site.

There is an uninstall that removes the thread_id field in WP database so I usually deactivate while moving things around instead of uninstall. If the thread_id is never removed then there isn't a problem.

I'll let you know after I get home and tinker regarding the performance ...

I added "a ton" of information in the MAMP created website .htaccess file. Was able to logout, login, redirect, create a new WordPress post excerpt added to the XenForo forum, post a comment on the WP side as well as post on the XenForo side.

Will mod_expires caching work with XenForo .webp
Nice work! I'll have to fetch my wallet this weekend hehe.

One more thing: Will I be able to connect accounts from Xenforo to the WP account manually? Since all registration is handled by Xenforo, and I already have accounts made. Mainly that will just be myself :p (or maybe 1-2 others helping to write articles) For all other users, I don't need WP accounts.
Nice work! I'll have to fetch my wallet this weekend hehe.

One more thing: Will I be able to connect accounts from Xenforo to the WP account manually? Since all registration is handled by Xenforo, and I already have accounts made. Mainly that will just be myself :p (or maybe 1-2 others helping to write articles) For all other users, I don't need WP accounts.

If you have access to phpmyadmin then you can modify the WP tables so that WP ID matches XF user_id. The usermeta user_id will also have to be matched to the XF user_id.

Here is a table I use to write it all out before actually making the changes:

Simple Example of Moving WP IDs.webp
Nice, good to know. By the way, I tried to place an order, but I just keep getting "invalid username/email".. I've placed a valid email adr and Frode789. Don't see what is "invalid" with that.
Nice, good to know. By the way, I tried to place an order, but I just keep getting "invalid username/email".. I've placed a valid email adr and Frode789. Don't see what is "invalid" with that.
The pending order is in the shopping cart. Did you check out with Pay Pal?

Let's talk in PM so we can figure out what is happening. I'm at work but will check during breaks.
How do I add the Xenword widgets in WP? I can't see any of them in the widget list.

The widgets require manual installation because there are some lines to change. They are located in the xenword/widgets directory. There are two that function properly right now - both with the xenword prefix.

Edit line 41
You may wish to edit line 28.

Edit line 42
You may wish to edit line 28

After editing, move them to the wp-content/plugins directory. They will now be available in the widgets panel.

I need more feedback from everyone on these widgets.
I edited those lines, and uploaded to plugin folder. Still doesn't show up. So they are not supposed to be in a sub-folder in the plugin dir? (xenforo/widget folder)
I edited those lines, and uploaded to plugin folder. Still doesn't show up. So they are not supposed to be in a sub-folder in the plugin dir? (xenforo/widget folder)

Those two files are moved to wp-content/plugins after they have been edited. :)

Let me know
I edited and uploaded them to the same dir (wp-content/plugins/xenword-, but they do not show up :o
I edited and uploaded them to the same dir (wp-content/plugins/xenword-, but they do not show up :eek:

After you edit the files, copy them to the plugins directory.

Original Location

New Location
After you edit the files, copy them to the plugins directory.

Original Location

New Location

Tried that as well, doesn't show up in the list.
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