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XenFocus.com skins now available

Should hopefully be fixed now (if it's not, give it a few minutes). Had some server issues! (n)
Yeah, all fixed.. Seems like they popped up quickly over night! Database repaired and all good. :)
perfect job
may i hire you?
I'm not currently taking on custom Xenforo jobs, however I believe Graeme (a designer/coder on my site) is available for new work. If you're interested, I'll be happy to pass you onto him. :)
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I'm not currently taking on custom Xenforo jobs, however I believe Graeme (a designer/coder on my site) is available for new work. If you're interested, I'll be happy to pass you onto him. :)
Which skins has Graeme done Ehren?
Animate and iSkin are really nice. Animate, because it's a beautiful and clean dark skin, and iSkin, because it have a good balance between dark and white.
I'm not currently taking on custom Xenforo jobs, however I believe Graeme (a designer/coder on my site) is available for new work. If you're interested, I'll be happy to pass you onto him. :)
yeah, I need to transfer Audi TT forum to new rails of zf - but it has a sort of original style and I need not exactly preserve it but do somewhat about evolution.
besides I have 2 more automotive resources so... ;)
I was just looking around to find a Animate like skin for XF when ... what do you know ... the thing itself appears in the search! :D Cool to see you here Ehren. I hope you devote some more time to XF in the future. :)
yeah, I need to transfer Audi TT forum to new rails of zf - but it has a sort of original style and I need not exactly preserve it but do somewhat about evolution.
besides I have 2 more automotive resources so... ;)
I'm not currently taking on custom Xenforo jobs, however I believe Graeme (a designer/coder on my site) is available for new work. If you're interested, I'll be happy to pass you onto him. :)

anything is on? i still need it
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