Xen Photo Contest [Paid] [Deleted]

Was there any response or movement on this?
The author has responded and it looks like further development by him is unlikely, beyond attempting to fix any critical bugs.

There's a discussion between him and those who have licenses as to whether the add-on could be kept private and developed further, or possibly open sourced on github.
I'm late to the party and wish there was somewhere the current version could be downloaded. I've been relying on [TH] Install and Upgrade to tell me which add-ons are outdated and just discovered we're using a fairly old version on our forum. It works okay but I'd like version 0.7.1 to ideally be installed and running. Like they say, snooze and lose!
The original author has posted the plugin to GitHub now - it can be downloaded etc from there.
I have seen that. It seems like the whole add-on posted. the upload folder and XML. it means that the dev gives us for free? but lack of support or tutorial right?

Do you happen to know @lazy llama, if we install this, what other needs to be configured? just install and check permission? And do you know if this is compatible with XF 1.5.6 or not?

Thank you and I appreciate your kindness :)
Hi @bibitbunga

I've not tried the latest release but I believe it should work under 1.5.7 (and all the 1.5.x versions at least).

Yes, the dev has opened the software up to anyone who wants to use it, for free. People are also, I think, able to modify it as they wish.

It's been a while since I installed it or even used it, but it should be the standard installation process and then look in the Options for settings and Applications for other bits. And as you mention, permissions for viewing, entering, creating contests.
I've not tried the latest release but I believe it should work under 1.5.7 (and all the 1.5.x versions at least).
Recently installed, and working fine for me with v1.5.8.

A query for those using it, when editing a contest (eg. /photo-contests/test-photo-competition.4/edit ) and uploading an image, how do you get that image to display? (eg. photo-contests/test-photo-competition.4/#contestDescription )
Once the image is uploaded, I cannot see how to place/display it within the contest information.
I was one of the original purchasers of this mod and it worked quite well. I never even knew about the Github release. I was using v0.6.6 and i see this is version 0.7.1. I will be testing on XF 1.5.13 later on.
I tested this on XenForo 1.5.15 yesterday. It works decent, but the biggest issue is that when a member uploads a photo (for their entry), nothing happens. No progress bar, no photo attachment, nothing.

Yet when you post the entry, it actually does attach the image to the post. The issue with this is that members will never know their photo is uploading successfully or attaching, because they don't get any confirmation or anything that the photo was uploaded.

Such a shame... I wish I was a PHP guy, because I would love to fix this plugin and make just a few minor tweaks to it.

If there's ay XenForo programmers out there, I would be willing to pay one of you guys to get this add-on working properly for me and tweak just a few very minor things for me.

It's 95% what I want, the additions and updates I need are very, very small.
First - I use it since years and actual with latest xenforo 1.5.x and it works without trouble on two forums for me.

It works decent, but the biggest issue is that when a member uploads a photo (for their entry), nothing happens. No progress bar, no photo attachment, nothing.
Realy? On my sites it have a progress bar :

because they don't get any confirmation or anything that the photo was uploaded.
Look :
Your members become a sucsessfull uploaded message after clicking send button.

It's 95% what I want, the additions and updates I need are very, very small.
If the above things was the problems you have with xen photo contest - than you have now 100% from what you want for. :D ;)

I have also changed litle things for me (the above not, theay are default!) but I can't publish because the copyright on it and I have no time at the moment to make a addon from.
First - I use it since years and actual with latest xenforo 1.5.x and it works without trouble on two forums for me.

Realy? On my sites it have a progress bar :
View attachment 160820

That's weird. I have that progress bar on my normal posts in the forum, but when I upload a photo to the Foto Contest, I don't get a progress bar, I just get this:

Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 1.18.24 PM.webp

When you select a file, it does upload, but it never gives you a progress bar or anything that let's you know it's uploading. Isn't that weird?
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