[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics

[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics [Paid] 2.1.4

No permission to buy ($55.00)
The ability to upload files. Permissions should be configured to allow certain groups to upload.
Implemented in v1.0.2 (y)

The ability to create additional playlists and categories.
Excellent. When will it be possible to have more than one playlist?
We have added this to our TODO list and will take it into consideration. However, please note that we cannot provide any commitment or estimated time of arrival at this point.
I love this @Veer !! To make it "work" with how our theme manages mobile users, is it at all possible for you to provide a third location for the player to exist? If it could sit right below the profile header (user pics, etc.. before profile posts) in a horizontal positioning, we could use it.

Appreciate any consideration you may give! Thanks.
Thank you for your feedback and valuable suggestion. (y)

To clarify, if I understand correctly, you would like the player to appear "before profile posts" for mobile users while retaining the default sidebar position for wide screen users?
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Ive added my token and the new update still doesnt show in downloads,
You are all set now! (y)

Our team conducts a manual verification for each purchase, and we apologize for any delay this may have caused. Moving forward, you will no longer experience any delays in downloading future updates. Thank you for your cooperation!
It has to be manually checked, as per their recent announcement to prevent piracy etc.

I think there is an automatic checker isn't there? Shrug
That's correct. While the automatic checker is available for XenForo, we are currently using WordPress.
I love this @Veer !! To make it "work" with how our theme manages mobile users, is it at all possible for you to provide a third location for the player to exist? If it could sit right below the profile header (user pics, etc.. before profile posts) in a horizontal positioning, we could use it.

Appreciate any consideration you may give! Thanks.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Upon investigation, we've realized that while the sidebar or sidenav position works well for larger screens, on smaller screens, the player along with other sidebar blocks moves too far down the profile page. 😅

To address this, we've implemented your idea of a third position. After extensive testing, we've arrived at a solution. 🧪

We're optimistic about releasing the new update (1.0.3) soon, possibly tonight or tomorrow. This update ensures that when the XenForo screen shifts from large to small, the player in the sidebar will be removed instead of being shifted to the bottom of the page. It will now appear in a new position just below the profile header tabs and right above the profile posts.

This new mobile-specific position is being introduced without requiring any admin options/adjustments, and it will work seamlessly alongside the existing positions (Sidebar and Sidenav). 👍

Thank you once again for your valuable input! 😊
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player - Profile Music for XenForo 2 with a new update entry:

1.0.3 - Revamped Player Positioning, Enhanced Visibility and Seamless Compatibility

Profile Audio Player v1.0.3 Update is Here! 🚀

We're excited to roll out yet another feature update that focuses on improvements to the responsive design by introducing a new mobile-specific position for the player on smaller screens and ensuring compatibility with existing positions....

Read the rest of this update entry...
I was looking for this for a long time, it will be my next purchase, however I consider that nowadays it is essential to add a field to give a like (heart) to the songs and number of reproductions.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Upon investigation, we've realized that while the sidebar or sidenav position works well for larger screens, on smaller screens, the player along with other sidebar blocks moves too far down the profile page. 😅

To address this, we've implemented your idea of a third position. After extensive testing, we've arrived at a solution. 🧪

We're optimistic about releasing the new update (1.0.3) soon, possibly tonight or tomorrow. This update ensures that when the XenForo screen shifts from large to small, the player in the sidebar will be removed instead of being shifted to the bottom of the page. It will now appear in a new position just below the profile header tabs and right above the profile posts.

This new mobile-specific position is being introduced without requiring any admin options/adjustments, and it will work seamlessly alongside the existing positions (Sidebar and Sidenav). 👍

Thank you once again for your valuable input! 😊
Appreciate you so much!
@Veer I got this and I >LOVE< it!! I just noticed three things that maybe you can help with. 1) Even though it is set to auto-play when someone goes to the profile, it is not doing that. 2&3) There are two image breaks as can be seen in this picture one is the play button and the other is at the top left?? I am using version 1.03.... Thank you!player.png
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@Veer I got this and I >LOVE< it!! I just noticed three things that maybe you can help with. 1) Even though it is set to auto-play when someone goes to the profile, it is not doing that. 2&3) There are two image breaks as can be seen in this picture one is the play button and the other is at the top left?? I am using version 1.03.... Thank you!

