XenSocialize Pro [Paid] [Deleted]

Hello I would like to know how to remove the domain that always makes spam on my Twitter.

I know the template but not as you have and would like to know how to please.

I wanna purchase, but clicking on the "Buy now for USD15" leads to an error page: "
GoodForNothing Coders - Error
An error occurred...
Any other option?
Hi, the add-on has stop updating to FB and not getting any errors also, is this because of the new updates in FB Policy, if yes, will we be getting an add-on update. Please help. Thanks,
Hi, the add-on has stop updating to FB and not getting any errors also, is this because of the new updates in FB Policy, if yes, will we be getting an add-on update. Please help. Thanks,
I checked all the functions... working fine for me... if you have SSH access, try tracert graph.facebook.com from your account/server
I've just bought this. I uploaded everything in upload to my xenforo directory. When I upload the xml file I get, The files associated with this add-on could not be found. Please upload them and try again.
It still gives me the same error. I'm not sure what archive you want me to download. I download the files from your site product section.
I'm waiting for the problems to be fixed, still waiting. Have you an estimate for the next release?
Have you changed the way it makes the posts? It worked fine in Version 1 and obviously there has been no update for XenForo itself to change anything.
Yeah, ver 2 is using 'postSave' instead of 'save' to fix the issue with the import... I might have to change it back since it's causing some issues... but I am not getting enough time lately... :(
Did you get to make any headway on this yet dude?
Having issues now with Twitter. I can post thread creation notifications to Facebook, but Twitter fails, then makes it so the thread doesn't post to my forum at all (Which causes the link created on Facebook to throw an error, because the thread never posted). I disabled Twitter for the time being, which seems to alleviate the issue. Is this issue solely on Twitter?

Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception: Invalid chunk size "" unable to read chunked body - library\Zend\Http\Client\Adapter\Socket.php:370
Generated By: Bill Lehecka, 3 minutes ago

It does seem like the connection from the Twitter API to my site does work.

Request State:

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(95) "http://www.thiswebsitestinks.com/aphftmbe/index.php?forums/the-tv-and-movie-forum.13/add-thread"
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["forums/the-tv-and-movie-forum_13/add-thread"] => string(0) ""
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    ["title"] => string(4) "Test"
    ["message_html"] => string(11) "<p>Test</p>"
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      ["question"] => string(0) ""
      ["responses"] => array(2) {
        [0] => string(0) ""
        [1] => string(0) ""
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    ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
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