XF 2.2 What version of XenForo is required for video transcoding

Tom McIntyre

Active member
We have been trying to put together our video strategy and one important element is short videos associated with a thread about how something works. (We clocks and watches).

I have not been able to find an answer by searching here.
I noticed that a file apears in my workstation downloads folder that seems like it may belong in the ffmpeg internal process. It is a binary file, so I zipped it to be able to show the name here. I also do not see any entry in cron that is obviously associated with ffmpeg.

I am still trying to think of what I could say in my ticket to knownhost support.
That file is a table from the Xenforo database and should not be on your workstation. I hope yo9u have not damaged your database. Cron is not needed.

You should be asking for tech support from Xenforo.
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