XenCentral Feedback System 2

XenCentral Feedback System 2 [Paid] 2.3.5

No permission to buy (€54.99)
Guys thanks for releasing this, and we went live at AVForums.com Tuesday with this addon upgraded fine from XF1.
We have over half a million records of feedback.
I want to let you know about a couple of tweaks I've made which I hope you will incorporate.
First, though the message user info is hidden to users, I need it to be shown in our classified forums so people can instantly see other members' feedback scores. So I use this template conditional to achieve that:

And because people also need to see feedback even when browsing on their phones, I also added in to extra.less:
// display the feedback even in narrowest layout and center it
.message-userExtras.fb {
    display: block !important;
    text-align: center;
I also think the feedback looks much better centered.
I'm a vBulletin admin about to convert to Xenforo and working on a test install. I was torn between creating our own system and trying your add-on, but decided to give your XenCentral Feedback System 2 a try. Our primary concerns are security, system performance/load , and then user experience (probably in that order). Here are some initial observations (mostly trying to avoid the first two concerns here) after playing around with the system for 4 hours this morning.

OVERALL I wish you the best and hope that this add-on will be all that I and our users and other boards need. The add-on is nice and has some features I particularly appreciate, such as the ability to generate a feedback score based on transactions (default) or by unique people they have done business with (optional, but my preference). I'm not sure the add-as has 100% fully arrived from my perspective (security, performance, and user experience), but I think it's getting close, and hopefully with a little feedback of my own, it may get even closer.

BUG #1 (big one) - The module comes with an importer for vBulletin's iTrader. When it runs, it may stop because it doesn't like something with the data to be imported. When you run it again, it begins by "Deleting" the old data and then begins to import again. However, it only clears out table 'xf_xc_feedback_feedback' (ratings table) but FAILS to clear out 'xf_xc_feedback_comment'. Thus, every time you run the importer, the comment table just gets bigger and bigger with orphan records. [Advice to other existing users until fixed: manually clear but don't delete both tables if you have to restart the import. Or if you are long past that point, query MySQL to find orphan records in xf_xc_feedback_comment that you might be able to get rid of..]

BUG #2 (big one) - also with the importer. I discovered issue #1 because the importer stopped mid-way through an import with an error message: "Oops! We ran into some problems. Comment length should be at least 10 characters". So I checked in the SQL table and found one single comment with a 3 character length ("lol") and re-ran the import. The same error occurred again, even though I had confirmed no comments were less than 10 characters. It took some research, but I discovered the problem was that it apparently stripped out an entire 15 character comment due to surrounding punctuation on the comment. The iTrader comment was (between the quotes): "<wasting space>". Now it was interesting that it didn't accept '<' and '>' but then I noticed that it didn't just strip those symbols out (as 'wasting space' without the punctuation would still be well more than 10 characters). I think I'll stop on this one right now other than to ask you to take a closer look at the code for best practices and functionality and please address.

BUG #3 (or a suggestion) - well. I think this one is a bug, or maybe I'm missing something. When looking at a user’s profile and clicking on the ‘Feedback Stats’ tab, on the right side there are ‘Feedback Stats’ including a total Feedback Score # (100%), and # of positive, negative, and neutral. I sort of had hope that I would see extra info like what we had with vBulletin and iTrader, such as a 3x3 grid with positive/neutral/negative down the left hand side forming rows, and ‘Past Month’, ‘Past 6 Months’, and ‘Past 12 Months’ along the top forming columns. No such luck. However, there was a button underneath the stats labeled ‘Extended Stats’. When I click on it, it takes me to a page where I can generate a report on ‘Feedback Percentage Statistics’, and further down the page on ‘New Feedback Statistics’. Neither function does anything at all for me. Additionally, in the lower section, there is a checkbox for ‘Disable Flash’ that also does nothing for me. However, why is it even there? Flash died and was buried several years ago.

