whats up with the SpaceBattles forum?

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Holy crap, I'm an SB Admin? Why do people never tell me these things?? ;)

As an aside, expect the random beatings of members and staff alike to be high on the first day we are live..... we have so much catching up to do...

Also although I am not in anyway a staff member at this forum I'm still going to ask you guys to keep his thread on topic.

-Your Friendly Neighbourhood (SB.COM) Administrator

*points to avatar* Besides, TO, if it was an issue, the local guys would let us know. Its not like we're having a vs debates or starting a vs thread...

Also, its utter hell trying to edit without going to more options on my cell. *shrugs*
What part of the term data migration do you people not understand?

Because I got several links to online dictionaries if there's a word in that phrase you don't get.

People probably just aren't taking it for granted that the migration will be 100% lossless and that every single feature they're used to will be supported by the entirly new forum software.

Maybe that's not the case here, but they're not exactly unreasonible concerns; I know I've seen forum migrations befor where both factors came up.

As if I needed more examples that most people treat computers as magic boxes. -_-

Are you saying they're not?

Pfft. Try getting a computer to work after you let the magic blue smoke out, then. :p
Said it before, I'll say it again - I hope SB gets back up soon. This cache setting up seems like its taking longer then the actual data migration itself.
Are you implying that they aren't magic boxes given to us from the computer gods????:confused:

SSSOOOO....I take it that we won't be conducting any sacrificial rights to appease the computer gods.:unsure:

Well now what am I going to do with all the Hobos I've lured into the hidden dungeon...(opens door to hidden dungeon hit by smell) :sick: oh yeah maybe I should have fed them...well that solves that problem:whistle:

Of course computers are magic boxes, but there's only one Omnissiah.

Okay, now that we've discussed Trek, brought up 40k, we just need someone to say something about hating the ICS and we can move on to talking about Ponies.
It's safe to say that the migration is now a total cluster-you-know-what. The move to some no-name forum software was probably ill-advised to begin with.

To the Xen Forums team: seriously guys, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously if you release junk migration tools? We are talking about vBulletin here, and just maybe some of people will be running real forums who bother with your software.
...You do know that Kier the main admin /developed this software himself/ right?

Same guy that worked on vBulletin as one of the lead developers back in the day?

If I was the type of guy, then a facepalm macro might be appropriate.
It's safe to say that the migration is now a total cluster-you-know-what. The move to some no-name forum software was probably ill-advised to begin with.

To the Xen Forums team: seriously guys, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously if you release junk migration tools? We are talking about vBulletin here, and just maybe some of people will be running real forums who bother with your software.
Quite clearly you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Think carefully before you post any more similar garbage.
Obviously something weird has gone on.

Hundreds of people have very successfully migrated and if anyone knows what they're doing it's Kier.
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