xendisConnect - PixelExit.com [Deleted]

Have you modified the page_container template on either xendisconnect or fusion gamer?

Notices show fine on every installation I've seen with the two styles.
Russ updated xendisConnect - pixelExit.com with a new update entry:

1.3.0 Update Minor Change

This update brings xenDisconnect up to full compatibility with 1.3, it had a few outdated templates. I've also done few minor cosmetic changes to the style. Here's the full change-log:

1.3.0 Release

  • Added breadcrumb arrow
  • Title reduced in size
  • page_container brought up-to-date
  • message template brought up-to-date
  • navigation_visitor_tabs brought up-to-date
  • xendisconnect.css cleaned up(moved as much css to style properties as I could - around 5-6 items)
  • re-did...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Quick question, i have two sub styles to the main xendisconnect, when I update this to 1.3, is it going to apply the changes to the sub styles or just to the main xendisconnect style. Cus im still getting this on the side bar...

Search for:


On the top right of the admin panel, it's a new property I added to control that spot on the left. I took a div approach, except you'll just need to widen it.

By default it uses the messageuserInfo width, however if you're modifying it somewhere else via css or maybe padding it would use some adjusting.

Open the Message Left -> Style Properties -> xenDisconnect Properties -> Message Left,

the width, replace the @messageUserInfo.width with your correct width of that user section there.
copyright doesnt appear to be showing correctly either, i have "extra_copyright | Style by pixelExit.com" at the bottom left rather then the XF copyright and then the style copyright right after.
For now, in the footer template

Search for:

<div id="copyright">{xen:phrase xenforo_copyright} | <a href="http://pixelexit.com/">Style by pixelExit.com</a></div>

Replace with this

<div id="copyright">{xen:helper copyright} {xen:phrase extra_copyright} | <a href="http://pixelexit.com">Style By: pixelExit.com</a></div>
copyright doesnt appear to be showing correctly either, i have "extra_copyright | Style by pixelExit.com" at the bottom left rather then the XF copyright and then the style copyright right after.

Which version of XenForo are you running? The footer is set to work with the latest version of 1.3. They changed the copyright on it to add an extra helper for users to use.

now if I update to 1.3, all templates are changed? or I can choose this yourself?
I've never updated a styl.
because I can say to help someone or how should I proceed?

backup from the styl I have already made (exported)
If you have made a backup of your current style you can try over writing it with the updated xml. You should always make a note of any changes you have made.

The best solution is always to install another copy of the style as a child to edit if you need to.

- xenDisconnect (Parent Style)
---xenDisconnect (Child Style) <--- Make you changes with this style.

Then you can simply upgrade the parent style when need be.
So the parent styl always use to update, and the child styl not updating only editing by my self . thanks for helping ^^ and fast replay ^^
I have two issues with the latest update. in the footer i have this showing extra_copyright and in the user dropdown menu i have this external_accounts any ideas?
I have two issues with the latest update. in the footer i have this showing extra_copyright and in the user dropdown menu i have this external_accounts any ideas?
This style is meant for the latest 1.3 update, are you running it?
I am now! Figured that out when i realised that i missed the announcement of 1.3 release all sorted now although i am trying to figure out why i no longer have a dropdown/overlay login bar. When i hit login it just takes me to the login page
I am now! Figured that out when i realised that i missed the announcement of 1.3 release all sorted now although i am trying to figure out why i no longer have a dropdown/overlay login bar. When i hit login it just takes me to the login page

To get the login effect back you'll need to revert the template: login_bar

It'll bring back the default XenForo login handle.

I might be able to work around this in a future release to have the bar 100% across the top like it is now but with the dropdown.
Ah thats great yeah i could not tell if it was the style or the update to 1.3 that did it!

Ok so just reverted but actualy not sure now! Before the recent update of this style did it have the dropdown login?

Maybe i imagined it. As reverting it i don't remember it looking quite like that!
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