Xenforo & Wordpress Bridge


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Everyone knows the crap forum called BBpress is like the ugly stepchild of Wordpress, left alone and abandoned. SimplePressForum (a Wordpress Plugin) is a good start but doesn't have the "wow" factor but integrates perfectly with Wordpress.

If Xenforo could release a Wordpress plugin that has full integration with Wordpress including all user information and a single login, it would be a POWERHOUSE. Do you know how many Wordpress sites want to add a forum to their site but can't?

Any mods like this coming?
Upvote 55
Support for all the major players would be awesome! Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal etc.

I expect this to be a third party add-on though, but would be fantastic if it was developed as part of a core, rock solid product.
Support for all the major players would be awesome! Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal etc.

I expect this to be a third party add-on though, but would be fantastic if it was developed as part of a core, rock solid product.

Integrating with Drupal would be a challenge as it is designed to destroy servers with SQL .........
I hope some sort of bridge is developed. As long as it works, I don't care if it's official or not, but this is something I have long wanted with vBulletin. The one major WP/vB bridge (on vB.org) never seemed to work properly.

Makes me glad we didn't go with Drupal as our CMS a couple years ago! ;)

I did a project last year and no one batted an eyelid when it went over 100 queries a page .......... my engineering DNA jumped up though my throat and strangled my brain.

I've never been able to get on with Drupal, overly complicated for a newbie.

and the community seems fragmented as well so there is a very small window for what is good, then all the add-ons are sometimes shockingly bad expensive in memory/processing.

For simple things now I've been using codeigniter, one offs see *bits* of ZendFramework. Though and rolled PHP sorts most things (even if I'm wandering back to Java).
Very glad to be able to say that Joomla! 1.5 was what we *did* go with a couple years ago. Not so much for the CMS itself, as for the platform it was built on. There's some seriously impressive extensions out there for Joomla! including an awesome bridge system called jFusion that uses multiple plugins to bridge J! with all sorts of other systems (vB, Magento, SMF, PHPBB, Moodle, DocuWiki, Gallery2 etc), I'm pretty dang sure it'd be a snap for Mike/Kier to do a jFusion plugin for XF and then integration with Joomla! would be a done deal :). Alan over at jFusion has quite a bit of integration with vB hashed out including spawning vB discussion threads for J! articles as a comment engine, various modules etc.

Really glad to see others that share our opinion of J! :)

Actually we love Wordpress too... We run Wordpress as a component inside J! and it's a great combination.
I used to use Joomla until I decided that it would never emerge from being a heavy app with components that almost always felt awkward and ratcheted into a CMS. Nice looking designs and flexibility with layout. I only use it for special clients when the need arises for the very rare, best of breed set of plugins. It's very widely used, no doubt, but I'd use the lighter and much easier to use Wordpress when possible. I think integration is secondary to the main core of having a good built in page/article manager that extends the start here.
I used to use Joomla until I decided that it would never emerge from being a heavy app with components that almost always felt awkward and ratcheted into a CMS. Nice looking designs and flexibility with layout. I only use it for special clients when the need arises for the very rare, best of breed set of plugins. It's very widely used, no doubt, but I'd use the lighter and much easier to use Wordpress when possible. I think integration is secondary to the main core of having a good built in page/article manager that extends the start here.

The talk of integration is just to hold us until a solution is presented by XF to do articles and the like. Pages are already implemented (Read the 'Have you seen..?' forum).

I'm going to talk to my friend once XF is released, and see if he'll consider doing it as a favor (And to pay back a loan I gave him -.-).
The talk of integration is just to hold us until a solution is presented by XF to do articles and the like. Pages are already implemented (Read the 'Have you seen..?' forum).

I'm going to talk to my friend once XF is released, and see if he'll consider doing it as a favor (And to pay back a loan I gave him -.-).

You're talking about the full bore Wordpress integration? We'll be your friends for life if you get a really seamless WP integration and offer it to the XF community... If it includes a way to migrate vBlog entries to WPMU blogs we'd be your slaves ;).

You're talking about the full bore Wordpress integration? We'll be your friends for life if you get a really seamless WP integration and offer it to the XF community... If it includes a way to migrate vBlog entries to WPMU blogs we'd be your slaves ;).

I don't know about -full-, but I at least want to get a solution out there that would work at least as temporary CMS system.
Maybe we should find out who's interested and pool resources (money) to get a really full featured bridge that migrates vBlogs to WP 3.0 (which pretty much merges WP and WPMU)? I'm sure that a ton of folks with vBlog would like to get their member's blogs into something that actually accomplishes something :), and if a site HAS vBlog and the members have used it at all, that'll be a show stopper that keeps them from moving to XF at least until there is an XF blog component.

Personally I think that WP 3 blogs for all vBlog users would be a HUGE upgrade ;).
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