[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics

[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics [Paid] 2.1.4

No permission to buy ($55.00)
This is an amazing start but I fear it's going to be too hard for members to use. Trying to find a URL for an mp3 isn't as easy as it used to be. Converting a YouTube link would be perfect. Watching this with a lot of enthusiasm.
Thanks for your feedback! I understand your concern about member usability. While integrating YouTube links is not within the scope of this add-on, I appreciate your suggestion. There might be separate add-ons available for YouTube integration. Regarding ease of use, I'm considering the possibility of implementing direct file uploads. Would that be something you find helpful?

Also, maybe I missed it but is there a live demo?
Unfortunately, there isn't a live demo available at the moment. However, I've provided detailed screenshots to give a clear view of the add-on's features.
Still poses the issue of where to they get the mp3 file from...most aren't going to take the time to search google for a file that isnt a virus, malware, etc. They COULD rip the audio from youtube but thats just another layer of work.
Still poses the issue of where to they get the mp3 file from...most aren't going to take the time to search google for a file that isnt a virus, malware, etc. They COULD rip the audio from youtube but thats just another layer of work.
Absolutely understand your concerns. The current setup ensures that the audio player only appears on profiles where users have added music tracks to their playlist. Those who haven't added tracks won't see any change – their profiles will remain unchanged. This approach aims to maintain a seamless experience for all users. If you have more thoughts to share, please feel free! (y)

An update is coming soon!​

In response to the feedback, the playlist audio limit is being doubled, going from 5 to an impressive 10 tracks. Now you can showcase even more of your favorite tunes on your profile.
The issue is still the same - people need to upload and host these files somewhere. There are no legal sites with direct links to any of these formats for commercial music.
That’s an interesting point. So how do the artists and composers receive royalties for their music?
This add-on is excellent!

It can be used for various purposes.

For example, I can use it to upload Audio Postcards that I create myself, and members can listen to them.

I would like to add more functions:

  • The ability to upload files. Permissions should be configured to allow certain groups to upload.
  • The ability to create additional playlists and categories.
Thank you sincerely.
@Veer This would be great if there was integration with Spotify/apple music/tidal so people could have their own playlist.

There was an addon by theme house for Spotify but it's not been updated in years.

Is this in scope of this addon?
I second this and that way we don’t have to deal with copyright issues.
Maybe it is obsolete as you can embed Spotify now anyway, not sure if it plays the entire track or an extract though.
I think you've been able to embed albums or playlists from Spotify for a long time. If you're logged into Spotify or connected I think it plays a full track, if not then 30 secs.

I think the difference with that addon is that it showed currently playing tracks. So if I played an album on Spotify on my phone, the addon would poll the api and display what I'm listening to with that visible on my profile. So I guess in that respect, it's not comparable to this addon.

However. Integration with popular streamers (Spotify, apple, tidal, YouTube music) with this addon - I think would be great. Most, if not all of those streamers allow playback through custom players via api thus negating the need to worry about copyrighted content.

If this was possible in the future for this addon I'd happily help product manage if needed or required.

My idea is as follows:

The user has the capability to engage with multiple playlists, as outlined below. Upon selecting a specific playlist, the corresponding content will be presented.

Additionally, a feature is available to seamlessly transition between playlists automatically, either spanning across multiple playlists or exclusively within a single playlist.

Screenshot 2023-08-12 115529.webp

Exciting News: Update Incoming!​

Based on your feedback, we're introducing the ability to upload audio files in our upcoming update. This feature will be permission-based. Rest assured, the existing audio link functionality will remain unaffected. Stay tuned! :)

Exciting News: Update Incoming!​

Based on your feedback, we're introducing the ability to upload audio files in our upcoming update. This feature will be permission-based. Rest assured, the existing audio link functionality will remain unaffected. Stay tuned! :)
Excellent. When will it be possible to have more than one playlist?
Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player - Profile Music for XenForo 2 with a new update entry:

1.0.2 - Audio Uploads and Usergroup Permission

Profile Audio Player v1.0.2 Update is Here! 🚀

We're excited to roll out yet another feature update that brings to life both your request and our ultimate goal for this add-on:
  • Audio Upload: Users can now upload audio files directly.
    • Supported audio file extensions are:
      • mp3, wav, aac, flac, m4a, ogg, oga, amb, m4r, and opus.

  • Usergroup Permission: A new usergroup permission "Can upload audio" has been introduced.
    • Users with this permission can either upload audio files or provide links.
    • Users without this permission will not see the upload button but can still add audio links.
    • Furthermore, we have implemented a post-upgrade setup to automatically apply the new permission during upgrades. Additionally, the post-installation setup has been updated to automatically apply the new permission upon a fresh installation.
We truly appreciate your support! It would mean a lot to us if you could take a moment to leave a review and provide a rating. Your feedback is music to our ears! 🎶🎉

Read the rest of this update entry...
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I love this @Veer !! To make it "work" with how our theme manages mobile users, is it at all possible for you to provide a third location for the player to exist? If it could sit right below the profile header (user pics, etc.. before profile posts) in a horizontal positioning, we could use it.

Appreciate any consideration you may give! Thanks.
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