[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics

[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics [Paid] 2.1.4

No permission to buy ($55.00)
Thank you for the help. We don't block font awesome icons and they're in use, fine, through the rest of our site. Is there a way we can manually set or try to troubleshoot the two icons not showing? It takes away from the experience when you don't see the proper buttons. I am sure there must be a fix we can find. I can also make you an account on our site, with the needed access, if you want to see the challenge yourself.
Sure, I'll look into it for you. PM.

I notice on our site, which uses the built-in Xenforo in the "container above content" location, and when viewing a user profile from a mobile device the music player pushes up the profile banner INTO a portion of the container above content area.
Sure, a screenshot would help clarify this.

I was wondering if it’s possible to add a toggle feature for the audio player. Some site members might not want to showcase the album cover on their profile pages. They might want to only show, a play and pause button when their profile page loads. Maybe it’s for compact design purposes. But with the option for site members to toggle wether the audio player loads compact or full length would be amazing. Then when a person visits a profile page with compact settings activated. They can choose to toggle the full view if they want to see more details about the audio they are listening to. When I designed websites many many years ago lol, I use to have an audio player that sat in the top navigation all the way to the right. It was small compact and site members could just stopped the audio as soon as they went to that page if they wanted too.

The only other thing I would suggest, which is somewhat in line with another user's thoughts below, is that perhaps on mobile the player becomes a simple control with maybe the song name rather than the full player? It would take up less real estate and be a little more seamless than having to scroll past a large block for the player.
I'll certainly take it into consideration. However, I want to mention that making this change could potentially require a significant redesign of the player, involving adjustments to HTML, CSS, JS, and Style properties. Moreover, removing the Artist name, Album title, and Album art background image might impact the space available for the playlist. I'll carefully evaluate the feasibility of this idea and remember your input.

Anyway, I appreciate you taking all our thoughts into consideration and realize it's your project and I do not know all the ins and outs of what it takes to create something like this. So whether or not you find these ideas, suggestions, or comments worthwhile, I still appreciate you taking the time to read them and for creating this add-on.
I truly love your understanding. :) Your thoughts and suggestions are valuable, and I'm glad you recognize that every decision comes with its own complexities. It means a lot to me that you've taken the time to share your ideas and provide feedback. (y)
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2nd idea!
Was wondering if it’s possible to add and icon and link section for where to find this audio.
I saw some members here on xenforo worried about monetization when their audio is being played. What about adding Spotify icon with a link that takes the listener directly to those sites so people can add songs to their playlist on Spotify. A Apple Music link etc…….. this way if a person really likes the song, they can go buy it etc…..

This is my slaps audio account where they have this icon link feature. People will know where to find the song on the internet.
I'll certainly take your suggestion into account. Could you clarify the number of links you're proposing? For each link, an input field would be needed in the playlist for each audio track. Please keep in mind that incorporating these additional buttons would require creating extra space on the player as well.

I appreciate your input and will assess the feasibility of this idea. (y)
Hey no problem, appreciate you as well! The profile issue had nothing to do with your add-on... after I did a little more research. So I fixed the issue by removing the ads from members_view.

I'll certainly take your suggestion into account. Could you clarify the number of links you're proposing? For each link, an input field would be needed in the playlist for each audio track. Please keep in mind that incorporating these additional buttons would require creating extra space on the player as well.

I appreciate your input and will assess the feasibility of this idea. (y)
Hum, I don’t know how many links, maybe ask the community to see what they say.
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player - Profile Music for XenForo 2 with a new update entry:

2.0.0 - Complete rewrite, Unlimited audio tracks, Widgets, Library, Search and more!

📣 Exciting News:

Profile Audio Player v2 Is Here! 🎉

Today, we're super excited to introduce you to Profile Audio Player v2.0.0! We've been working hard on this for over a month, and it's packed with awesome new features and improvements that take your music experience to the next level. 🎶🚀

First, let's clarify a few things. The legacy version, v1, won't receive any new feature updates...

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So after looking at version 2 this looks like an amazing add-on. I will invest in this add-on when I start designing my website again. I just wanna say this, to have a developer listen to the community in this way and rewrite an add-on to be superior to his original creation is amazing! I can not wait to add this long awaited feature of mine to my website. Thank you for listening and understanding us because this is what us as website/community makers look for. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Do I need to pay for this upgraded version?

View attachment 291771
Its written in the post. Either buy it as new or pay 20 to upgrade from the previous payment.

Now, about the price. v2 is much bigger and more complex than v1, it comes with an entirely new structure and solid codebase, making room for future development. So we've had to increase the cost. It's now $45. If you already have v1, you can upgrade to v2 for an extra $20. If you want to remove our branding or renew your license, that will be $20 separately. We hope you understand why we had to do this, and we really appreciate your support. 🤝
Hey @Veer is there any chance I could check a demo out and play around? The new update looks great but I want to check some things.
This is an amazing start but I fear it's going to be too hard for members to use. Trying to find a URL for an mp3 isn't as easy as it used to be. Converting a YouTube link would be perfect. Watching this with a lot of enthusiasm.
You can find the link to all of your music very easily. For any website that has your music hosted a url link for sharing and embedding is provided. This is the reason every website offers this so people can promote their music from that platform.
Hey @Veer is there any chance I could check a demo out and play around? The new update looks great but I want to check some things.
Thanks for your interest.

As we continue to grow our business, we do have plans to set up a demo site. Currently, if any customers would like us to showcase their site as a demo, we'd be more than happy to list them on the resource page.

If there are specific aspects you would like to explore, please feel free to let me know, and I can try recording a video demonstration for you.
Thanks for your interest.

