[WMTech] Link Essentials

[WMTech] Link Essentials [Paid] 1.1.4

No permission to buy ($48.00)
wmtech updated [WMTech] Link Essentials with a new update entry:

v1.0.1: Minor bugfix and a new option

>Version 1.0.1<

We are still working at a huge update for this add-on (more screenshot providers, code optimization and favicon support) but it is not ready fpr prime time now.

This is why we release a small update for the product helping one of our customers who experienced a minor bug with detecting the domain name in the title of the linked page.

We also added a small new option to disable the detection of domain names in title strings globally. While we try all we can to...

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I get a ton of these errors daily, whats going on? @wmtech

Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception: [WMTech] Link Essentials INFO: Read timed out after 10 seconds - library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php:512
Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 12:30 AM
Stack Trace

#0 /home2/******/public_html/library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php(361): Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket->_checkSocketReadTimeout()
#1 /home2/tr****/public_html/library/Zend/Http/Client.php(989): Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket->read()
#2 /home2/****/public_html/library/WMTech/LinkEssentials/Services/Abstract.php(297): Zend_Http_Client->request('GET')
#3 /home2/******/public_html/library/WMTech/LinkEssentials/Services/Abstract.php(202): WMTech_LinkEssentials_Services_Abstract->_fetchFile('http://s.wordpr...', Array)
#4 /home2/*****/public_html/library/WMTech/LinkEssentials/Deferred/Preview.php(64): WMTech_LinkEssentials_Services_Abstract->setRequest('http://www.cwcs...', Array, '')
#5 /home2/******/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(294): WMTech_LinkEssentials_Deferred_Preview->execute(Array, Array, 6.76887893677, '')
#6 /home2/******/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(428): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 6.76887893677, '', false)
#7 /home2/*****/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(373): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, NULL, '', false)
#8 /home2/*****/public_html/deferred.php(23): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(false)
#9 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(45) "https://www.******.com/deferred.php"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(4) {
    ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(55) "/threads/what-are-your-home-town-landmarks.72182/page-5"
    ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"

I get a ton of these errors daily, whats going on? @wmtech

This is not an error, but an "INFO" (expressed by the string "Link Essentials INFO") that Wordpress does no longer serve you pictures thus creating a time out for the downloader.

If you use Wordpress as the screenshot provider, you have to know that they limit the pictures they serve you per day. If you are over quota, all requests time out (generating this "INFO" in your XF Server Error Log).

I recommend to use one of the other screenshot providers.
wmtech updated [WMTech] Link Essentials with a new update entry:

v1.0.3: XenForo 1.5 Compatibility & Minor Code Improvements

> Version 10.2 <
Compatibility with XenForo 1.5, minor code improvements

This upgrade is recommended for all customers who want to use XenForo 1.5. All other customers do not need to upgrade (but it won't harm, if you do)

We are very proud that XenForo decided to include almost exactly our professional way of title detection into the core product. This part of the add-on will automatically be disabled if you use XenForo 1.5 or higher but still work with...

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wmtech updated [WMTech] Link Essentials with a new update entry:

v1.1.0: Huge Update With A Lot of New Features, 2 Bug Fixes & Major Code Enhancements!

> Version 1.1.0 <

Huge Update With a Lot Of New Features, Major Code Enhancements and 2 Bugfixes!

This upgrade is recommended for all customers.


NEW: Locally Cached Favicons Displayed With External Links

NEW: User Group Permissions For Displaying Favicons

NEW: Rebuild Tool To Mass Prune Problematic Screenshots

NEW: Manually Delete Any Screenshot From The Screenshot Proxy Log Page...

