XenCentral Multisite System

XenCentral Multisite System [Paid] 1.11.0

No permission to buy (€69.99)

You set up the domains to point to example1.com This has to be setup from hosting account so if you open any of them they are opening the same content, but as example1.com, example2.com, example3.com etc. The domain changes in the browser. This can be done by hosting support or if you have any control panel there should be information available on how to do it. After this is done, you proceed with domains setup in Multisite System as said. Please check our demos to see how is it working: http://demo.xencentral.com and http://demo2.xencentral.com are pointed to the same installation and setup with Multisite System.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!
Basically you install XF as you normally would and have one site and one installation of XF.

If you run cPanel, you then add your 2nd (3rd etc) domain in cPanel by using the Addon Domain but making the files location the same as the location where you installed XF in domain 1

Example, after you have installed XF and running the way you want it go to cPanel and click addon domain:

Then add the 2nd domain details but make sure you select where the files are located for domain 1 as the Document Root...in 99% of cases it will simply be "public_html"...when adding the domain it will try and enter a different folder after the public_html but remove that and just leave public_html:

Now install the framework and then the addon and go to the Manage Sites area. Create an entry for each of the two domains (or 3rd etc) selecting the parameters that you want.

Now you have two sites using the one XF installation.

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Thanks @ibaker .

I actually read over at vb.org for the Cerberus one. Even saw you in that thread. :D

I ended up figuring it out. I have plesk, and I had to create a "domain alias". I admit I was confused at first, but this makes more sense now.

I can see how powerful it is with the ability to override settings.. Nice job so far.
Anyone else having issues with the cross site part. I've done everything possible to the point I'm stuck.

-- Extension installed
-- Domains configured properly
-- Framework updated

Nothing else I can do. Just doesn't work.
XCentral updated XenCentral Multisite System with a new update entry:

XenCentral Multisite System 1.2.4 released

Hello everyone,

This is the next release of Multisite System with two mostly requested features implemented - now it is possible to filter [bd] Widget Framework widgets for each domain, and it is possible to move threads between domains (forum list shown in move thread dialog will include all forums, not only the ones available under current domain).

All licensed customers can download the product from their Client's Area.

Thank you!

Read the rest of this update entry...
Anyone else having issues with the cross site part. I've done everything possible to the point I'm stuck.

-- Extension installed
-- Domains configured properly
-- Framework updated

Nothing else I can do. Just doesn't work.

It seems you problem is caused by cookie domain being specified in config file. Please remove the line setting cookie domain and try again.

Thank you!
It seems you problem is caused by cookie domain being specified in config file. Please remove the line setting cookie domain and try again.

Thank you!

Thank you. Finally fixed! Thank you.

You should expect others likely will have similar issues.
Wouldn't it be better though to just modify that line, not to remove it. Think it will cause further errors later on.
Wouldn't it be better though to just modify that line, not to remove it. Think it will cause further errors later on.

The line added in your config is optional and is not part of default installation. It is needed only in some special cases when you have different software running under the same domain, but different subdomains, e.g. forum.site.com, wiki.site.com, and want wiki.site.com software to have access to forum cookies (e.g. for login share implementation). If do not need anything like that you can safely remove the line.

Let us know if there are any other problems.

Thank you!
Is this possible to filter XenPorta for each domain?

Yes, it is. The filter is based on Node filter, and automatically removes threads from recent threads, featured threads and highlighted threads that do not belong to current domain. It is possible to enable/disable this on per-domain basis (e.g. you can have a domain where portal page shows all content, without filtering).

Thank you!
Thank you for your information. I' ve just used XF for my Multi language site together with Wp and use XenScripts but It does not meet my expectation so I choose Xenporta. If this addon support Xenporta as you said I think I will have it when finish importing all WP to XF.
Thank you,
Just bought your addon. My account still pending but I can see I have two download packs in my account:
XenCentral Multisite System 1.2.4
XenCentral Framework 1.1.8
Do I have to install both to run XenCentral Multisite?
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