As we continue to grow our business, we do have plans to set up a demo site. Currently, if any customers would like us to showcase their site as a demo, we'd be more than happy to list them on the resource page.

If there are specific aspects you would like to explore, please feel free to let me know, and I can try recording a video demonstration for you.
Question 1 - If I were to add a track from Spotify/YouTube Music/iTunes etc - Would the other details of this track, the meta data be pulled and input into my site? For instance, the album name, the album art etc. ? If not, can this be added as a feature request?

Question 2 - Say I wanted to add an entire album of music from a streaming service, such as Spotify - Would this be possible all at once? Or would I need to add each track one by one? Of course, if you get a streaming link for an album on a streaming service, you could get one for the album rather than the track - so there's no reason why that shouldn't be possible.

Question 3 - Would it be possible or in scope of this addon to add a feature such as 'Now Playing', where if member is currently listening to music from a selected service - this track would appear as playing on that persons profile. I hope that makes sense? TH previously did an addon for this for Spotify.

Question 4 - Will this addon need to be re-coded again due to the recent announcement that all further development of the addon should cease using jQuery, and use native JS instead? Thanks :)

With question 1 + 2, with the comment that this addon has been re-coded because the use-case for this addon has matured, I could see that these features would benefit other people too.

Many thanks :)
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player - Profile Music for XenForo 2 with a new update entry:

2.0.1 - Manage soft-deleted audios, Improved user audio count, Bug fixes

Profile Audio Player v2.0.1 is Here! 🎉

Following our major release yesterday, we're thrilled to bring you another quick update packed with further improvements and bug fixes. Here's what's new:

📜 Changelog​

🕵️‍♂️ Manage Deleted Audios:​

  • Soft deleted audio tracks are now visible on the "Manage Your Profile Audios" page.
  • Clearly indicates the deleted entry.
[ATTACH type="full"...

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Question 1 - If I were to add a track from Spotify/YouTube Music/iTunes etc - Would the other details of this track, the meta data be pulled and input into my site? For instance, the album name, the album art etc. ? If not, can this be added as a feature request?

Question 2 - Say I wanted to add an entire album of music from a streaming service, such as Spotify - Would this be possible all at once? Or would I need to add each track one by one? Of course, if you get a streaming link for an album on a streaming service, you could get one for the album rather than the track - so there's no reason why that shouldn't be possible.

Question 3 - Would it be possible or in scope of this addon to add a feature such as 'Now Playing', where if member is currently listening to music from a selected service - this track would appear as playing on that persons profile. I hope that makes sense? TH previously did an addon for this for Spotify.

Question 4 - Will this addon need to be re-coded again due to the recent announcement that all further development of the addon should cease using jQuery, and use native JS instead? Thanks :)

With question 1 + 2, with the comment that this addon has been re-coded because the use-case for this addon has matured, I could see that these features would benefit other people too.

Many thanks :)
Currently, the add-on doesn't pull data from streaming services like Spotify or iTunes. While it's technically possible to do this in version 2, we haven't implemented it yet. The main reason is that the sales of this add-on don't cover the cost of such development, support, and maintenance. Additionally, relying on external services could make the add-on less reliable in the long run, which we want to avoid. However, we'll do our best to make a solid add-on that works as a standalone, ideally with most features working without any dependencies.

Regarding the recent announcement about jQuery removal, we had already completed the work on version 2 when the announcement was made. Due to the complexity of the migration script (from v1 to v2) and other factors, we had to release it as is. The add-on does have a significant amount of JavaScript code, as both of our players are built using JavaScript, and important features like play counts are implemented using JavaScript as well. Converting all of this code to native JavaScript and proper testing is a huge task and will take some time, but it's something we plan to address in the near future, just before the release of XF2.3.

We appreciate your understanding and support. 😊
So after looking at version 2 this looks like an amazing add-on. I will invest in this add-on when I start designing my website again. I just wanna say this, to have a developer listen to the community in this way and rewrite an add-on to be superior to his original creation is amazing! I can not wait to add this long awaited feature of mine to my website. Thank you for listening and understanding us because this is what us as website/community makers look for. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Good to see you @oO5 Dynasty -- hope life is treating you well. I agree on this add-on @Veer has made.... really nice!
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player - Profile Music & Lyrics with a new update entry:

2.0.2 - Listen Tracking, Mark Audios as Listened, News feed & What's new Integration

Profile Audio Player v2.0.2 Has Released 📢

We are delighted to announce the latest feature-packed update for Profile Audio Player! This v2 update continue to enhancing your audio experience and providing exciting new ways to discover and interact with audio content. Here is what's new:

📜 Changelog​

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Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player - Profile Music & Lyrics with a new update entry:

2.0.3 - Audio Listeners, New Admin Options, User Group Permission, and Bug Fixes

Profile Audio Player v2.0.3 Has Released 📢

In our previous release, we introduced Listen Tracking, laying the foundation for an exciting new feature in this release. We are thrilled to present the latest update packed with new features! This v2 update continues to elevate your audio experience and offers innovative ways to discover and engage with audio content. Here's what's new:

📜 Changelog​

🎧 Audio Listeners​

  • ...

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Would you be able to embed the player / widget in a BB code / post?
Embedding the audio track (with or without the player) within the post is not supported in the current version. However, it's a feature that can be considered for a future update.
Embedding the audio track (with or without the player) within the post is not supported in the current version. However, it's a feature that can be considered for a future update.
I'm still building my forum, but I'm keeping an eye out for updates for when I purchase this plugin.

And this is one of the functions that I was also going to suggest to you, however I don't know if it refers to the same thing as it does to me.

The idea I have is that a song that has already been uploaded to any user can be inserted as a bbcode in any publication and that the playback adds up.
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