XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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This is a small change from what we were originally aiming for, but ultimately it's the right decision.

I'm aware some people would prefer us to bump this up to PHP 5.6. Though, realistically, doing that as an arbitrary requirement really isn't going to benefit the code all that much. However, PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 both add features which we can benefit from. It is, however, worth noting that from a performance and security perspective, you are likely to be better off running PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6.

I think you should've gone with 5.6 anyway. Those still on 5.2 or 5.3 won't have any more problems upgrading to 5.6 than to 5.4 and those already on 5.4 have no reason not to upgrade to 5.6. Also, judging from various polls and discussions I've seen, most of the forum owners are already running 5.5 or 5.6. By the time XF2 reaches maturity, I expect the large majority will be on 5.6.

New GoDaddy installs default to 5.4 today, with 5.5 upgrade possible with a few clicks. Not to mention that only a small number of current 1.x installs will likely be moving to XF2 anytime soon after its introduction due to all the mod issues. By the time XF2 will start to be widely adopted, I'm sure even GoDaddy will have a 5.6 upgrade option.
Although adoption rate is a concern, it's not going to be something that holds us back from building the code we need to build. We were faced with some challenges as we were working with PHP 5.3 and the solution to those challenges were to move to PHP 5.4. Should there be such a time in the future where we meet similar challenges that can only be solved by PHP 5.5 then we will again re-evaluate. But we're not going to arbitrarily put that restriction in place for no reason.
IMO 5.4 is the perfect minimum for now, but I reckon about 3 months down the line, 5.5 should be the minimum.
Will Xenforo 2.0 come with a new default style or just this one with major/minor changes?

The default style of 1.x is ok, but not very appetizing.
Historically the developers now working on XF 2.0 have created a new default style with every major release (X.x.x) when they were still working for other forum software. I expect this tradition will continue, also this is probably expected by a majority of customers. However there's no guarantee until confirmed by a staff member.
I hope so. It is the only thing I really dislike about XenForo out of the box. Just do not like. Easily solved through the resource manager though.
Although adoption rate is a concern, it's not going to be something that holds us back from building the code we need to build. We were faced with some challenges as we were working with PHP 5.3 and the solution to those challenges were to move to PHP 5.4. Should there be such a time in the future where we meet similar challenges that can only be solved by PHP 5.5 then we will again re-evaluate. But we're not going to arbitrarily put that restriction in place for no reason.
I would honestly think it a bit silly to choose something like php 5.6 if it had something you needed or wanted, only because nearly no one* would be able to use it.

* I suspect that the greater majority of webhosts are still not offering php 5.6, at least based on what I have seen in the general sense of things.
I would honestly think it a bit silly to choose something like php 5.6 if it had something you needed or wanted, only because nearly no one* would be able to use it.

* I suspect that the greater majority of webhosts are still not offering php 5.6, at least based on what I have seen in the general sense of things.

5.6 seems a bit of an extreme requirement... I do a LOT of website work for a living and I'm shocked at the configurations some of our client's hosts have... I saw 4.2 today. Yuck.
Also lets not forget, why most servers can be updated to run PHP 5.6 just fine, thats not to say that the sites running Xenforo do not have other area's to the sites that do not support PHP 5.6 so can not be updated. Some sites are years and years old and run other systems that are big parts of the sites that can not be updated due to older code bases that can not be upgraded or moved to newer systems.
If you held everything back to cater to the small percentage of sites running code that doesn't work with PHP 5.4+ years after its release, then you could do so indefinitely. At some point you simply have to drop legacy support, same as everyone has done for IE6, because a small percentage of users will simply never upgrade unless they are forced to. All the code can always be updated, it's just a matter of incentive. I've got a big site with a bunch of old code still running on PHP 5.3 and I'm fully aware that it will need to be updated. But until XF required PHP 5.4+, the incentive for it simply wasn't there, short of my developers moaning about still having to work with 5.3. So I'm in the perfect position myself to know that if anything, PHP version requirements are always being held back too much for too long by various script/software developers.
PHP upgrades haven't given me much grief since 5.3 or so, in fact I have sites running some old code that I haven't changed since 5.0 actually and it runs without issue on 5.6. Chances are you can probably update to 5.6 with minimal effort.
A lot of the shared hosts don't offer anything over 5.4. I went to update someone's shared host account that was running 5.2. The only other option was 5.4. EasyApache will only install up to 5.5 too...
XF2 isn't out yet and won't be any time soon. PHP 5.6 support for EasyApache has been in the pipeline for a long time, so it's definitely going to be included before XF2 is available. The current ETA is May-June along with 11.50.
Something occurred to me the other day - when people use Facebook, Twitter, and similar social media sites, often information about them and their contacts surrounds the messaging area like a frame.

And yet, with forum software, the posting area is the overwhelming single feature, and any personal user information - albums, contacts/friends, uploaded images, etc, is shunted off into a separate section.

So I thought - for the development of XF 2.0, why not experiment with a new layout that puts the user at the centre of everything, with all their information at hand around the left and right hand of the posting area of whatever part of the forums they're on?

I would certainly recommend the XF team experiment with this, not because admins think they want it, but because users - potential forum members - might enjoy the greater familiarity of a social media experience in forums.

(I know most forum admins would howl in fear at any change that changes the look of internet forums from the style default style we've used for over 15 years. But, you know, that's not what the general population on the web is used to. And those are precisely the people I want to join my forums to keep them thriving.)

Perhaps some form of widget system, like Wordpress uses, to allow additional boxes to display to the left and the right to help admins personalise the community experience for their own users. After all, forums are supposed to be social media, too.

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The thing I would love to see is the possibility to add different pages in thread in order to split a really long thread in multiple one, in the same thread. It would also boosts our views so, that would be for the best :)
Something occurred to me the other day - when people use Facebook, Twitter, and similar social media sites, often information about them and their contacts surrounds the messaging area like a frame.

And yet, with forum software, the posting area is the overwhelming single feature, and any personal user information - albums, contacts/friends, uploaded images, etc, is shunted off into a separate section.

So I thought - for the development of XF 2.0, why not experiment with a new layout that puts the user at the centre of everything, with all their information at hand around the left and right hand of the posting area of whatever part of the forums they're on?

I would certainly recommend the XF team experiment with this, not because admins think they want it, but because users - potential forum members - might enjoy the greater familiarity of a social media experience in forums.

(I know most forum admins would howl in fear at any change that changes the look of internet forums from the style default style we've used for over 15 years. But, you know, that's not what the general population on the web is used to. And those are precisely the people I want to join my forums to keep them thriving.)

Perhaps some form of widget system, like Wordpress uses, to allow additional boxes to display to the left and the right to help admins personalise the community experience for their own users. After all, forums are supposed to be social media, too.

Let's see a mockup :)
The thing I would love to see is the possibility to add different pages in thread in order to split a really long thread in multiple one, in the same thread. It would also boosts our views so, that would be for the best :)

There is an addon to do that in case you weren't aware of it.
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