When is the next XF update?

Upgrading without need can be a poor decision.
Upgrades which provide security enhancements and other features and benefits which you and your community need and want - can be good decisions.

I'm still using EE 1.7, which I think is about 4 years old. It works fine. The upgrades to it, reportedly, do not.

Lazy and conservative here. In my businesses we always made sure we had plenty of stock of the tried and true products as well as the "newest thing". In almost all cases, the older stuff outsold the newer and therefore was more profitable for us - and, with less problems, better for the customer.

But don't get me wrong! I'm glad lots of folks upgrade on the day the new stuff is available. They are my test sites!
Upgrading without need can be a poor decision.
Upgrades which provide security enhancements and other features and benefits which you and your community need and want - can be good decisions.

I'm still using EE 1.7, which I think is about 4 years old. It works fine. The upgrades to it, reportedly, do not.

Lazy and conservative here. In my businesses we always made sure we had plenty of stock of the tried and true products as well as the "newest thing". In almost all cases, the older stuff outsold the newer and therefore was more profitable for us - and, with less problems, better for the customer.

But don't get me wrong! I'm glad lots of folks upgrade on the day the new stuff is available. They are my test sites!

Your still scaring people into thinking upgrading xenforo is a negative thing, primarily because there is no development thus no updating to look forward to, while we are in this stagnated stage ( 1 year and counting) not debating with you about development, but really pointing out what was you say is >>> (which are not relevant to xenforo) is why you said it. If putting people off upgrading xenforo (xenforo not adobe) is the mindset you take (pending when and if development starts, then by all means think that, encourage to the audience it's bad, i'll debate this since the updates i made which were painless came with "refined features" not because "heck i'm updating for the hell of it".

Your applying other products, your experiences and bending this scenario to the advantage because there is zero development. Think this way, it's your privilege, i prefer to encourage people to update and they have if the refined features were developed which they were.

But of course don't get "me" wrong, If you are in this mindset until this stagnated stage of xenforo's life is over I look forward to discussing this again when and if development continues and the upgrades flow out. :)
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Your still scaring..... into thinking upgrading xenforo is a negative thing, :)

I assume each and every person has their own opinions on these matters based on their own wants, needs and past experience - and am certain they can each sort out the best paths without being either scared by what I say or heartened by your opinion!

When I look back after 5 years on XF and various upgrades, we'll both talk again!
I assume each and every person has their own opinions on these matters based on their own wants, needs and past experience - and am certain they can each sort out the best paths without being either scared by what I say or heartened by your opinion!

When I look back after 5 years on XF and various upgrades, we'll both talk again!

Indeed. You understand right? Your banging on about other products and I'm sticking with the product xenforo in our talks. My experiences, other experiences, from others have been the same that upgrades are easy, and the features (updates we upgrade to and from) were refined. I'm not talking about adobe products, nor browsers or other business models that don't really apply to this discussion . I'm pointing out your saying what you said because there's ZERO DEVELOPMENT thus Updating Is BAD is currently your line of thinking. Certainly not encouraging to others and certainly not describing xenforo upgrading experiences accurately.

I'm curious what are you saying? Is xenforo difficult decision when an update comes out? are you saying the updates didn't have refined features of existing features? what are you saying apart from xenforo and upgrading is BAD, currently? Obviously my line of thinking, personal experiences isn't being digested very well but i find it strange that one of the greatest features of xenforo is so easily knocked as being BAD thing.

You only quoted and probably read part of my post which is why i responded, it's just a bit of a mind boggle really. :)

Yeah, 5 years see you then. (y)
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