What is the first website you remember going to online?

Adam Howard

Well-known member
What is the first website you remember going to online?

I remember when The Internet was phone numbers. Each site had its own number. Dial-up was slower then 14.4k. Everything was in TEXT and no graphics.

Then there was IP addresses, still no www yet. Around this time, everything was 99% TEXT and they didn't technically have photos, it was colored Text & Symbol patters.

My first www website was CompuServe (oddly they are still around, but own by AOL)

What is the first website you remember going to online?
What is the first website you remember going to online?

I remember when The Internet was phone numbers. Each site had its own number. Dial-up was slower then 14.4k. Everything was in TEXT and no graphics.

Then there was IP addresses, still no www yet. Around this time, everything was 99% TEXT and they didn't technically have photos, it was colored Text & Symbol patters.

My first www website was CompuServe (oddly they are still around, but own by AOL)

What is the first website you remember going to online?
You could just have said bbs or minitel you know.
What is the first website you remember going to online?

I remember when The Internet was phone numbers. Each site had its own number. Dial-up was slower then 14.4k. Everything was in TEXT and no graphics.

Then there was IP addresses, still no www yet. Around this time, everything was 99% TEXT and they didn't technically have photos, it was colored Text & Symbol patters.

My first www website was CompuServe (oddly they are still around, but own by AOL)

What is the first website you remember going to online?
Dialup was 300 baud. I was on CI$ in the early 80s. Went to a few CI$ parties in Columbus.
Internet phone numbers? BBSes?
CI$ used direct dial nodes or you could telnet into it.
I wouldn't call it the internet.

First website I went to was probably yahoo.com to see what new sites were added that day.
my first website was yahoo!

I went to the library because they had a 486 and a fractional T1. At home I only had a 386 and a 2400 baud modem *sigh*
go.com then neopets :) lmao I was a child and I loved games >.> go.com used to have an arcade/disney thing... hard to remember but those were the first sites.
What is the first website you remember going to online?

Ashton-Tate Forum on CompuServe to get support for Framework. The primordial, software crawls onto land for the first time version of MS Office.

It wasn't really a website. It was text based terminal forum. We are talk'in 1200 baud dial up here, Kimosabe.

The hot shot shareware coders of the day created programs call TapCIS and OzCIS that would go online, download the content so you could read and reply offline without the $12/hr access fee CompuServe and others charged. Saved a fortune.

Related to current hoo hah here, Michael Dell, Mitch Kapor (Lotus), Phillipe Kahn and many of the software developers were online supporting their products in those early forums. Michael Dell personally fixed my hot as blazes 8086 Dell mail order computer that was the XenForo cult of its day online. The little guy tak'in the biggest Kahuna out there, IBM-PC. Fun days.

Websites were years later development.
Dialup was 300 baud. I was on CI$ in the early 80s. Went to a few CI$ parties in Columbus.
Internet phone numbers? BBSes?
CI$ used direct dial nodes or you could telnet into it.
I wouldn't call it the internet

Me too! It was totally the internet.
I'm only 19 but the first website I ever visited was either cartoon network or Nickelodeon. >_>..........I'm so young lol. I have no idea what any of the sites you guys are discussing are about.
I'm only 19 but the first website I ever visited was either cartoon network or Nickelodeon. >_>..........I'm so young lol. I have no idea what any of the sites you guys are discussing are about.

Do you know that THIS is!!??


PS No one named the "The Dark Wizard" can be nineteen.
I was on Compuserve in 1986 with 300 baud, but that is not the web.

I first got onto the actual internet in 1994 thought the portal that AOL provided....to the net. The first site(s) I probably went to were AOL's webcrawler (their default search engine) and Yahoo - which was THE directory of the day.

It must have been a whole 3 weeks before I took a chance and typed "playboy.com".....

Oh, I had one of those Compaq machines in the pic. I think it was my 3rd computer. A portable!

Steven S - were you on the FM forums on AOL? I was a regular there and posted scripts, etc.
In fact, I used to hang with Matt Petrowsky who become the #1 FM go-to guy! We used to make FM jump through hoops! I served my original online DB's from FM - using a Mac at home hooked up full-time with a modem, which tied into my co-lo Unix server!
I'm only 19 but the first website I ever visited was either cartoon network or Nickelodeon. >_>..........I'm so young lol. I have no idea what any of the sites you guys are discussing are about.

It's an interesting history and an interesting tie in to your web site today.

In that realm, John H. Sununu, the White House chief of staff, a longtime computer aficionado, and William Gates, the billionaire chairman of Microsoft Corp., deal as peers with a 17-year-old French lad who wrote a free program that compresses other computer programs to about half their original size.
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