Will XenForo 1.2 be compatible with MySQL 5.6 and PHP 5.5?

I am surprised a lot of you are using MySQL.
MariabDB+XtraDB = better.

When our hosting companies start pushing MariaDB out on production servers when we get 'em, we'll use it. But most of us aren't going to settle for the downtime to switch. And for those on shared hosting, I doubt their neighbors would appreciate the downtime, either.
MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL, so whatever works on MySQL should work on MariaDB as well. There's practically no downtime involved in the switch if done properly. We've been using MariaDB for about 4 months now along with a number of other optimizations and things are running very smoothly.
It's about time, the requests for it have been put in years ago and cPanel seem to have been twiddling their thumbs all this time.
FWIW, I've just had a quick play with 1.1.4 on PHP 5.5 and haven't experienced any issues. We don't use preg_replace with the e modifier, which is one of the deprecated changes, and we've never used any of the other things that are now deprecated. (Plus 1.1.4 will not show strict/deprecation errors unless you're in debug mode, to reduce showing potential minor warnings to end users.)
I'm very very happy to see you again Mike :)
It's about time, the requests for it have been put in years ago and cPanel seem to have been twiddling their thumbs all this time.

cPanel has never known to be "bleeding edge" when it comes to updates and trying new things. They prefer stable and I do, too.
cPanel has never known to be "bleeding edge" when it comes to updates and trying new things. They prefer stable and I do, too.

There's nothing unstable about MariaDB, it's been running on thousands of cPanel servers for years without any problems and cPanel are well aware of that fact.
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