I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying the add-on! 😊
  1. About the autoplay, browsers have a policy in place that prevents autoplay until a user interacts with the website, such as clicking or tapping on the page. Chrome's autoplay policies allow muted autoplay, and autoplay with sound is allowed if the user has interacted with the domain, or if certain conditions are met. I made a quick video to demonstrate that interacting with the domain (like clicking a link) will make autoplay work as intended.

    for detail see autoplay policy:
    Chrome's autoplay policies are simple:

    View media item 4966
  2. The play/pause buttons use Font Awesome icons. If your website is blocking Font Awesome or if any add-ons or browser extensions are affecting its behavior, it might lead to issues with the icons. I've thoroughly tested this on various live setups, and everything seems to be functioning as expected.
  3. The missing icon in the top left corner is related to the album art image. Please make sure that the album art image is uploaded for each track, and it should display perfectly.
Thank you so much for your continuous support and valuable input! Your feedback and support are highly appreciated. 👍

After using it, I find it slightly inconvenient. Difficulty when we use on the phone.

If we want to listen, we have to be on the specific personal page to do so.

Therefore, we won't be able to do anything else.

Is there any way to still have the music playing even if we access any other page?

After using it, I find it slightly inconvenient. Difficulty when we use on the phone.

If we want to listen, we have to be on the specific personal page to do so.

Therefore, we won't be able to do anything else.

Is there any way to still have the music playing even if we access any other page?
Certainly, I understand your concerns. The add-on is primarily designed to function on user profiles. However, I'd like to share a workaround that might help improve your experience when using it on your phone.

If you open the profile in a browser tab and keep that tab open while playing the music, you'll be able to switch to other tabs in your browser. The music will continue to play even if you minimize the browser, use other apps, or if your screen is locked. This way, you can still enjoy the music while doing other things on your phone. The music will keep playing until you either close that specific tab or exit the browser entirely. I personally tested this on my phone and it worked.

I hope this adds more convenience to your experience. If you have any more questions or suggestions, feel free to share. (y)
Hey I have a suggestion or 2. I was wondering if it’s possible to add a toggle feature for the audio player. Some site members might not want to showcase the album cover on their profile pages. They might want to only show, a play and pause button when their profile page loads. Maybe it’s for compact design purposes. But with the option for site members to toggle wether the audio player loads compact or full length would be amazing. Then when a person visits a profile page with compact settings activated. They can choose to toggle the full view if they want to see more details about the audio they are listening to. When I designed websites many many years ago lol, I use to have an audio player that sat in the top navigation all the way to the right. It was small compact and site members could just stopped the audio as soon as they went to that page if they wanted too.

2nd idea!
Was wondering if it’s possible to add and icon and link section for where to find this audio.
I saw some members here on xenforo worried about monetization when their audio is being played. What about adding Spotify icon with a link that takes the listener directly to those sites so people can add songs to their playlist on Spotify. A Apple Music link etc…….. this way if a person really likes the song, they can go buy it etc….. FCC3CFB6-5B80-478A-85CF-E87D18D2BCF0.webp
This is my slaps audio account where they have this icon link feature. People will know where to find the song on the internet.
I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying the add-on! 😊
  1. About the autoplay, browsers have a policy in place that prevents autoplay until a user interacts with the website, such as clicking or tapping on the page. Chrome's autoplay policies allow muted autoplay, and autoplay with sound is allowed if the user has interacted with the domain, or if certain conditions are met. I made a quick video to demonstrate that interacting with the domain (like clicking a link) will make autoplay work as intended.

    for detail see autoplay policy:

    View media item 4966
  2. The play/pause buttons use Font Awesome icons. If your website is blocking Font Awesome or if any add-ons or browser extensions are affecting its behavior, it might lead to issues with the icons. I've thoroughly tested this on various live setups, and everything seems to be functioning as expected.
  3. The missing icon in the top left corner is related to the album art image. Please make sure that the album art image is uploaded for each track, and it should display perfectly.
Thank you so much for your continuous support and valuable input! Your feedback and support are highly appreciated. 👍

Thank you for the help. We don't block font awesome icons and they're in use, fine, through the rest of our site. Is there a way we can manually set or try to troubleshoot the two icons not showing? It takes away from the experience when you don't see the proper buttons. I am sure there must be a fix we can find. I can also make you an account on our site, with the needed access, if you want to see the challenge yourself.

Thank you for the extra positioning for mobile users. It's looking good! I want to point out two 'items for thought' though that may help make the experience even better or at least something for you to review.

I notice on our site, which uses the built-in Xenforo in the "container above content" location, and when viewing a user profile from a mobile device the music player pushes up the profile banner INTO a portion of the container above content area.

The only other thing I would suggest, which is somewhat in line with another user's thoughts below, is that perhaps on mobile the player becomes a simple control with maybe the song name rather than the full player? It would take up less real estate and be a little more seamless than having to scroll past a large block for the player.

Anyway, I appreciate you taking all our thoughts into consideration and realize it's your project and I do not know all the ins and outs of what it takes to create something like this. So whether or not you find these ideas, suggestions, or comments worthwhile, I still appreciate you taking the time to read them and for creating this add-on.
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