XF 2.2 Work on New Theme in Background


I am wanting to install a new theme into Xenforo 2 but it will take me a while to style it.. how do I go about doing this in the background without it being accessible to anyone other than myself and without making unwanted changes to the current theme?

I am considering something like ThemeHouse UI.X.
Thank you! That worked perfectly!

I am also trying to duplicate a child style that I created.. to do this, I exported the style as an xml and now need to import it into the new style I created. For the life of me, I can't find the "import" feature under ACP > Appearance

Did that feature get removed recently?

I can also FTP the xml file but not sure where to put it.
Thank you! That worked perfectly!

I am also trying to duplicate a child style that I created.. to do this, I exported the style as an xml and now need to import it into the new style I created. For the life of me, I can't find the "import" feature under ACP > Appearance

Did that feature get removed recently?

I can also FTP the xml file but not sure where to put it.
Thank you.. didn't think about using that.

I used that add-on to install the UI.X theme and it worked fine.. now when I click on it to import a style file.. I get this:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
Cannot install via Install & Upgrade as not all required directories are writable. Various directories must be writable by the web server user to install via Install & Upgrade. In addition to the XF root directory, some or all of the following paths must be writable: js, src/addons, styles, src/addons/ThemeHouse/InstallAndUpgrade/Repository/InstallAndUpgrade.php.

I have used Filezilla to set the permissions of all listed directories to at least 764 or writeable by owner and group.

Still not working.

anything else might be causing this to not work?
Thank you.. didn't think about using that.

I used that add-on to install the UI.X theme and it worked fine.. now when I click on it to import a style file.. I get this:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
Cannot install via Install & Upgrade as not all required directories are writable. Various directories must be writable by the web server user to install via Install & Upgrade. In addition to the XF root directory, some or all of the following paths must be writable: js, src/addons, styles, src/addons/ThemeHouse/InstallAndUpgrade/Repository/InstallAndUpgrade.php.

I have used Filezilla to set the permissions of all listed directories to at least 764 or writeable by owner and group.

Still not working.

anything else might be causing this to not work?
Disable the addon, and then just use the Import functionality.


If you are new to xenforo, i would recommend you use another style/addon than what is developed by TH. (i currently use UI.X myself)
Import worked great.. I created (2) new styles and everything looking good.

Wondered why you don't think I should use UI.X.. it was super easy to set up and manipulate with the style properties and a little css.

I am wondering if I set a new style as default.. will it move everyone to the new style or just new visitors?
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