BUG #4 (again, unless I'm missing something) - Feedback scores that appear while viewing threads only appear when the page is viewed on a desktop browser. Using Xenforo's default template, they aren't appearing for me when I bring up the identical page on an iPhone.

SUGGESTION #1 (good idea)
I'd like to agree with Joe Link on his comment asking for a cleaner rating line (I'm assuming that is where it came from). The existing multi-color 'Feedback 100%, (72) (0) (0)' is overkill for my user base and the shorter & sweeter 'Feedback: X/X/X' would also be much gentler on precious mobile phone screen real estate (assuming Bug #4 above is addressed).


Our members are really missing the X / X / X feedback display. Any chance we can get that option back?

View attachment 207797

SUGGESTION #2 (good idea)
When the importers die for a reason such as "Comment length should be at least 10 characters", it would be nice to know what record number upset it. A userid and/or comment id, or something to help identify why the importer was unhappy. I was able to figure out a record 7,000+ into the import process was the one that got it upset, but not every admin may have that technical ability.

SUGGESTION #3 (very minor)
When importing data, it provides an update to progress, with a single text line reading for example "Imported feedback - 599 Failed feedback - 0 Imported comments - 677 Failed comments – 0". At first glance it looked like it was saying (at that moment) that there were 599 Failed feedback records so far. The ' - ' visually breaks up the rest of the line. I'd suggest either putting a new line after each number, or changing the text to something like ""Imported feedback: 599 -- Failed feedback: 0 -- Imported comments: 677 -- Failed comments: 0" to make it easier to read.

SUGGESTION #4 (very minor)
When 'Updating User Ratings', it flashes 'Processing...' but otherwise gives no indication of progress. It would be nice if it gave some indication of progress, like your importer does.

SUGGESTION #5 (very minor)
In the General Options section, one has the ability to add 'Top Traders' and 'Untrusted Traders' to the 'Homepage blocks'. I turned it on and nothing happened for me. I was looking for this blocks on the Forum's home page. I'd suggest changing the wording 'Homepage blocks' to 'Feedback Homepage Blocks' or similar to make it clearer that the options affect a page under the Feedback tab, not the home page of the forum site.
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On my 'Bug 3/Suggestion' above, my first part (suggestion) still stands.

On the second part however... the problem with the statistics not doing anything for me. The add-on author was very responsive and quickly pointed me to the problem... user error on my part. I had installed an SSL cert on my test system, and had apache redirect all requests to https. But I forgot to update the Board URL in Xenforo's Basic Board information. So the stats page came up in HTTPS, and the javascript call was being blocked since it was being referenced off of the Board URL (http://).

The stats page looks great. The only behavior that I didn't expect is that when you run a report from <start date> to <end date>, it only retrieves things before the end date, not including the end date.

Overall, I like this add-on, and it looks like an improvement over our current vBulletin iTrader. While I expressed some concerns above, I think the only thing that gets in the way of current functionality is the lack of full implementation on mobile. On my iPhone, I can pull down the menu to see the Feedback Dashboard (Latest Feedback, and Top Traders... stats link is missing but not needed for mobile), however, and more importantly, when viewing a thread and seeing all the posts in it, feedback stats don't show on mobile.
While I expressed some concerns above, I think the only thing that gets in the way of current functionality is the lack of full implementation on mobile. On my iPhone, I can pull down the menu to see the Feedback Dashboard (Latest Feedback, and Top Traders... stats link is missing but not needed for mobile), however, and more importantly, when viewing a thread and seeing all the posts in it, feedback stats don't show on mobile.

@PlayerOne This has been addressed in this thread.

You may use the following code in extra.less template.

.message-userExtras.fb {
display: block !important;
Um... I didn't see it earlier in the thread, but I guess I missed it...

In any case... I added those three simple lines to extra.less and it worked great!

