Where Xenforo falls short...

*Regarding navigation and pages*
This isn't a CMS. Navigation and Pages feel very much like you're trying to make XenForo behave like Wordpress when it isn't. Regardless, it's very easy to do what you ask with add-ons. Pages serve to simplify the process of adding the occasional page where pages of information are necessary - you can embed things in them or use them for static content, to save the necessity for complicated CMS packages and to keep the brand and feel of your website relatively universal. If you plan on making a handful of pages that were to fit into some sort of hierarchy, then integrating them into the Nodes structure makes complete sense anyway.

Addons that should be Core Functions and Core Functions that should be addons
That's all entirely down to opinion. There's not a lot featured core by the forum software that I'd say "why do we have this?". Features such as Trophies and Alerts are much-welcome core features that helped give XenForo its reputation as a desirable social community software.

Polls - Polls should be optional and should be able to be turned off on a per forum or per user group basis
A "create polls" permission already exists as a value that can be defined per-user, per-usergroup per-forum as well as per-userground default. So not a valid point.

Applications - There should be an easier way to install applications, like uploading a zip file. Having to FTP folders and then upload an XML file is so 2005. ;) Uninstalling them should be just as easy.
Sounds like a very 21st century ideal. From a perspective of making a user-friendly experience, I'd welcome such an improvement. But your forum is not an iPhone - if you were to permit your forum to automatically install add ons by uploading a zip or selecting the add-on from an interface, that would introduce a potential security risk. You would need to request the FTP/SFTP credentials from the user each time they were to install an add-on. Failing that, you'd be inviting hackers to compromise one of your administrator's accounts, introduce malicious code and then start siphoning data from your database. Still, if you want this, there are add-ons that provide an "auto installation" experience as described.

Regardless of all of the above, welcome to the community! It's nice to have you here.
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