[Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization

[Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization [Paid] 2.7.0 Fix 3

No permission to buy (€25.00)
$imageUrl = rtrim(\XF::app()->request()->getHostUrl(), '') . '/' . ltrim($attachment->thumbnail_url, '/');

seems to solve it?
Another question, please:


Are there attachments without thumbnails?

Then we have to add something like

                    $imageUrl = \XF::app()->router()->buildLink('full:attachments', $attachment);

Oh! Ok, maybe every picture has a thumb, but not every attachment is a picture?
Another question, please:


Are there attachments without thumbnails?

Then we have to add something like

                    $imageUrl = \XF::app()->router()->buildLink('full:attachments', $attachment);

Oh! Ok, maybe every picture has a thumb, but not every attachment is a picture?
Yes, attachments must be pictures for og:image
There is indeed a problem for og:image as guests can't see thread attachments, so the default image of the og:image is used. We need to set up a system and say that if there is an attachment and this attachment is used for the meta og:image twitter:image then this attachment must be available for guests.
Have you checked this one, please?

$imageUrl = rtrim(\XF::app()->request()->getHostUrl(), '/') . '/' . ltrim($attachment->thumbnail_url, '/');
$imageUrl = rtrim(\XF::app()->request()->getHostUrl(), '') . '/' . ltrim($attachment->thumbnail_url, '/');
I am not sure, what I should do now:

Forum A: I dont care who can see images; ok lets set them free for everyone to have my full attach as og; (with change in your script)
Forum B: No way! Google should not collect these pictures, only special user group should see them.
This means I have to link or upload an og.

In my case I need something like this:

upload icon with 1200*600;
create icon
save full picture as attach to message
set blur_filter with too much blur to picture and save it as og

Before I can do this, I need your change for upload an og;
or I save it in a dir that is not controlled by XF, and save the link /freeogs/[floored id}/id.jpg

Do you have any time planned for the next update, please?
Sorry, not finished:

foreach($attachments as $attachment)

If we have ten attachments, we run this ten times, right?
And finally, choose the last one image.
Is the last one always the same?

Is there any sense if we could choose a random one from them every time someone asks for Og?
And should we run the foreach only one time until we have an image instead?
There is indeed a problem for og:image as guests can't see thread attachments, so the default image of the og:image is used. We need to set up a system and say that if there is an attachment and this attachment is used for the meta og:image twitter:image then this attachment must be available for guests.
I have just redone some tests and in fact it works very well the robo have access to the attachment.
foreach($attachments as $attachment)

my fault.

Is there a difference between Twitter calling forumname.com/attachment/lalala/238383 and me as a guest copying this URL to a browser?

I am local in WSL, I will set up a clean forum to test it.
I have added a function to save my og:image in data/{floored}/thread_id.jpg

Do you think, it makes sense to save like {thread_id}-{thread_url}.jpg? for seo-reasons to have the picture in the google pictures?

Is there anything i can send the url to, to save it in your fields?
        $seo = $this->thread->xs_seo;
        $seo['open_graph'] = $ogUrl;
        $this->thread->xs_seo = $seo;

How much I love it!
Upload my picture, get my og:image also.
I have managed to have an jpg on the server and add the URL to the seo-fields.
In the header of a thread I have og-image and twitter-image with the same url to the picture on the server.
When I add a new item to facebook the picture is fetched, very nice!
But if i do the same with twitter (i tried all three cards, summery ...) there is nothing, I have to upload the picture by hand.

Do you have any idea, why twitter does not "eat" my picture?

If i use:https://www.opengraph.xyz for a test, all pictures are there from a url of a thread.

What could be the reason that twitter does not add my picture? Change any options in twitter?
Use a paid instead a free account?
I have managed to have an jpg on the server and add the URL to the seo-fields.
In the header of a thread I have og-image and twitter-image with the same url to the picture on the server.
When I add a new item to facebook the picture is fetched, very nice!
But if i do the same with twitter (i tried all three cards, summery ...) there is nothing, I have to upload the picture by hand.

Do you have any idea, why twitter does not "eat" my picture?

If i use:https://www.opengraph.xyz for a test, all pictures are there from a url of a thread.

What could be the reason that twitter does not add my picture? Change any options in twitter?
Use a paid instead a free account?
Hello, we'll have a look when updating our add-on to XF 2.3 ;)

Regards, SyTry
I have no indexed a thread, however it still seems to appear in the site index. Is this expected? I'm sure that noidexed pages should not appear in the site index.

I have no indexed a thread, however it still seems to appear in the site index. Is this expected? I'm sure that noidexed pages should not appear in the site index.
Can you pass me the link to the page that shouldn't be indexed, but is.


Can you pass me the link to the page that shouldn't be indexed, but is.


It wasn't about the page being indexed, it was about the URL still being in the sitemap after no indexing and rebuilding sitemap. I noidexed the page, rebuilt the sitemap (ran the cron manually) and it was still in the sitemap. However today (after the cron ran as scheduled) it is no longer there so all OK it now it seems
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