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How do you enable and configure a theme home page? I cant see that option anywhere.
I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't, shame - maybe one will get added sometime.

That's disappointing as I really want to use this style. Mike's profile shows he was online 45 min ago, reading this thread, so maybe will get updated shortly about if it's planned soon.
Looks very nice Mike. Does it include a portal like Rekt does?

Thank you very much! No, not at this time. We have considered adding one, but we spent nearly 2 months working on just the UI so we needed to get this launched asap.

Let me pick up my jaw real quick....
Anyway, 2 questions:

Any dark version planned?

You are too kind!! And not currently, but it should be fairly easy to build should we ever decide to.

Can you add screenshots to show your customizations to addons mentioned?

I added a couple to the first post. Essentially all we did is just make sure a ton of views were taken care of with special flare.

And, I trust the base cyan colour can be very easily changed to any other colour?

Of course, one or two clicks! :)

@Mike Creuzer stop it! I've spent way too much money with Audentio as it is :D

This style is gorgeous, I can see me adding it to my list of purchases very soon!

Haha you have been good to us and we are appreciative. We love theme designing, we love challenging ourselves to see if we can do better. Thank you so much.

How do you enable and configure a theme home page? I cant see that option anywhere.

We never claimed it had a homepage. But if we do add one, we might increase the price a bit, but $5 or so. It is something we can do and know what to do, just been limited on time. :) So get it now, then complain it needs a homepage, and maybe we can slip it in if its popular a theme enough! :)
@Mike Creuzer , Stop doing this to our paypal acounts and bank accounts. :p. Very beautiful theme. Sadly I won't be purchasing this theme as I'm waiting for a different theme from you guys. @Eric J. Knows what I'm talking about ;)

Still though really awesome theme you've made :D. Nice job @Audentio Design Team
We never claimed it had a homepage. But if we do add one, we might increase the price a bit, but $5 or so. It is something we can do and know what to do, just been limited on time. :) So get it now, then complain it needs a homepage, and maybe we can slip it in if its popular a theme enough!
How about we make a deal ... I'll buy it now, if you commit to adding a homepage. Deal? :)
Is it possible to change the welcome block from forum to portal/home. I had a portal solution and need this block not at forumhome.
It needs a homepage for sure.... That's actually why I bought it as I was under the impression it came with two (since they both showed at the top of the demo) of them - I just thought they were included but I accept that was my fault to assume that.

Anyway, Mike, I've said to you before these themes are way too cheap and I'd be fine even if the price doubled (sorry everyone, just my opinion)
Is it possible to change the welcome block from forum to portal/home. I had a portal solution and need this block not at forumhome.
Yes there are easy ways to get it on that page. When I'm at at a pc I'll send you the variable to move it to the home page.
@Mike Creuzer Did you finde any solution for the Safari Bug? :D
It will be fixed in the next release and I'll post a patch here. Just a clearing issue very simple to fix.
Yes there are easy ways to get it on that page. When I'm at at a pc I'll send you the variable to move it to the home page.
I made it with the Conditional Statements, but thanks. If someone has the same wishes, this is my way in the template PAGE_CONTAINER
<xen:if is="!{$visitor.user_id} AND {$contentTemplate} == 'xenmig_portal_main'">
        <xen:include template="uix_welcomeBlock_container" />
<xen:if is="{$contentTemplate} == 'xenmig_portal_main' && !{$visitor.user_id}">
        <xen:include template="uix_welcomeBlock_container" />
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So i've tried the version above in many variations, but nothing works. As single statement there is no problem, but in combination with Visitor AND Template the welcome block isn't shown.
Has someone a trick or hint for me?
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