XenForo Beta 6, very very pleased


Well-known member
I want to thank you Kier, and Mike so much. To be honest I was just starting to loose my hope in XenForo, and now Beta 6 fixed that problem. My most favorite addition is
It is now possible to force all new posts in a forum to the moderation queue, and to disable posting in a forum completely.
I run an admin forum, and it was very disappointing not having that feature to enable in the Articles section, so I had to completely disable members from creating a thread in the Articles section, and now this new feature is very helpful so I can approve all posts in the articles section before they are posted and ready to view.

My second favorite is the Q&A's captcha, my forum was recently spammed and I was very upset about it, and it had made me want to close my forum..

So I thank you both very much for the great additions in Beta 6. <3

Not the place to test, there is a forum for that. You can edit that out by using the new inline editor
I really think the new way edit post thingy opens up is cool. :)

I just noticed something else. I looked to see who was online and noticed a tiny version of my avatar on several other peoples avatar?

What does that thingy mean?
The mini me avatar only shows up on threads you've posted in.
Is that what you mean?

Click on What's New and it will overlay the avatar of the thread starter if you've posted in that thread.
Nope, not right now. The first time I noticed it I was on one persons avatar. The next time I checked I was on about several peoples avatar but not no longer on the avatar of the person I saw the first time. At last check I was on no ones avatar.

I am wondering if those are people looking at my profile?
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