[Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization

[Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization [Paid] 2.6.3 Fix 7

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Hello, juste tested it. If you set a default structure in the ACP %page_number% work but if you set %page_number% in a specific thread it show you "Your Title - %page_number%" .. so I'll fix this in the next update ! ;)

Regards, SyTry

Thanks, %page_number% in the topic headers now works.

But if the numbering of the forum pages is required, then this does not work
Have you thought about the Default Open Graph?

I really dont want to select this for every thread.

Normally a attachment would be nice, but if there is no attachment, then the avatar should be the fallback.

Now i see a broken image sign. :-(
Have you thought about the Default Open Graph?

I really dont want to select this for every thread.

Normally a attachment would be nice, but if there is no attachment, then the avatar should be the fallback.

Now i see a broken image sign. :-(
You have an option for this in the ACP where you can select the default OG image

I've recently purchased this plugin and I'm getting an error message when trying to share a post on Twitter.

If I create a new post or edit an existing post the twitter card meta code is correct:

<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />

If I view existing posts that I haven't modified the post, I get an error:
<meta property="twitter:card" content="" />

There is no twitter:card content showing.

I've also used the twitter validator at: https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
You can view one of my pages at: Welcome to WebCity UK!

I've posted the problem to the xen-soluce support forum but haven't got a solution yet.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

I've recently purchased this plugin and I'm getting an error message when trying to share a post on Twitter.

If I create a new post or edit an existing post the twitter card meta code is correct:

<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />

If I view existing posts that I haven't modified the post, I get an error:
<meta property="twitter:card" content="" />

There is no twitter:card content showing.

I've also used the twitter validator at: https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
You can view one of my pages at: Welcome to WebCity UK!

I've posted the problem to the xen-soluce support forum but haven't got a solution yet.

Can anyone suggest a solution?
Hello, sorry for the delay. We're working on a fix about this ! ;)

Regards, SyTry
I just installed the Resource Manager. When editing and saving the category setting I got this error message:

XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'xs_seo' in 'field list' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 230
XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 198
XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 41
XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->prepare() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 56
XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->execute() in src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php at line 96
XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->query() in src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php at line 324
XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->update() in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php at line 1521
XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->_saveToSource() in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php at line 1248
XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->save() in src/XF/Mvc/FormAction.php at line 71
XF\Mvc\FormAction->XF\Mvc\{closure}() in src/XF/Mvc/FormAction.php at line 189
XF\Mvc\FormAction->run() in src/addons/XFRM/Admin/Controller/Category.php at line 138
XFRM\Admin\Controller\Category->actionSave() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 352
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 259
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 115
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 57
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2353
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 524
XF::runApp() in admin.php at line 13

Appreciate your advice.
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