I wish I understood a little more about Xenforo... the official manual doesn't go into detail on things like 'extra.less'. I wonder if someone has created a template (etc) cheat sheet or FAQ...
XCentral updated XenCentral Feedback System 2 with a new update entry:

XenCentral Feedback System 2.2.4 Released

Hello everyone!

This is the next release of Feedback System.

Release overview:
  1. A bug in the importer is fixed. The importer was not deleting the imported comments if the import was restarted.
  2. The importer will not check for comments length now if the import mode is on.
  3. An alternative stats view is implemented (similar to legacy view).
  4. Stats issue is fixed.
  5. Some other minor fixes.
The update is available in Customer's Portal...

Read the rest of this update entry...
"Update User Ratings" takes an extremely long time to run. Is there a CLI option to do this?

edit: it's been running 24 hours now, I believe it's broken.
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Nevermind the above, I just had the amount per page load too high. Setting it at 100 worked perfectly.

Feature Request

When displaying unique user feedback rather than total feedback, can we show both so it accurately represents the amount of trades one is doing. E.g.: Xcentral 229 (321) 96%
XCentral updated XenCentral Feedback System 2 with a new update entry:

XenCentral Feedback System 2.2.5 Released

Hello everyone!

This is the bug-fix release of Feedback System.

Release overview:
  1. An issue is fixed when for posts feedback data of all thread participant users were selected instead of the users of each page's posts.
  2. A bug is fixed when feedback data was hidden from posts, but Add Feedback link was still shown.
The update is available in Customer's Portal https://customers.dnf.technology/clientarea.php

Thank you all!

Read the rest of this update entry...
XCentral updated XenCentral Feedback System 2 with a new update entry:

XenCentral Feedback System Released

Hello everyone!

This is a bug-fix release.

1. An error is fixed. Template error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
2. An error is fixed. TypeError: Argument 2 passed to XF\Service\Conversation\Creator::__construct()

The update is available in Customer's Portal https://customers.dnf.technology/clientarea.php

Thank you all!

Read the rest of this update entry...
XCentral updated XenCentral Feedback System 2 with a new update entry:

XenCentral Feedback System 2.2.6 Security Release

Hello everyone!

This is a security release. All customers are strongly recommended to upgrade to this release.

We have been reported and fixed some incompletely sanitized queries that could lead to SQL injection exploits. All customers are strongly recommended to upgrade to this release.

The update is available in Customer's Portal https://customers.dnf.technology/clientarea.php

Thank you!

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey i just installed your add on and in apperance i have it set
Below User Name, marked all forums , detailed stats in postbit Ticked as well but it won't show on users postbit for some reason.

I wanted to try it before I bought it. error when I try to add feedback.

TypeError: Argument 2 passed to XF\Service\Conversation\Creator::__construct() must be an instance of XF\Entity\User, null given, called in /home/balikhobim/public_html/src/XF/Container.php on line 270 in src/XF/Service/Conversation/Creator.php at line 36
XF\Service\Conversation\Creator->__construct() in src/XF/Container.php at line 270
XF\Container->createObject() in src/XF/App.php at line 1570
XF\App->XF\{closure}() in src/XF/Container.php at line 228
XF\Container->create() in src/XF/App.php at line 2776
XF\App->service() in src/XF.php at line 683
XF::service() in src/addons/XenCentral/Feedback/Repository/Notification.php at line 207
XenCentral\Feedback\Repository\Notification->_sendSeparateNewFeedbackPM() in src/addons/XenCentral/Feedback/Repository/Notification.php at line 106
XenCentral\Feedback\Repository\Notification->notifyNewFeedback() in src/addons/XenCentral/Feedback/Behavior/Feedback.php at line 174
XenCentral\Feedback\Behavior\Feedback->postSave() in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php at line 1211
XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->save() in src/addons/XenCentral/Feedback/Pub/Controller/Main.php at line 213
XenCentral\Feedback\Pub\Controller\Main->actionDoAddFeedback() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 350
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 261
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 113
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 55
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2184
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 391
XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20
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