Xen Notices [Deleted]

Everything seems to be fine for me after deleting all the add-on's files and the server errors have stopped. Are you saying that you restored your site's databases or the original addon files?

I'm using 1.3.

Oh - maybe im incorrect then.
Everything seems to be fine for me after deleting all the add-on's files. Site is loading and server errors have stopped. Are you saying that you restored your site's database or the original add-on files?
I have a habit of backing up my full forum structure and DB before I do some upgrades (that seem to be a major step), so yes, that's what I'm doing.
Thanks for the update. :)

My site stopped loading (blank page) after uploading the new files. Got one of these errors for each time someone tried to visit.

View attachment 70852
Same problem but I thought it was because of Transmit (just started using it). Am in the process of restoring from a backup to be sure.
As ever, guys, the thing to do if you have add-on troubles is to put this in your config.php file:
$config['enableListeners'] = false;

That should prevent any add-on listeners from running.

I am going to release 1.7.1 now. The cause for this error is because I have moved on to use XenForo event hints but until that event hint is applied (after the files have been uploaded but before the XML has been imported) there's a chance that the Account controller could execute several times per page load thus the "cannot redeclare" errors.

The 1.7.1 files will prevent this.

Also, the add-on should work fine on XenForo 1.2, but the installer checks for the wrong version number. This fixes the installer too.
I'm using Xenforo 1.3 and as soon as I uploaded the files to my test site (I hadn't disabled the add-on, though didn't see any instructions to do so) both my site front end admin panel returned blank pages when I visited them. As soon as I replaced the files with the older version 1.62, both site front end and admin panel returned. There were 12 errors logged in the ACP:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_GritterNotifications_ControllerPublic_Account - library/XenForo/Application.php(514) : eval()'d code:1
Generated By: Unknown Account, 2 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(44) "http://www.site.com/admin.php"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

BTW Chris, I noticed there were several .DS Store files in the package - unrelated to this of course but you may want to remove them to keep it clean?
Chris D updated Notifications with a new update entry:

Resolves issues after new files uploaded, restores XenForo 1.2 compatibility

Some may have seen errors after uploading the files, but before you imported the add-on XML.

Performing the upgrade solves the errors.

However, Notifications 1.7.1 will also prevent these issues from occurring.

The installer also incorrectly states that XenForo 1.3.0 is required. This is a mistake. This version will work fine on XenForo 1.2.

Read the rest of this update entry...
BTW Chris, I noticed there were several .DS Store files in the package - unrelated to this of course but you may want to remove them to keep it clean?
I do remove them... I don't know why they're still going into the package. My add-on builder add-on should take care of it for me. Will look into it, thanks.
1.71 installed and working - thanks for the update, Chris. (y)

Just to confirm the birthday notifications fixes - this corrects both the issue of Jan/Oct birthdays showing in both months and the issue of birthday notifications showing the age for those who have hidden their year of birth and showing their birthday when their date of birth is hidden?
Everyone should have got it.

Any email you have ever received about it should download the latest version, though.

Failing that, I need your email address to look it up. This will most likely be the email address associated to your PayPal account when you paid.
Everyone should have got it.

Any email you have ever received about it should download the latest version, though.

Failing that, I need your email address to look it up. This will most likely be the email address associated to your PayPal account when you paid.

Chris just curious does this have the ability to show notifications during certain days of the week? (Saturday/Sunday ect). I asked about it awhile back I think
Installed 1.7.1 and when I go to the admin cp to list our notifications, I get a blank panel:
Also the option to restore dismissed notifications is missing from the user preferences panel.
Everyone should have got it.

Any email you have ever received about it should download the latest version, though.

Failing that, I need your email address to look it up. This will most likely be the email address associated to your PayPal account when you paid.
Weird. I got the 1.7.0 but not the 1.7.1. I used the 1.7.0 email to download the new version though.
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