Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

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Pledged! I have purchased all of Jaxel's paid addons (except Torneo, can't bring myself to spend that much for what it is) and am always impressed.
You know.... I initially installed Xenporta, however ended up removing it since it was just too difficult to work out how to set it up for anything other than default (Notice the lack of patience here - tho I really should have spent the time and persevered !!)

Teetering on the edge as not sure whether to commit to something i may or may not use... :( Will sleep on it...
i have pledged $30 only because i already have donated $50 for branding free... I think @Jaxel deserves our support for he's been releasing most of his addons for free for years... I will wait and see what he comes up with.
In my opinion the actual version of Xenporta is enough to dump Wordpress. It's hard to deal with it in comparison with WP but it's possible ^^ The next one will, in my sense, bury alive WP =D
Good to hear! One system to rule them all!!!
I'm using WP atm, in a combination with vBulletin. For us, the announcement of the vB CMS, was the main reason to upgrade from vB3 to vB4. No no, I will not write here, what I think about vB and their CMS :mad:

So we came to a solution with vB & WP. WP is a good CMS, and it can do much more, than XenPorta can do. But actually, we don't need that. Our contents are managed by vB and hopefully soon by XenForo and what we need, is a nice looking portal, which allows us to pick certain postings to be selected as a teaser for the starting page. I love Jaxel's slider and with a bit of tweaking, XenPorta does, what we want.

The main advantage is the direct connection to XenForo. With WP and vB, we always had duplicated content and problems to manage WP-authors and vB-authors.

What I wish for XenPorta 2.0 is a little more flexibility in layout and a better cooperation with Widget-Framework... but I don't need a full scale CMS.
Bloomin Paypal and Pozible....

Apparently despite having PLENTY of balance in my forum paypal account, it insists I HAVE TO link a cardit or debit card to my account... :( Grrr
Just pledged for the add-on... While I'm not actively using XenPorta, I had in the past, and that for many years. So that’s the reason I’m supporting its crowd-funding now.

Looking back to the current XenPorta version, the most annoying thing for me was I had many messages that ultimately went unanswered or ignored. I hope this won’t be happening with this version.

I hope the widget management will make it into the add-on.
The main advantage is the direct connection to XenForo. With WP and vB, we always had duplicated content and problems to manage WP-authors and vB-authors.

This is exactly what I'm looking for. A way to promote existing content without having to duplicate it but to also add an author to promoted threads and have an authors area.
Purchased two supporter licences, and there's only $150 left until it gets funded.

I trust that I can go branding free later??
It's awesome to see that a crowd fund with a goal of $4000 gets completed so fast. Especially considering that there is no list of functionality that will be delivered and no feedback is collected from investors about desired functionality on that list. It seems to me that if such a list would have existed then a lot more people would invest.
I do hope that such vagueness does not lead to fall out later down the road, if delivered functionality does not meet expectations of investors. Especially since expectations tend to differ a lot.
I do hope that such vagueness does not lead to fall out later down the road, if delivered functionality does not meet expectations of investors. Especially since expectations tend to differ a lot.

There'll be a beta testing forum where I'm sure a lot of us will give feedback.
I think most of us would be happy with a nice, clean re-write and fix up most of the bad code in it.

Now, the question needs to be asked about stretch goals!
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