What are you going to do to prevent this?


Well-known member
What are you going to do to prevent someone from buying 10 or more licenses on the first day, and then selling them for $130 a week later? Prospective buyers would jump at the opportunity to save $10 (or $20 or $30) over the price of a license, and this person just made $300. :)
What are you going to do to prevent someone from buying 10 or more licenses on the first day, and then selling them for $130 a week later? Prospective buyers would jump at the opportunity to save $10 over the price of a license, and this person just made $300. :)

I don''t think there is anything to be done about this. It is not like it is illegal or anything like that.
What are you going to do to prevent someone from buying 10 or more licenses on the first day, and then selling them for $130 a week later? Prospective buyers would jump at the opportunity to save $10 over the price of a license, and this person just made $300. :)
For one there will be a time limit on when a license can be transferred although it hasn't been stated what the limit is as far as I know.

I know this won't stop people from doing it but $10 isn't much of a saving so I doubt many would go for it anyway, also $1000 is a big outlay for $300 especially as you wouldn't know when you could get that $300.
I don't know about all of you, but I'd rather just buy a license from XenForo for the extra $10 dollars. I want this forum to be as successful as possible, and for how hard Kier and Mike have worked on it, it's definitely worth paying an extra $10. Being able to pay $40 less for a license is a privilege that Kier and Mike are offering us, and there isn't a reason to cheat them out of a little extra money because of it.
The $10 margin was just an example. It could be a $20 savings, or even $30. The point is that someone could buy up a ton of licences on the first day, sell them later, and then make a profit, which is being taken away from XenForo. :)
Good question. I expect there will be some kind of time limit before you can transfer the licenses. Ashley will know more about this and will probably make an appearance with a response.
Good points. I'd suggest making the $100 licenses not able to be sold (unless they pay a $40 fee), this was if they are sold the original person has paid $140. No, not ideal for the people who buy XenForo and it doesn't satisfy their needs, but what else can be done?

Rather that than prevent them being sold at all.
Buying XenForo Beta at the first day is a risk that only people will take that have trust in the XenForo development team, I don't think that we have so many speculator/gamblers here that it will be releveant :)
Probably not much people are thinking of doing this. You still have to sell them later, which can take quite a while, and maybe you're not even getting the $130.

A limit of 10 licenses per customer should be considered however. Otherwise you might still see some evil person buying 500 licenses and then setup a domain like xenforocheaper.com or something the next week. But again; this is very unlikely to happen.
I don't think they should do anything about it. It's not illegal or something.
Unless it's not allowed to sell your license(s), I don't see why it's a bad thing, it's business after all.
Probably not much people are thinking of doing this. You still have to sell them later, which can take quite a while, and maybe you're not even getting the $130.

A limit of 10 licenses per customer should be considered however. Otherwise you might still see some evil person buying 500 licenses and then setup a domain like xenforocheaper.com or something the next week.

Why would Mike, Kier, or Ashley see this as a bad thing? they would net $50,000 in one sale. Even if the buyer did buy with the intention of selling them on, good luck to them, and I'm sure the devs would hope they did this too, why? because they would rake in another $20,000(500*40=$20,000) per year from those licenses alone, not bad really for not having to process any of those sales, or marketing the product yourself and still earn $70,000 from it.
Why would Mike, Kier, or Ashley see this as a bad thing? they would net $50,000 in one sale. Even if the buyer did buy with the intention of selling them on, good luck to them, and I'm sure the devs would hope they did this too, why? because they would rake in another $20,000(500*40=$20,000) per year from those licenses alone, not bad really for not having to process any of those sales, or marketing the product yourself and still earn $70,000 from it.
True... well it's still better to sell them for $140 but I get your point.
For one there will be a time limit on when a license can be transferred although it hasn't been stated what the limit is as far as I know.

I know this won't stop people from doing it but $10 isn't much of a saving so I doubt many would go for it anyway, also $1000 is a big outlay for $300 especially as you wouldn't know when you could get that $300.
You don't know the kind of people on digitalpoint or warriorforum lol
I think before anybody buys in bulk, they should read the pricing scheme as well as the EULA - so they hurt themselves thinking it's a free for all :)
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