[Xenmods] Attachments [Paid] [Deleted]

@Daniel Hood hey whats up with the Promoted content addon? How did I never see this? Dude... I think it might be exactly what I need. I dont see the demo on your site though. I need to see what the slider looks like.

Sorry for posting that here. Just kinda ran into it
I have the css issue fixed on non-image attachments, working on making it permission based, and fixing Dre's issue with other content types.

Hi @Daniel Hood! Just wanted to ask if it is working with [BD] Attachment store/Amazon S3 + Cloudfront or are you still working on it? :)
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I take it this plugin was created because there is no way for a user to view all of their attachments like they could in vB?
When I search for an attachment, I recieve the list, but I do not see the options to insert the attachment into the existing post.

Oh. You can't actually insert those as images because they aren't images but they still shouldn't look like that. I really do have to give this plugin some more love soon, I've just been very busy. I'll get something out soon though. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Oh. You can't actually insert those as images because they aren't images but they still shouldn't look like that. I really do have to give this plugin some more love soon, I've just been very busy. I'll get something out soon though. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Well, it may not be you, it maybe me :)

We moved our attachments via [bd] attacheents store add-on and I'm still not certain we've rebuilt the caches properly. Fyi, you can see my posts regarding this starting at: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/bd-attachment-store-paid.49712/page-19#post-800492

So, perhaps this is a cache issue?

Also, we've allowed uploading of MS Word file (*.doc)
Regardless you can't embed non-images (.doc, .xls, .zip, etc) as images into the post. If you upload a .doc file it doesn't give you the opportunity to insert as a thumbnail or full image either in the original place. You just can't make non images be images within the post.

I don't know anything about the bd attachment store add on but I don't think caching is the issue. The reason those look the way they do is because of a css problem, I'll have it fixed in the next release. Which will be soon. Along with some other old things from this discussion.
Regardless you can't embed non-images (.doc, .xls, .zip, etc) as images into the post. If you upload a .doc file it doesn't give you the opportunity to insert as a thumbnail or full image either in the original place. You just can't make non images be images within the post.
Yes, of course. I'm was working off of 4-hrs sleep :(

I don't know anything about the bd attachment store add on but I don't think caching is the issue. The reason those look the way they do is because of a css problem, I'll have it fixed in the next release. Which will be soon. Along with some other old things from this discussion.

No, actually, I don't see those options on my board. Somethings broken. Here's a screen shot...

View attachment 79963
I little more on this css problem. I just learned that the problem does not occur when "images" are listed in the attachments. It's only when non-image files are listed. I just checked again and the formatting was messed-up when *.doc files were in the list. Hope that helps you fault isolate the issue.
I guess I can only re-use my attachments and there is no way to be able to use attachments uploaded by someone else. Would it be possible actually?
I guess I can only re-use my attachments and there is no way to be able to use attachments uploaded by someone else. Would it be possible actually?
I also would be interested in this feature - it would be nice to be able to browse ALL uploaded attachments (for which I have permissions to), select one, and then re-upload it.
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