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Is there still a DEMO available there? I ask, because I looked around and never could locate such. Even a search (i.e. Link Essentials Demo) revealed: "No results found", nor did I see anything in the Test & Demo area. :confused:

The add-on is installed at our site and generally active. Just post a link in the test forum to see what happens. ;)
The add-on is installed at our site and generally active. Just post a link in the test forum to see what happens. ;)
I just tried that (here) and OH MY GOSH, that is certainly :cool:! I don't have a great use for this add-on...yet, but it's certainly in my 'watch' list now. (y)
I just tried that (here) and OH MY GOSH, that is certainly :cool:! I don't have a great use for this add-on...yet, but it's certainly in my 'watch' list now. (y)

Yes, we like it too. It's a great and valuable extension for each XenForo board. Even much better since the last update.
wmtech updated [WMTech] Link Essentials with a new update entry:

v1.1.2: Compatibility with XenForo 1.5.2 & PHP 7, New Features, A Bugfix and Some Code Optimizations

> Version 1.1.2 <
Compatibility with XenForo 1.5.2 & PHP 7, New Features, A Bugfix and Some Code Optimizations

This upgrade is recommended for all customers.


NEW: Added Referer Log For Screenshots

NEW: Compatible with XenForo's 1.5.2 new proxy link system

NEW: PHP 7 Compatibility

BUGFIX: Minor Bug When Enhancing XF Title Conversion Fixed

Upgrade Instructions:...

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Now that XF1.5 has some tooltip functionality, do you think this Add-on is worth $96 (w/branding removal). It seem lot of $$ for this add-on.

Do you think, it have that much value... almost 1/2 the price of XF itself??
Now that XF1.5 has some tooltip functionality, do you think this Add-on is worth $96 (w/branding removal). It seem lot of $$ for this add-on.

Do you think, it have that much value... almost 1/2 the price of XF itself??

XF 1.5 does not have the tooltip screenshot feature.

XF 1.5 has the page title detection feature (FYI: using almost the same code we used since XF 1.3 for that). But we even enhanced this feature in the recent version of this plugin and XF 1.5 users also profit from it. Our plugin detects correct titles on more sites than XF 1,5 and checks -and automatically corrects- the meaningfulness of detected page titles. This makes the title detection feature much more useful than the default XF feature (which XF even has deactivated on this site).

And this is just one of the features of our add-on. ;)

The price of XF itself has no relevance for us. Our plugin price depends on the time we needed to code the add-on (the number of lines in the code) and our costs for it. We even offer a 50% discount ($48) if the buyer is willing to place a small branding notice at his site.

We are a registered, tax-paying company offering professionaly coded and maintained products for professional site owners. We think the price is more than reasonable for the features offered and the costs involved to code it.
This really is slick add-on but pricey especially for Branding-Free. This is NOT one time pay for branding free but we have to pay +$12 every 6 months if you want to continue branding free or activate the branding again.

This is the only Product on this board that has this price structure for branding free.
I understand renewal fee for product as we get support for questions and nice upgrade but renewal for branding free!!!

Did anyone here buy a branding free and renewing every six-months?
This really is slick add-on but pricey especially for Branding-Free. This is NOT one time pay for branding free but we have to pay +$12 every 6 months if you want to continue branding free or activate the branding again.

This is the only Product on this board that has this price structure for branding free.
I understand renewal fee for product as we get support for questions and nice upgrade but renewal for branding free!!!

Did anyone here buy a branding free and renewing every six-months?

Thank you for your kind words about our add-on. It is a favorite of the users at our boards and extremly useful also for the site owner to prevent people from leaving the site just to take a look at an external site. Caching everything (even the favicons) locally makes your site speedy and secure (you do not need to call a favicon file from Google each time a link is shown -even to the same page- as with all other favicon add-ons here).

Regarding your problem with our price structure:
We create well thought out, high quality add-ons at a professional basis and our add-ons have to have their price (which is still far from the costs it takes to code it). To make our add-ons more affordable we include 6 months support only and also reduce the price for 50%, if we are allowed to show a branding notice at your site. If you include any option (branding free or multiple sites are the choices) the price for the -optional- renewal is also raised a little bit ($8 in case of this add-on). Any option can be canceled at any time, but cannot be used after the cancelation (means: you would have to put the branding back).
There is NO NEED to renew a license every 6 months. You can use the add-on and it's options as long as you like. Most of our customers renew their licenses only, if a new feature makes it worth to them. We generally do not need to release frequent bugfix updates. Most customers renew every year or even every second year only. Given our very low renewal rates, we consider this more than fair and affordable.
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