XenCentral Multisite System

XenCentral Multisite System [Paid] 1.11.0

No permission to buy (€69.99)
i need use mirors , how i cend do this?
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I have this working now. I see that its not possible to use different permissions per node.

This means that if you need to show the same nodes on multiple websites, then you will get punished by Google for duplicate content. That's very dangerous because it hurts your rankings and decreases the number of site visitors.

Please make it possible to set guest viewing permissions per node per domain.
@Markos - I saw this on Stack Overflow and am hoping it one of the examples will work for you. I've pasted one that looks like it *should* work below.

Hope this helps! :)

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]
So I took the plunge and purchased. Initially I was thrilled, but after a couple days I've found two major issues that have completely halted development for our sites:

- SSO is not working on the latest version of FireFox. It is working on IE and Chrome.

- Xenzine Articles are not working -- at all -- even though the add-on description specifically says they do. I'm trying to make articles available on one of my sites. However, when MultiSite is enabled I get nothing but a blank white page when I try to access articles. When MultiSite is disabled, the articles work perfectly. It's definitely MultiSite that is causing the issues.

Here are the errors I'm receiving in my Control Panel:

Undefined index: article_category A moment ago - library/XenCentral/MultiSite/Model/XenZine/Category.php:26
Undefined index: rename_article_category A moment ago - library/XenCentral/MultiSite/Model/XenZine/Category.php:29
Fatal Error: Call to a member function hasNode() on a non-object A moment ago - library/XenCentral/MultiSite/Model/XenZine/Category.php:32

I submitted a ticket regarding the FireFox about a week ago, since I discovered that issue first. No response to my ticket at all.

I submitted a second ticket regarding the issue with XenZine a couple days ago. I received a response saying that it looked like I was missing some files, and to re-upload. I did that. I also did a complete, fresh test install of XenForo and multisite to test. Still had the Firefox SSO issue. I added XenZine on the fresh install and still got the exact same white screen and errors. I reported all of this in the ticket and even included a screenshot of my settings. Over 48 hours later, no follow-up response.

I really love the idea of this add-on, and I really want it to work! However I'm getting pretty nervous. Reading through this thread, it looks like other customers have received sporadic support in the past. I don't want to run my sites off this, then have them down for several days (while I wait for support) if something goes wrong.

Has anyone else experienced these errors? Is SSO working for anyone else with the latest versions of MultiSite and Firefox? What about XenZine?

It looks like @XCentral 's last post here on xenForo was about a month ago. I still have my tickets open and am waiting for a response there, but figured it couldn't hurt to post here as well. Hoping we can get this all sorted out.
I still haven't received any further response on my support tickets, and it's been over a week. I can't launch my community until the xenZine and Firefox SSO issues are resolved.

It looks like @XCentral was here yesterday offering to do custom work for a new project, but still hasn't answered support for existing paid products.

It would be fantastic to see a feature update -- but at this point I'm wondering if the add-on is even still supported. This is very frustrating to say the least. :(
Is there anyway to set this up so say your "main" site has sub forums but on your managed site these could appear in the main forum list.

Say for example

Main XenForo Site
Main Page
- Bitcoin
- Other Coins

Click on Other Coins to view Sub Forums
- Litecoin
- Megacoin

Managed XenCentral Site
Main Page
- Litecoin
- Megacoin
Any word yet on my Facebook issue with members not being able to register on multi sites as each facebook connect is a separate appID, but e-mail address to register is already in use if trying to register for a second account.. making the register fail.
@XCentral Thank you for this update. Its a nice improvement. Im looking forward to the implementation of the other addons.

You are welcome. Support for some other add-ons will be implemented soon.

i need use mirors , how i cend do this?
It seems what you need is creating two domain entries using different domain URLs but the same configuration, it should work as a mirror.

I still haven't received any further response on my support tickets, and it's been over a week. I can't launch my community until the xenZine and Firefox SSO issues are resolved.

It looks like @XCentral was here yesterday offering to do custom work for a new project, but still hasn't answered support for existing paid products.

It would be fantastic to see a feature update -- but at this point I'm wondering if the add-on is even still supported. This is very frustrating to say the least. :(

We are sorry for the delay, all these issues are addressed now.

Is there anyway to set this up so say your "main" site has sub forums but on your managed site these could appear in the main forum list.

Say for example

Main XenForo Site
Main Page
- Bitcoin
- Other Coins

Click on Other Coins to view Sub Forums
- Litecoin
- Megacoin

Managed XenCentral Site
Main Page
- Litecoin
- Megacoin

The add-on has an option "Root Node", which sets the top-level root node which should be displayed on domain's home page. For nodes to work each node should have its parent enabled, and you can change from which level it should display using "Root Node". This works for the most cases, and if for managed site you will set the "Other Coins" as root node it should do the trick for you.

Thank you everyone for your support and suggestions.

Thank you!
Getting the following error when upgrading to 1.4v beta1. Using it on a site without multisite enabled gives no error

Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'taigachat.domain_id' in 'where clause'
[*][B]Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare()[/B] in [B]Zend/Db/Statement.php[/B] at line [B]115[/B]
[*][B]Zend_Db_Statement->__construct()[/B] in [B]Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php[/B] at line [B]381[/B]
[*][B]Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare()[/B] in [B]Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php[/B] at line [B]478[/B]
[*][B]Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query()[/B] in [B]Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php[/B] at line [B]734[/B]
[*][B]Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->fetchAll()[/B] in [B]XenCentral/MultiSite/Model/TaigaChat/TaigaChat.php[/B] at line [B]57[/B]
[*][B]XenCentral_MultiSite_Model_TaigaChat_TaigaChat->getMessages()[/B] in [B]Dark/TaigaChat/ControllerPublic/TaigaChat.php[/B] at line [B]25[/B]
[*][B]Dark_TaigaChat_ControllerPublic_TaigaChat->actionList()[/B] in [B]XenForo/FrontController.php[/B] at line [B]347[/B]
[*][B]XenForo_FrontController->dispatch()[/B] in [B]XenForo/FrontController.php[/B] at line [B]134[/B]
[*][B]XenForo_FrontController->run()[/B] in [B]/home/foro/public_html/index.php[/B] at line [B]13[/B]


ALTER TABLE `dark_taigachat` ADD `domain_id` TEXT NOT NULL ;

But it still shows all of taiga chat on both sites even though Site-specific TaigaChat is checked off and using site 1 puts a 1 in domain_id and using 2nd site puts a 2 in domain_id
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Found an issue now that I added a second site to go live.

Set up in over ride a facebook id and secret to match the app information for the second site...

If the person has an account on site A already, they can't sign up for an account on site B using the same FB account as the e-mail needs to be unique when you register.

We have tested this and see that the main problem is that user who has connected through one application gets a form that asks to associate current account with the account who was already connected, and asks for that account's password, which should not happen as that account itself is create via Facebook Connect and doesn't have a password. However, we were unable to reproduce the case with duplicate error warning, and looking at the code we don't see how it could happen. Please provide us further details on when the error is shown and if we can reproduce it on any board.

Thank you!
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