XenForo 1.4 discussion and feedback

Just installed on 1m post board. On install start it advised this was a large instance of xenforo and I might install from the command line, but I didn't and all went well. Before installing I unhooked a sitemap addon and a member upgrade addon as these are now in the core. SWEET (y)

Are all those addons confirmed working ok?
Just wanted to say thanks for an overly boring upgrade process. No issues in the past 3 major releases for me. I am a happy camper!
I just upgraded my small forum to 1.4, and the only problem I have is the status updates won't appear on my old skins, so I'm going to go ahead, and wait for the skin(s) to upgrade to 1.4 before I start coming around to new results. But otherwise it was a painless upgrade! :)

I removed both Solve Media (the plugin before 1.4), and @Jaxel's sitemaps, as robust it was.
Its hot as can be in southern california, but the I believe snow to still be white.

1.4 took me 30 minutes to upload and upgrade to. Seems good to go.
The undo function, including control-z|c|v|y in windows, works much better in 1.4. I use those functions frequently and because of that the editor in previous versions was frustrating and I often lost data. I have had zero issues since 1.4 was installed here.
Thanks (y)
We don't usually have discussion threads for third point releases, so I will merge this with the main 1.4 thread.
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