[WMTech] External Link Interstitial

[WMTech] External Link Interstitial 1.0.4

No permission to download
Okay heres the thing i dont get... I understand that.. you need to upload the upload file.. But what do i do with the 2 ds store files? I have no idea what that is.. and i have no idea if im supposed to upload that somewhere.. can sombody please tell me?

Those files are Mac system files which should not be in the zip. You can simply ignore or delete them.
wmtech updated [WMTech] External Link Interstitial with a new update entry:

v1.0.2: XF 1.4 compatibility, new license agreement

>Version 1.0.2<
  • Official XF 1.4 compatibility
  • New license agreement
This add-on has no bug fixes, you do not need to download it if you are satisfied with your existing installation.

Detailled upgrade instructions can be found here:
[wmtech] External Link Interstitial - Installation & Upgrade Instructions

Thank you!

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Subdomain as "external site"? Rly?

This relies completely on what XenForo thinks is external. Currently this is everything not starting with the configured board url.

If you need subdomains seen as internal domains in XenForo you need an extra add-on to accomplish that.

Or you switch to the paid ressource where you can setup a whitelist with all your subdomains to be exempted from the interstitial.
If you need subdomains seen as internal domains in XenForo you need an extra add-on to accomplish that.
Sorry, but i just added new condition:
        if (empty($error) &&  $this->_mode == 'link'
                && !preg_match('#^' . XenForo_Application::getOptions()->boardUrl . '#i', $this->_url)
                && !preg_match('#google.com#is', $this->_url)
                && preg_match('#^https?:\/\/#i', $this->_url))
Where is google.com - my domain.
Or you switch to the paid ressource
48$ or one preg_match? "Difficult" choices.

If possible would you be able to create a permission in the next update that lets groups or users who have been given said permission, bypass this?

This is a good idea!
It is already available in the paid version of the product but may find it's way to the free version also. Thank you.
link is directed to your site
file can not be loaded

Thank you for being interested in our add-on.

You need to register a non-anonymous account (we require your full real or company name and country of location) at https://wmtech.net/ to get access to the licensing and download section.

Please be aware that we do not allow anonymous licensing and downloading any more.

If you have any further questions, feel free to open a support ticket at our site even as a guest user.
wmtech updated [WMTech] External Link Interstitial with a new update entry:

v1.0.3: Minor Code Optimizations and Enhancements, XF 1.5 Compatibility

> Version 1.0.3 <
Minor Code Optimizations and Enhancements, XF 1.5 Compatibility
This upgrade s recommended for all customers.


New: Adapted Log Handling for XF 1.4

Upgrade Instructions:
[wmtech] External Link Interstitial - Installation & Upgrade Instructions

What's New?
  • XF 1.5 Compatibility...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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