Add-on Who are some of the better add-ons developers for XF2

@Aayush is a fantastic dev. He is always helpful, he always does a great job, and he always goes above and beyond the call of duty. I have been working with him for 5 years or so and I will continue to do so. Give him a shot, I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Thanks for vouching for me
How is his communication?
His english is great :)?

His communication is fine. Every time I needed to contact him, he got back to me within a day and most times within a few hours.

His English is fine. If he went by the name Bob his English wouldn't come into question.

Edit : I should also add, that when I first met aayush to get him to do an addon, he spent over an hour on Skype video chat going over what the addon is for and how it should work. We ended up with a better addon, for a lower cost than initially estimated, which suited our needs perfectly. He had every opportunity to raise costs or even keep the costing the same. Instead, he did the right thing and made the addon we needed, not what we thought we needed, and due to that the cost was lower.
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@AndyB made an add-on just for us.
Elapsed time from first contact to complete/tested/live was 3 days. A fantastic response to a plea for help - fast; knowledgeable; accurate; comprehensive.
...and the add-on works!
Highly recommended
My personal opinion, based on my own experience:
@AndyB made a lot of add-ons for 1 price. On you can download all add-ons for $35,00 a year.
The add-ons from @Snog and @Jaxel are realy awesome. The support is really great and they have remaked all XF1 add-ons for XF2 very fast.
@DragonByte Tech is also a excellent developer and made really good stuff.
And my special thanks to @JoshyPHP for making s9e Media Sites for free.
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