Why should we choose you instead of free forum boards?



We are going to change the forum software on the biggest Finnish Minecraft community from SMF to MyBB or XenForo. I need to convince others that XenForo is the most useful forum software. The community has money to invest to your forum software but the owner of the community wants to be sure its worth all the money.

So, why should we choose you instead of free boards? What are your best features you can offer for a gaming community? What is special just in your forum software?
We have a CDN, many server optimization and a few other things on our server and have modded Jaxel's portal to suit our needs. Xenforo is the best forum software I have ever used and out of all the years I have been running communities, starting and running xF based projects.

Here is myboard, you are welcomed to use it for speedtests or to showcase a nice xF board.

Man !! this is super duper fast :O
We have a CDN, many server optimization and a few other things on our server and have modded Jaxel's portal to suit our needs. Xenforo is the best forum software I have ever used and out of all the years I have been running communities, starting and running xF based projects.

Here is myboard, you are welcomed to use it for speedtests or to showcase a nice xF board.


great portal. i like it. how did you make it?
I have been an avid user of free script years ago (since I didn't really have money for the paid ones). Worked with phpBB, SMF (a little, I can't stand it) and then MyBB. When I started using VB I realized why it costs as much as is does and migrated my MyBBs to it. Now I see how XF is doing and I'm in love with it. Have 2 XF forums. Still keep the VBs, but not for long. I wouldn't use a free script anymore. It was cool once, but now I like a serious script :D
You haven't been to my site then. My latest release, Forge MB, is hardly what you describe above (nor are any of mine to be honest). ;)

I actually had never seen your styles before till just now :) Forge MB didn't grab me as much but I do like resurgent and blaze :D
I hope i didn't offend anyone( i do have a tendency to do that unintentionally). While I think most XF themes are good, most i've seen are direct variations of the default theme and it's like why pay money for something that i can essentially get free :P

but yes it is good to see that there is more than one theme and designer i can add to my list whenever XF 1.2 comes out and i purchase the license :D

Uhh. SMF is totally missing some really important features from admin panel that MyBB has.

And what comes to IPB... I've been using that board for some years now as a member and I don't really like it. It is good, but much worse than XF for our purpose.

What type of forum do you run if you don't mind me asking?
I've just gone through the process of comparing various open source and paid forum software and here's my take on paying for forum software. The cost of the software is only one small part of the cost of running your forum. The cost of decent hosting far outweighs it and if you value your time then the difference between $zero and $140 is a mere pin prick.

How many more users do you need to pay the $140? How much better user experience do you need to provide to make that worthwhile?

Its a no brainer!
No to be a smart-ars but my first answer to you is because it isn't vbulletin or anything like Vbulletin-my past forum software. I have demoed SMF. MYBB and PHPBB and all three are just ok. SMF seemed a little cluckly, MYBB a little to simple, and PhpBB doesn't seem to admin friendly. Overall I'm really glad I found xenforo and hoping it sticks around for years.
Im with John. :p

My stance has always been that MyBB is the perfect solution for people who want to test the waters with forum management. Not everyone can invest the $140 off the bat. Build your community up. If you like MyBB enough even after you've grown in members and posts -- quanity and quality (it can definitely handle large boards) -- then stick with it. But if you want to give your members more advanced options, I think XenForo is the best choice.

MyBB, as it is, does not have the advanced modification ability (template system and conditionals), advanced plugins, intricate admin control panel, etc (at least right now). Could it in the future? 2.0 is around the corner. I am very confident it can, but the here and now just places XenForo on another level and I don't think anyone with extensive forum software knowledge will dispute that.
Some very nice themes I saw there, but I wanted to ask you as to what you running on your main site, and how has the integration been?
I wanto run WP on the main site and Xenforo in a different folder..
what suggestions can you give me?
You haven't been to my site then. My latest release, Forge MB, is hardly what you describe above (nor are any of mine to be honest). ;)
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