Xenforo & SEO

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You're kidding me right? Why would a search engine use the URL structure for content when it has SO much HTML data to get it from? And when it could EASILY be abused. You can put literally anything in your URL.
Explain to me, how do I make Carlos360 successful on an ugly url structure that comes packaged with wordpress?


Explain, go!

I develop websites from the ground up, too... So what you're saying is that my tactics are wrong. Right?
Is that was for me, no I am not kidding. I am n00b in SEO & learning new things. I stumbled upon Google's Beginner PDF, so asked my doubt.

Sitepoint.com then. Buy some books and you will learn more than googles evil PDFs that are brain washing you... :rolleyes:
What? You think that is successful because of your URL structure? I'm not even... just.. don't worry.
Hahahaha....ahh.... You can't explain because you don't even know the answer!

What you're saying is that ugly URL structure can be successful against friendly URL structure. And you have at least 2 people saying otherwise, and disagree with you.
Hahahaha....ahh.... You can't explain because you don't even know the answer!
You structure your HTML properly... you use unique content... you keep things fresh... you make sure that you can get everywhere from the home page eventually, sitemaps usually do this... you do things to get people to link to your site, these are called back links and better than anything I have said already... lots of backlinks and you will rank high. I know people who can get a site to the first page by backlinks (cheating so you might get blacklisted). These things are SEO. Changing words in a URL is NOT. How can you not see that?
I already know all this! :) You're not telling me anything I don't already know. ;)

I have over 10 years of website maintenance experience. I have seen sites fall from cheating, I have seen people cheat their way to the top via social media cheating... I have seen a lot of crap you wouldn't believe. In fact, I have seen one of the largest Nintendo website be sold to a black hat SEO guy and ultimately got blacklisted. Now the original owner is left with a pile of losses.
Which is 100% correct.
Yeah, tell that to those successful website with friendly URL's... Oh WAIT! You already are!

I'm done with this. This is going nowhere, you're the most stubborn person I have met on this site.
I already know all this! :) You're not telling me anything I don't already know. ;)

I have over 10 years of website maintenance experience. I have seen sites fall from cheating, I have seen people cheat their way to the top via social media cheating... I have seen a lot of crap you wouldn't believe. In fact, I have seen one of the largest Nintendo website be sold to a black hat SEO guy and ultimately got blacklisted. Now the original owner is left with a pile of losses.
WTF! I never said you didn't know that. You were attempting to make it look like I never knew what I was talking about when in fact it is you that is misinformed about URL structure because you think your sites are successful because you made them prettier than other sites. Go back to the link to Kiers post. He confirms me 100%. You saying he doesn't know what he is talking about either?

I'm done with this. You are just... too ignorant. That and I've been told I shouldn't even bother with you... now I see why.
Yeah, tell that to those successful website with friendly URL's... Oh WAIT! You already are!

I'm done with this. This is going nowhere, you're the most stubborn person I have met on this site.
Wow. WTF! I never said they were a bad idea, or that they would make your site fail. I SAID THAT THEY DON'T AFFECT SEO! Which they don't! They might bring more traffic because someone reads the link and is interested, but that is all.
WTF! I never said you didn't know that. You were attempting to make it look like I never knew what I was talking about when in fact it is you that is misinformed about URL structure because you think your sites are successful because you made them prettier than other sites. Go back to the link to Kiers post. He confirms me 100%. You saying he doesn't know what he is talking about either?
You just said that. YOU just said that. I'm misinformed? Oh, okay. I'm mis-informed. Okay, so 100,000 people came to my site with my misinformation! :ROFLMAO:

That would be like calling MW3Blog a $450 mistake! Oh, wait, you DID say that. LMAO, opps!
I'm done with this. You are just... too ignorant. That and I've been told I shouldn't even bother with you... now I see why.
Who said that? A vBulletin troll? Oh, right! You were talking to a well-known vBulletin troll! Half of the people who call me these names are trolls from other sites. D'oh.

Grain of salt from rumors, dude. Grain of salt!
Wow. WTF! I never said they were a bad idea, or that they would make your site fail. I SAID THAT THEY DON'T AFFECT SEO! Which they don't! They might bring more traffic because someone reads the link and is interested, but that is all.
It doesn't "affect" SEO, but yet the friendly URL's are a SEO tactic. Contradictory, me thinks.
You just said that. YOU just said that. I'm misinformed? Oh, okay. I'm mis-informed. Okay, so 100,000 people came to my site with my misinformation! :ROFLMAO:

Who said that? A vBulletin troll? Oh, right! You were talking to a well-known vBulletin troll! Half of the people who call me these names are trolls from other sites. D'oh.

Grain of salt from rumors, dude. Grain of salt!
I'm just going to assume you are stupid with this reply. You don't understand what I have said. I'll try wrap up for your incapability to read properly.

URL structure will not have any affect on how well your site ranks. It will help HUMANS read where a link goes. I never said YOU didn't know how to make your website HTML work well for search engine nor did I ever say you didn't know what back links were. YOU said that I didn't know how to make a site rank well without good URLs, I then explained very briefly how to. You then assumed I was saying you didn't know how and started bragging about some blog getting lots of visitors and for some reason that is directly related to the URL structure of your site and not the content, back links or any other SEOing. I then point out that URL structure will not be bad for your site but it won't help with SEO (like I have many times) and yet you keep going against this by saying you have 100,000 visitors. You skip over the fact that one of the XenForo developers has stated the exact same as I am in the past, guess he is misinformed too. And they are only getting the kind of visits on this here website because they have thread titles in their URLs.

Now if you are going to reply try and comprehend what I am saying. Look at the facts. Try not to brag about your little blog. Actually, just don't reply... I can see it being as bad as the last one.
You just called my blog "little." :ROFLMAO:

Oh, yeah. I'm stupid, I am incapable of reading.

You want to be persuaded by others in thinking that I'm stupid, and not to bother with me, then you're easily persuaded. That's fine with me. But, let me tell you something: Those people who talk a lot of $#!^ about me are wrong. I'm a nice guy, but if you want to piss me off and call me stupid, then continue down that path.

Thanks for trying to tarnish my name in public. Good day.
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