XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

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It's all getting a bit silly really. I hope the ongoing vB/xF bun fight doesn't distract you Kier and Mike.
The only doubt I have with XenForo -is- the developer and designer community.

I don't know if they'll do much as they did with vBulletin, and release free version, or they'll go for the pay for everything approach. The first will be a large asset to the community, the second could seriously impede any progress.

I'm quite willing to pay for the two mods that I want.

I have to say that I really like XenForo. But, part of me thinks that vBulletin will respond by releasing a really good upgraded version, which will have a CMS and all other bridges and perhaps coupled with a sale will blow XenForo out of the water. Ultimately, I would put it to you that people do not want to take risks, and stick to brand names that they know.

I appreciate that Kier is a bit of a brand name himself and that there are a lot of keen people on this forum. But surely, we are just a very small number of potential customers who will not alone be enough to make the product swim?

I have had vb since they released 4.0.0 since then and 8 months later.
I have had 4.01- 4.01 pl1 -4.01 pl2- 4.02 -4.02pl1 -4.03 4.0.3 patch- 4.0.4- 4.0.5 -4.0.5 patch-4.0.6 so I'm sure a new release wouldn't be out of the question, if you ask me vb stands for very beta. and still its the same system I bought 8 months ago!. I would trade it for this right now and start making mods for this tomorrow:D
A recent announcement on vb.com, regarding the enforcement of the support policy for vb4 forum-only customers, has frustrated me because that is the only vb4 license type I own (but still using 3.8x). I have only eleven tickets in my customer-area profile, since early 2006, that were all handled very well. However, I can't get past the fact that IB actually expended energy to develop and post this announcement when they could have utilized the resources to improve vb4.

How could an organization with a lack of focus affect anything else?
A recent announcement on vb.com, regarding the enforcement of the support policy for vb4 forum-only customers, has frustrated me because that is the only vb4 license type I own (but still using 3.8x). I have only eleven tickets in my customer-area profile, since early 2006, that were all handled very well. However, I can't get past the fact that IB actually expended energy to develop and post this announcement when they could have utilized the resources to improve vb4.

How could an organization with a lack of focus affect anything else?
You're not alone. Them posting that announcement may and will drive away potential customers for the "forum only" package. Its frustrating to me because I was going to purchase the forum classic version for a site like www.mw2forums.com - them leaving support out for classic users will only end up more problematic than it solves it.

What if this user didn't buy the ticket option to go with the installation of classic, AND some criminalistic hacker goes and hacks his forum-only site? I smell a lawsuit coming from a mile away for this change.

Imposing the change, and actually enforcing it is only going to make it worse for internet brands - because leaving forum-only users vulernable will only cause them to move to another solution, and not do business with internetbrands.
Are you aware of a vibrant and active scene of people developing plugins and styles for vBulletin 4?

If you mean "do I know a few developers who have created plugins and styles for vb 4 who are outgoing and really know how to party" then the answer is yes.
A recent announcement on vb.com, regarding the enforcement of the support policy for vb4 forum-only customers, has frustrated me because that is the only vb4 license type I own (but still using 3.8x). I have only eleven tickets in my customer-area profile, since early 2006, that were all handled very well. However, I can't get past the fact that IB actually expended energy to develop and post this announcement when they could have utilized the resources to improve vb4.

How could an organization with a lack of focus affect anything else?
I've had a total of, if I remember correctly, 3 support tickets in over 5 years to VB support. So I did not feel it necessary to pay a yearly support fee. Most of my issues were handled in the community forums by either searching the threads, searching the bug threads or asking questions.

I realize support takes time but we pay for the software. Yes, I know that one on one support is time consuming. But an initial consult to asses the level of involvement outside the scope of the community should not necessarily be a charge. Once the assessment is made, then a charge can be agreed on at that time and if the customer still needs help, can agree to pay.
An interesting observation:

Over the last 8 years I used to buy second hand vb licenses, not many but I regularly read the license for sale threads at the common webmaster forums. I can't say that there are more vb on sale threads now but what I can say for certain: the prices for used vb4 licenses has gone down significantly.

 The prices for vb3 where pretty stable over the years and never where cheap.
As am I, however having to pay for almost everything is a turn off to new customers of the system.

I know that was one of the reasons many people chose vB3 over IPB.

It depends on the price maybe? If the software costs less in general because they aren't bothering with a hundred niche-request elements, and you only purchase those extras you actually need, it could still end up costing less than software with a million bells and whistles that you are never going to use?

And vB wasn't all that complete either, for me - all of my particular requirements were met by vb.org - not vB.
According to one of the IB head-honchos over there, the incremental rewrite of vBulletin is going to continue into the vB 5 series. That's rather pathetic if you think about it. IB keeps making promises they can't keep.
According to one of the IB head-honchos over there, the incremental rewrite of vBulletin is going to continue into the vB 5 series. That's rather pathetic if you think about it. IB keeps making promises they can't keep.
This is what should happen to gain *some* trust back:
- vB4 needs to go to the trashcan completely
- Upper management needs to apologize for their decisions the last couple of years
- People who bought into the pre-sale and aren't happy with it need to get their money back
- vB needs to be rewritten from the ground up, by an almost completely new dev/design team.

Since none of these things are likely to happen, it will be even more difficult to gain trust back. And it will be nearly impossible either way with some of the customers, who already turned their back to vB. The only positive thing for IB will be the customers who aren't aware of the situation very well and don't know about better solutions, or haven't got the courage to step into new software (I believe this is still a considerable group).
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