XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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I'm baffled Daniel had time to count my periods but not deliver the addon I helped crowdfund.
That's a heck of a jump you just made. It took me roughly 5 seconds to count to 11.

#3) Xenforo LTD bit off more than they can chew in Xenforo 2.0. IMO.
How do you figure? Because it's been a year and half since announcement? Compare that to first point releases from vb and ipb (exclude vb5 because that's a joke anyways). Announcement -> Release takes a while. Plus they justified their reasoning already.
#3) Xenforo LTD bit off more than they can chew in Xenforo 2.0. IMO.

Yea, that one seems like something you just pulled out of the ether, to put it politely. Based on what do you make that assertion? Simply that you haven't gotten the updates on 2.0's progress that you'd like? And you did see Mike's update on 2.0 yesterday, right?
#3) Xenforo LTD bit off more than they can chew in Xenforo 2.0. IMO.
How do you figure?
By how long it took Xenforo 1.0 to be created, as per the court documents which state when development started and the release of Xenforo 1.0.

This is my last post in this thread until Xenforo 2.0 comes out.

I'm sorry if my opinions about Xenforo 2.0's announcements and release time frames have offended anyone in any way. I honestly didn't mean to hurt you. Be peaceful.
I appreciate the updates posted here by @Mike and @Chris D and also appreciate the carefulness taken to to do this right. No one wants XenForo to make the same mistakes that vbulletin and IPS made with major versions. No one wants a rushed or half baked release. So it takes plenty of time and care. We cant expect anything pronto.
Im sure its been asked, but is there a tentative goal for a public (or private) beta? 3-6 mos? 6-12? 12-24? Just a rough idea would be great.
I haven't had anything to do with forums (IPB or XF) or styling for them in a few years but reading about XenForo 2.0 has got me all giddy inside and wanting to renew my license just to mess around again.
We are. We're pulling useful components in from various places as and when we need them. But we aren't relying on a specific single framework like before.
I'm sorry if my opinions about XenForo 2.0's announcements and release time frames have offended anyone in any way.

An announcement in this context is "to say in a formal or official way that something or someone has arrived or is present or ready". Team XenForo has done no such thing and in my opinion hasn't announced XenForo 2.0 yet. They've merely told their customers and fans that XenForo 2.0 will exist, that they've started work on it, and have shared in the broadest of strokes what we might expect when XF 2.0 is released.
Actually, I do believe (I could also be completely wrong) I saw somewhere that some features in 1.4/1.5 were being tested prior to use in 2.0. So, I think we've been getting little mini-previews as time has gone by.
I saw somewhere that some features in 1.4/1.5 were being tested prior to use in 1.2.

I believe that the tag system was ported from v2. It follows the method chaining setup that was demonstrated and the model is significantly different than other models in v1.
Not quite.

Actually the larger of the features, things like 2FA and tagging, were developed in 1.5 first and then ported forward to 2.0.

There were some minor things we ported back. Profile post comment improvements spring to mind, but generally, no, it was all new stuff.

We obviously wrote it with XF2 in mind so we tried to write the stuff in a way that was easier to port forward.
#3) Xenforo LTD bit off more than they can chew in Xenforo 2.0. IMO.
By how long it took Xenforo 1.0 to be created, as per the court documents which state when development started and the release of Xenforo 1.0.
And exactly what is your level of coding experience that allows you to make a blanket statement like this.
Realize, first releases are usually faster. Then new processes come about that you choose to integrate in the core (and add-ons) that result in a rewrite - all the while supporting (and updating) your current version.
The main issue that I keep seeing is that there appears to be a segment that are the "little child in the corner stamping their feet demanding what they want NOW!" and feeling like they are owed instant gratification (whether it be on stuff that is being added/changed or a timeline).
And exactly what is your level of coding experience that allows you to make a blanket statement like this.
Realize, first releases are usually faster. Then new processes come about that you choose to integrate in the core (and add-ons) that result in a rewrite - all the while supporting (and updating) your current version.
The main issue that I keep seeing is that there appears to be a segment that are the "little child in the corner stamping their feet demanding what they want NOW!" and feeling like they are owed instant gratification (whether it be on stuff that is being added/changed or a timeline).

People that have no coding experience are always the first to complain about how long it takes/don't realise how difficult it is to actually do some of this stuff.
People that have no coding experience are always the first to complain about how long it takes/don't realise how difficult it is to actually do some of this stuff.
Agreed. Bear in mind that the timeframes for developing 2.0 is in absolutely no way comparable to the timeframes for developing 1.0. Not only do they have five or more years worth of features to recreate – after all, 2.0 is aiming for feature parity with 1.5, not 1.0 – they also now have a large, established customer base to think about. Not only do they have to produce a good product in itself – which, believe me, is the easy part - they have to produce a product whose core fits the needs of every single 1.x customer, no matter if they're a simple forum, or a heavily-modded, large site.

For a project of this size, and the fact that they're still supporting 1.x while they're building the new project, and given that they now have a lot of requirements to maintain compatibility and portability that didn't exist in 1.0, I'd say they're doing very well. It would be a good idea for the vocal minority to keep their toys in their prams for a good long while yet.
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XF 2.0 Alpha 1 will delayed a bit because of ..I hope...Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) :)

Edit: Sorry if I violate something on this post, Mike (you can delete if you want) :(
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I appreciate that people have opinions, but when you post things like that in such a way that you cast it as fact -- when there's literally no basis to it -- that's not cool.

If this is an attempt to support a suggestion, you're better doing it in the suggestion thread in question. (And I would also look in detail at what you're suggesting and how it would apply to XF and its user-generated content...)
Maybe I'm crazy, but am I the only one who is completely satisfied with XenForo 1.x? I mean, I love new things and I cannot wait to see what XenForo 2.x has to offer. Right now though, I'm in a no rush. I'm just having a blast running my communities. When XenForo 2.x comes out, I'll be excited. However, I don't believe in rushing anything when it comes to development. You never wind up with a happy ending...
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