XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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I would actually like a widget manager that is core to XenForo and similar to how xfrocks created his Widget System, the ability to make pages full of widgets. This way you can easily make your own portal pages.

Honestly, I rather have XenForo create integration modules with third-party software like WordPress/Drupal which are far more robust CMS applications. However, I doubt that would happen.
Yes, but Drupal can be hard to learn/customize, that means it's expensive for most XF customers who would need to hire a Drupal specialist coder for implementation/modules/updates etc. Wordpress ok, but not the best for larger community sites with higher demands. I agree with the last sentence, but I think the competition between forum software companies is so strong that they will be forced to introduce new products, like CM systems that integrate with the forum, to stay ahead.
I would actually like a widget manager that is core to XenForo and similar to how xfrocks created his Widget System, the ability to make pages full of widgets. This way you can easily make your own portal pages.

Such a system would be just great!
Given the success of the add-on (WF), integrating it into the kernel would be welcome.
Serious question, do you guys plan to charge a separate fee for XF2? Or is it going to be the normal pay for continuous updates?
Out of pure curiosity, I'd like to know why you chose LESS over SASS.

Edit: flew over some more replies (yes, I wrote this before reading all the replies) and noticed some answers to my question above.

As for a PHP compiler for SASS, there is also one. http://leafo.net/scssphp/

Which is OK as long as developers know this limitation. :)

SCSS is the newest version of Sass syntax, so it isn't a limitation, it is just another way of writing the CSS syntax.

From the Sass documentation:
There are two syntaxes available for Sass. The first, known as SCSS (Sassy CSS) and used throughout this reference, is an extension of the syntax of CSS3. This means that every valid CSS3 stylesheet is a valid SCSS file with the same meaning. In addition, SCSS understands most CSS hacks and vendor-specific syntax, such as IE’s old filtersyntax. This syntax is enhanced with the Sass features described below. Files using this syntax have the .scss extension.

SCSS is the newest version of Sass syntax, so it isn't a limitation, it is just another way of writing the CSS syntax.
I would confess that for long time I had this perception that SCSS is not feature complete and full alternative to the SASS, but it is there to allow easy migration from the existing CSS being a super-set of it. Recently I read this editorial post and had no confusion anymore. Although when I said:
Which is OK as long as developers know this limitation.
I was talking about the limitation posed by the scssphp library. Because developers may not realize (if not informed) that only one format is supported and they write their style file in the unsupported syntax with general perception that SASS pre-processor should support both the formats. :)
to be honest, I am a bit disappointed with the "XF Media Gallery" and I do hope it will get some sort of re-write as well with the upcoming XF 2.0

I think the "XF Media Gallery" could have a similar "/ structure / logic / clean layout / ease of use /" as Pinterest, given that the "XF Media Gallery" already provides a similar "base" with the fact that it already provides "user albums".
I am not talking about having a "pinning functionality" or a Pinterest-clone, but about the "logic flow", the "clean and easy to understand layout and design" and the general "ease of use" of the interface.



What's Next for XenForo in terms of "XF Media Gallery" ?

to be honest, I am a bit disappointed with the "XF Media Gallery" and I do hope it will get some sort of re-write as well with the upcoming XF 2.0
In other words, you want it to be similar to SonnB's gallery? His is already similar to a clone of pinterest.
I and my users have had no problems figuring out the "logic flow" of the current gallery (and most of them are not technically adept).

Personally, I hate the flow of Pinterest and won't use it.
I am not talking about using "infinite scrolling".
Well, using buzz words like ""/ structure / logic / clean layout / ease of use /" indicates that the answer is YES... not no. That's what structure and layout encompass.
As for the ease of use of the interface, as I said, my technically inept users have no problems figuring the current gallery out.
I love the Media Gallery. I am not totally dissapointed with it. It's a great concept and there is so much potoential to it.

But what i am dissapointed with is that it's missing way to many features. It lacking so much it makes it limited.

I am waiting and hoping they add many of the features that customers have suggested. It would greatly improve it.

Comparing it to sonnb's gallery . xenforo's gallery is a little bit better but not by much. His gallery is also missing many features. His gallery style interface is a little different. He could easily beat xenforo media gallery in sales but development is too slow and implementing new features is too slow.

I would love to have both Media Gallery's on my forum at the same time. But lack of features is what's holding me back.

I've resorted to hiring developers to make special add-ons for my media gallery. Which really sucks since there is problems with some developers or some charge too much or stop suppporting them..

But after i get the add-ons i want. i'm not sure if i want update to 2.0 :cry:

In Conclusion.

I love the Media Gallery but i understand why some customers have been dissapointed with it. It's too limited..
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I love the Media Gallery. I am not totally dissapointed with it. It's a great concept and there is so much potoential to it.

But what i am dissapointed with is that it's missing way to many features. It lacking so much it makes it limited.

I am waiting and hoping they add many of the features that customers have suggested. It would greatly improve it.

Comparing it to sonnb's gallery . xenforo's gallery is a little bit better but not by much. His gallery is also missing many features. His gallery style interface is a little different. He could easily beat xenforo media gallery in sales but development is too slow and implementing new features is too slow.

I would love to have both Media Gallery's on my forum at the same time. But lack of features is what's holding me back.

I've resorted to hiring developers to make special add-ons for my media gallery. Which really sucks since there is problems with some developers or some charge too much or stop suppporting them..

But after i get the add-ons i want. i'm not sure if i want update to 2.0 :cry:

In Conclusion.

I love the Media Gallery but i understand why some customers have been dissapointed with it. It's too limited..
I'm curious to know what you think is lacking from the Media Gallery?
How many XF owners also own XMG? And how many of that (I expect) relatively small percentage regularly check and vote on every suggestion in the suggestions forum? The overall percentage there is pretty slim, I'm sure, so expecting more than a handful of votes for any suggestion unless it was a major issue is definitely unrealistic. The core XF suggestions forum isn't really much different in that respect. I suggested some time ago that the staff could filter what they feel are the most worthwhile suggestions and run, say, a monthly poll of 20 choices that would also be promoted every month in a mailing to ALL customers. That would give everyone a far clearer picture of what at least the semi-active majority wants, not just what a small percentage of regular suggestion forum followers vote on. A suggestion forum with a million suggestions is unfortunately not much more helpful (to anyone) than one with none.
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