What have you bought recently?

Frostmourne... because... just... because.


COD Ghosts (PS/4), Pre-ordered the Polk 4 Shot's for the xBox One, 2 new tires for the FJR (amazing how fast they go - especially the rear - when you take the bike to the track), an iPad Mini Retina, one new controller for the PS/4 and 1 for the xBox One, 5 Samsung SM1625 drives in 900GB (wish these were for me but they are going in a server at the local Dr. clinic), a new Netgear GMS7224P-100NES for the house and another 24GB RAM for the Dell server at the house. Just about tapped out this months spending money.
Oh but its sooo worth the expense :) Love my rMBP, it's an amazing machine.
First Apple product and that price was hard to justify, so far so good. If I didn't do what I do (photo/video editing) I'd never have gotten it. One thing that does piss me off though is that it ruined all the non retina displays for me. lol
A new VPS and a copy of Photoshop Lightroom 5
LR5 rocks!
It's been chilly in Los Angeles lately, so I bought a new coat.

I read somewhere that it's totally okay to wear fur if the name of the animal it comes from starts with an 'R,' so I'm all good. Yes, it's warm, and no, it doesn't smell funny.

Okay, a little funny.
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