[WMTech] Double Post Merge

[WMTech] Double Post Merge 1.3.1

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  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
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I'm having an issue with this and editing. When editing a post that has posts merged into it the only text that appears in the editor is from the original post. None of the merged posts appear in the editor for me.
Syndol updated Double Post Merge with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.8

What's New:
  • Added option to merge posts without the tag that separates the two posts. To do this, simply leave the Double Post Tag Text input box empty (options page).
  • Adjusted code to work with XenForo 1.3.x
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upload the file 'Upload/library/DoublePost/ControllerPublic/Thread.php' to your server overwriting the old one.
  2. Upload the file 'Upload/library/DoublePost/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php' to your server overwriting the old one....

Read the rest of this update entry...
Found a bug, here is how you can reproduce it:

User 1: Posts
User 1: Posts again to cause a double post
User 1: Edit's their post and removes the last bracket

We now have a post that looks like so,

To cause the main part of the bug,

User 2: Quotes User 1's post and writes a reply

The result is the reply missing and only the double post text showing

[QUOTE="chickenputty, post: 211844, member: 2"]Test[DOUBLEPOST=1397614926,1397614923][/DOUBLEPOST[/QUOTE]
Test 4

So the users content is missing because of the lack of the end bracket in the double post.


Above is the only way that this bug can be an issue. If someone removes the end bracket in their own post the content afterwards will be lost, but no one is affected from that.
I'm a bit confused why it was coded to need the [/DOUBLEPOST] ending, but I guess that's your choice.
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The closing tag is needed for when a double post is quoted or a single post is compromised of multiple double posts.
The tag has its faults and as you mentioned can be broken or completely manipulated (date wise for example) by editing it.
If your user base cannot be trusted not to edit the tags then I would recommend using the feature where double posts are simply divided by a break line and therefore there is no tag to be messed with.
If you think there is a better way of handling double posts then you are more than welcome to modify this add-on as you see fit and then release it as an alternative, or even a replacement, add-on.
The closing tag is needed for when a double post is quoted or a single post is compromised of multiple double posts.
The tag has its faults and as you mentioned can be broken or completely manipulated (date wise for example) by editing it.
If your user base cannot be trusted not to edit the tags then I would recommend using the feature where double posts are simply divided by a break line and therefore there is no tag to be messed with.
If you think there is a better way of handling double posts then you are more than welcome to modify this add-on as you see fit and then release it as an alternative, or even a replacement, add-on.

So can the manipulation not be stopped, or are we supposed to rely on our members being "trusted?"
As the author of this plugin, I would've hoped you'd at least do a minor update on fixing this.
Sometimes you guys just make me laugh :rolleyes:
If you have a quick fix for us all then please do share!
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