XF 2.3 XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 now available. What's next? What's new?

It's finally here! Today we are pleased to mark the next major milestone towards a stable release of XenForo 2.3 and this time we need your help!

As per the announcement XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 is now available to all licensed self-hosted customers. We'd very much appreciate your thoughts, your feedback, and your uncanny ability to break things in ways we can't even imagine. But, as ever, please do not even contemplate installing it on your live forum at this point. There will be bugs; some of which we know about and are yet to be fixed, and others which are yet to be discovered. No support is provided for Beta releases aside from saying "we told you so" and advising you to restore from a backup! 😉

Please for goodness sake, take a backup.

Now, while all of that is out of the way, you're probably wondering what the process looks like from here and what's new.

What's next?​

Our aim for the next few weeks, starting today, is to showcase a number of features we have been finalising since our last 'Have you seen...?' in November. Most of these are smaller in scope and will be limited to one or two features/improvements per post. At least one of the future HYS posts will outline new features or improvements in our three official add-ons, Resource Manager, Media Gallery and Enhanced Search. These improvements are not in the initial Beta release but they are definitely coming!

There will of course be a lot of activity surrounding bug fixes and feedback. We will continue with pre-release versions through Beta and Release Candidate releases until we deem the release is sufficiently stable. We will of course work towards this as quickly as is humanly possible, but simultaneously work is continuing towards XenForo 3.0! Progress is going so well with XF3 that we at one point joked that it could be released before XenForo 2.3! This of course is not going to happen but, nonetheless, it is shaping up nicely and we'll be excited to show more of that once we are ready.

What's new?​

Direct message search is here!​

If you're anything like me, you might have built up a few direct messages over the years:


That's over 4,600!

Aside from being able to filter based on recipient, finding something from months or years gone by can be a challenge to say the least. So starting with XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 we are making direct message search available.

There isn't a great deal to show you here. It's search. It's the same search system you use to search forums and other content. When on direct message related pages there is a "Direct messages" option in the dropdown. If you're inside a direct message you can even limit your search to finding content within that specific direct message.


Search results look how you expect, surfacing both found content within the direct message (conversation) itself and replies.


Advanced search with much more granular options? Of course!


And that's it for this week! We hope you enjoy your first look at XenForo 2.3 "in the flesh" and, as ever, we appreciate your invaluable assistance in testing and providing feedback.
Very excited for Webhooks. Took only a minute setting it up with Make.com (they don't charge for Webhook use)

Anytime a thread is submitted into a specific node section, it sends an email and has a ton of information that's exposed:



Pretty nice! Looking forward to being able to fully utilize this in various ways.
Very excited for Webhooks. Took only a minute setting it up with Make.com (they don't charge for Webhook use)

Anytime a thread is submitted into a specific node section, it sends an email and has a ton of information that's exposed:

View attachment 299972

View attachment 299971

Pretty nice! Looking forward to being able to fully utilize this in various ways.
That will be sooo nice, once Bob updates AMS and UBS to add XF webhook support. Once a new "Announcement Article" is posted, send email update.

Do they have a limit to the number of webhooks created, or just the 30/second limit?
Blank site can sometimes be a suppressed error so enabling debug mode is worth a try. If not then your php log etc
It was an add-on. I upgraded my test forum with some add-ons.

But now only a few Font Awesome icons are visible, others not. For instance in the ACP:


Or here:

Or here in the share widget:

And in many other places.

It is all OK on some other test forum where only XF was installed. But this is happening with my test forum I would like to use and test.
It was an add-on. I upgraded my test forum with some add-ons.

But now only a few Font Awesome icons are visible, others not. For instance in the ACP:

View attachment 299975

Or here:
View attachment 299977

Or here in the share widget:
View attachment 299976

And in many other places.

It is all OK on some other test forum where only XF was installed. But this is happening with my test forum I would like to use and test.
There's an open bug report for this. We don't know why yet but when upgrading via one-click upgrade apparently the styles/fa folder doesn't get copied across.

Upload this from the download in your customer area and all should be good.
There's an open bug report for this. We don't know why yet but when upgrading via one-click upgrade apparently the styles/fa folder doesn't get copied across.

Upload this from the download in your customer area and all should be good.
Yes, I've noticed this, but even after manually uploading the fa folder the icons are still not there. I'll try once again.
Welp, my initial reticence about 2.3 may have been overcome. As someone with lots of conversations/DMs who sometimes needs to find specific ones, I have wanted message search for years.
De Acuerdo Yes GIF by Hannah Bronfman

Still, I am not going to be a beta tester. Got better things to do with my time. I'll be watching for the RCs, though.
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